• That would lay a potential obligation upon the UK Parliament and Government to respond.

    BBC: Laws, conventions and popular opinions

  • Would that not entitle the UK Parliament and Government to be consulted, Sewel style, about the content of said referendum?

    BBC: Laws, conventions and popular opinions

  • The new constitution aims to offer guarantees to both ethnic groups by setting out the share of posts they will have in parliament and government and crucially also in the army.

    BBC: Ballots were colour-coded, black for No, white for Yes

  • Next year parliament and government will move east from Bonn, where the Francophile Adenauer insisted they must be, to Berlin more or less at the geographical heart of a widened European Union.

    ECONOMIST: The Franco-German axis creaks

  • Mr Morris stopped short of calling for the introduction of any new laws, however, saying that any change in legislation was "a matter for parliament and government following a sober review of the current protections".

    BBC: Horden shooting family in gun control law petition

  • David Ogivie from the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations concurred and said the "disproportionate cut" was "surprising and disappointing" and stressed he could "think of no greater form of preventative spending than tackling homelessness" in reference to the parliament and government's recent focus on preventative spending.

    BBC: Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee 2

  • After the Leader of the House, Andrew Lansley has updated MPs on what they'll be doing in the coming week in his Business Statement, MPs will nod through a Supply and Appropriation (Anticipations and Adjustments) Bill - these give parliamentary authority for funds requested by the government, and are part of the 'supply procedure', by which Parliament meets the government's requests for resources.

    BBC: Week ahead

  • They tabled a confidence motion in parliament which the government lost by a single vote.


  • He usually shines in Parliament and the government was on the run over Europe (see article).

    ECONOMIST: Hague��s history lesson

  • The BDP is boycotting parliament until the government agrees to legal changes that would set them free.

    ECONOMIST: Turkey and the Kurds

  • Switzerland's parliament rejected a government proposal to take part in the Atalanta mission by 102 votes to 81.

    BBC: Swiss vote against piracy force

  • In this parliament, the government has been seriously embarrassed by the inquiry into arms sales to Sierra Leone.

    ECONOMIST: Parliament: Is it dead? | The

  • It is not often in Parliament that a government minister answers a question whilst putting on an Irish accent.

    BBC: Owen Paterson goes cuckoo in the Commons

  • Maithripala Sirisena, the agriculture minister, told Parliament that the government would talk to the Tigers only if they disarmed.

    ECONOMIST: The martial mood intensifies

  • He also insisted the accountability of the Bank of England to the "parliament, the government and the public" was crucial.

    BBC: Treasury Committee

  • Mr Mackay called for the full devolution of the Scottish Parliament and local government elections during the debate on 19 January 2012.

    BBC: Local government elections 2012 debate

  • The return to the 275-member Council of Representatives comes after many meetings among bloc members, parliament members and government officials, Rubaie said.

    CNN: Gunmen in military uniforms kill 29 in Iraqi village

  • Under a bill now going through parliament, the government plans a break with the philosophy that has dominated French farming for 40 years.

    ECONOMIST: Many French farmers still struggle to survive

  • Because they have been pushed piecemeal through Parliament by a government with an overwhelming majority, most have become law with little public controversy.

    ECONOMIST: Britain

  • Every year, 3, 000 children elect their members of parliament, their government and their prime minister, all of whom have real power in their hands.

    UNESCO: Education

  • Mr. Hague left Parliament during the government's budget statement, one of the key events in the parliamentary calendar, after he was notified of the attack.

    WSJ: British Embassy Assault in Iran Dramatizes Internal Feud

  • He also issued a call for the Scottish Parliament and local government elections to be held on separate days, with different ballot papers to stop confusion.


  • But the issue is bound to be raised shortly when Parliament debates the government's proposal to incorporate the European Convention on Human Rights into Britain's domestic law.

    ECONOMIST: A modern mourning for a modern star

  • First Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha told parliament that the government will take whatever measures are needed to guarantee stability in Sudan, state-run media reported Monday.


  • When he accepted the position, Shirdon told the parliament that his government will do more to ensure the security of the country and to fight against terrorism and piracy.

    CNN: Bomb detonates near office of Somali prime minister

  • Under the terms of the 2011 Public Bodies Act, decisions to scrap quangos must be approved by Parliament and the government is obliged to give consideration to the views of select committees.

    BBC: MPs call for 'vital' quango to be reprieved

  • Last year the Jordanian parliament rejected a government bill to abolish an article in the Penal Code which exempts a man from punishment if he kills a female relative after discovering her committing adultery.

    BBC: Jordanian women killed 'for honour'

  • Dr Fox's latest research shows a marked increase in the proportion of people who agree with the propositions that Parliament "holds government to account" and "debates and makes decisions about issues that matter to me".

    BBC: Do we really hate MPs getting rowdy?

  • Kuwait has not witnessed the same scale of pro-democracy uprisings as in other Arab states, but there has been growing tension between former members of parliament and the government, which is dominated by the al-Sabah family.

    BBC: Kuwait opposition leader jailed for emir insult

  • My colleagues in parliament and in government can vouch for the fact that I have been a longstanding champion of reform, swift privatisation and liberalisation of Italy's then very large state sector to the extent that I ran into some opposition from the left of my own party in the past.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

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