• Omnicom Group Inc. provides corporate communications services to clients worldwide on a global, pan-regional, national and local basis.

    FORBES: Latest Top CFO Sells: OMC, NEE, EW, STZ, GRPN

  • Should it be done on a pan-European basis or a national basis?

    BBC: Euro crisis: a torrent of words, but no clarity

  • Others argue that there is no need for a pan-European supervisor, since national bodies are better placed to do the job more effectively.

    ECONOMIST: European financial regulation

  • This mixed bag of identities national, ethnic, pan-European, Atlanticist, multilingual leaves room for a resurgent Nordic identity as well.

    ECONOMIST: Identity changes

  • The best way to combine the benefits of competition with greater market clout may be to build fewer but larger pan-European firms, rather than a scatter of national giants.

    ECONOMIST: Less mania, more merging

  • National competition laws are supplemented by pan-European legislation.

    ECONOMIST: Are regional trade agreements a good idea?

  • Thomas Seale, chairman of the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry, says that even though his business is pan-European, it is held back by a jumble of national rules and taxes and by a lack of competition among distributors, most of which are banks.

    ECONOMIST: European banks

  • There is a risk that the old patchwork of national accounting rules will be replaced not by a pan-European regime but by another mishmash.

    ECONOMIST: Accounting standards

  • Some cells promote a Somali national spirit whereas others extol al-Qaeda's pan-Islamic vision.

    ECONOMIST: Somalia and the United States: What's to be done? | The

  • The plan, currently in draft form, would involve the creation of a pan-EU advisory body that would take over many tasks that currently reside with national regulators.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Habibie one day, then the next with fellow Muslim oppositionist Amien Rais of the National Mandate Party (PAN in Indonesian) as well as Muslim-linked United Development Party (PPP) head Hamzah Haz, whose party is expected to ally with Habibie's ruling Golkar.


  • With the Lisbon Treaty, those same national leaders have also ceded far more power than they realised to pan-European political parties, who imposed on them the deal dividing up the two posts, backed by the threat that nominees not to their liking would not be approved by the European Parliament in a vote early next year.

    ECONOMIST: The EU presidency

  • They agreed, however, that any pan-European ban could be construed as an infringement of freedom of speech and might be better left to national governments.

    BBC: NEWS | Europe | EU rejects Communist symbol ban

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