• Interviewed in a local paper this week about the rise of anti-Semitic attacks in his city, Reepalu blamed Israel.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Keeping Zionism's promise

  • For that reason alone, the government deserves a cheer for publishing a white paper this week setting out its second stage of reforms.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • The newspaper, The Mirror, is going to distribute several million copies of his latest record inside their paper this week, so he granted them a rare interview.

    FORBES: Prince Is Right. The Internet Is Over.

  • But few borrowers benefited: some creditworthy firms paid 5% on overnight commercial paper this week and European banks paid 11% for overnight dollar funds from the ECB on September 30th.

    ECONOMIST: The Federal Reserve

  • You've been going to publish, or the department's been going to publish a white paper next week, for some time it's been scheduled, and now the word is that you may decide to postpone that.

    BBC: News Online

  • Links between the measles virus, bowel disorders and autism suggested by one team of researchers in a research paper last week fuelled fears about MMR, although the team has no direct evidence of association between the vaccine and illness.

    BBC: Measles outbreak gathers pace

  • Look, there it is, quoted on page 28 of the lottery white paper published this week.

    ECONOMIST: Clottery

  • In this context, a paper in this week's issue of the British Medical Journal may well spark alarm.

    ECONOMIST: Power lines and cancer

  • In a paper published this week in Nature, they recast the mathematics of vaccination with this in mind.

    ECONOMIST: How to protect Ethiopian wolves from rabies

  • In many cases, the answer is yes, according to a paper released last week by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF).

    FORBES: Solar Power More Competitive Than Decision-Makers Or Consumers Realize

  • But a paper in this week's Nature suggests that the technology for indulging in it has not changed much over the years, either.

    ECONOMIST: The Romans, too, had sophisticated cosmetics

  • In a paper in this week's Nature, John Harries and his colleagues describe their analysis of the longwave infra-red radiation leaving the earth.

    ECONOMIST: Climate change: Getting real | The

  • The paper disclosed last week that the elder brother was thrown out of the mosque after a shouting match with the imam during a Friday prayer service.

    WSJ: Judith Miller: How to Stop Terrorists Before They Kill

  • But a paper in this week's Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, by Dr Prusiner and his colleagues at the University of California, San Francisco, holds the possibility of a treatment.

    ECONOMIST: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

  • The technology behind the project, a collaborative effort by researchers at Northwestern University, the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign and Tufts University, is described in a paper published this week in the journal Science.

    FORBES: DARPA's 'Transient Electronics' Will Disappear Anywhere

  • The first step towards realising this hope, of course, is to work out the nature of the molecules in question and that is the purpose of a paper published this week in Nature by the members of the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium.

    ECONOMIST: Molecular medicine: Peekaboo | The

  • In a paper published last week, five economists from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, working with Christopher Heady from the University of Kent in the U.K., examined the impact of tax changes in 21 developed economies over the past 34 years.

    WSJ: Odds Stacked Against Latest EU Pact

  • In a new paper published last week in Physical Review Letters, researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute have published a method that allows for much more stable quantum entanglement, which may help pave the way for better quantum communication and quantum computing.

    FORBES: New Technique Could Pave the Way for Quantum Information Networks

  • But a paper published in this week's Science, by Andreas Schmittner of Oregon State University, suggests it is not.

    ECONOMIST: Climate change: Good news at last? | The

  • Last week the paper started to lay off 90 staff.

    ECONOMIST: The French press is in bad shape

  • This seems to be borne out by a paper in Science last week, which I cannot now verify because it is behind a paywall and I am at home.

    FORBES: Earthquakes Ruin GPS and Satnavs

  • Cutuli often used her holidays to get to know places better for her work, including Rwanda, Israel and Sudan, colleagues recalled in tributes appearing in the paper earlier in the week.

    CNN: Italy mourns murdered journalist

  • In the second paper, published last week, Dr Regier and Dr Kay joined forces with Vicky Drivonikou, of the University of Surrey, in England, to address another way of investigating the question.

    ECONOMIST: Psychology

  • And although Lord Wakeham has a reputation as a fixer rather than a radical, his first consultation paper, published last week, surprised some constitution-watchers by posing more searching questions than expected such as whether there is a case, not broached in the white paper, for giving the upper house extra powers as a constitutional watchdog.

    ECONOMIST: Lords reform

  • For example, DeCode last week published a paper describing a gene related to stroke in the scientific journal Nature Genetics.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The following week, the paper quoted the Swede as saying that three unnamed English Premiership clubs are riddled with corruption, relating to illegal payments in transfer deals.

    BBC: SPORT | Football | Eriksson's England era

  • If you add the mystery of Clapham Common to the legacy of back-to-basics, you begin to think that the government is tempting fate by sticking to its plans to publish a consultative paper on the family next week.

    ECONOMIST: Public lives, private morals

  • The Army inspector general is expected Tuesday morning to deliver a report on the circumstances under which the Army last week sent a paper of "talking points" to Capitol Hill defending the need to keep the Crusader program alive.

    CNN: Rumsfeld, Army chief said on 'collision course'

  • This week's White Paper on competitiveness will not endear him to old enemies.

    ECONOMIST: The white heat of Mandelson

  • This week it launched a paper on the family, accompanied by solemn strictures urging people to be non-judgmental and to tolerate alternative lifestyles.

    ECONOMIST: There is no alternative

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