• It also relies on electronic systems rather than hydraulic or mechanical systems to a greater degree than any other airliner.

    NPR: FAA Approves Resumption Of Boeing 787 Flights

  • From a practical perspective, a degree in most fields other than education offers more earning potential while still retaining the option of pursuing a teaching career without any detrimental effects.

    FORBES: Education Majors Earn Less Regardless of Career

  • By your gracious cooperation in the transition process, you have shown a watching world that we are a united people pledged to maintaining a political system which guarantees individual liberty to a greater degree than any other, and I thank you and your people for all your help in maintaining the continuity which is the bulwark of our Republic.

    CNN: Inaugural Address

  • Crucially, while the prime minister's trust ratings have collapsed, Mr Brown retains a greater degree of public confidence than any other major political figure.

    ECONOMIST: Tony Blair and Gordon Brown are friends again. Really

  • Resolution of this issue is important because commercial speech receives a lesser degree of constitutional protection than many other forms of expression, and because governments may entirely prohibit commercial speech that is false or misleading.


  • Mr Fabius will have a difficult balancing act maintaining the momentum for reform, while at the same time preserving the distinctive French approach to economic reform, with a higher degree of state involvement in industry than in most other countries in Europe.

    BBC: France backs reform

  • Without the prospect of war with Iraq, the Rebublicans would have found themselves on the defensive about other issues, such as corporate scandals and the economy, to a much greater degree than they have so far.

    ECONOMIST: Too close to call | The

  • The share of Mexicans who have a bachelor's degree, 7.3%, is lower than that of several other Hispanic groups, according to the census.

    WSJ: Hispanics Extend Reach Beyond Enclaves

  • In the United States, management and directors are liable only if they acted intentionally or with a degree of recklessness that approaches intentionality when either misstating or omitting material information for a disclosure other than in public offerings.

    FORBES: PwC Will Answer For Centro But Judge Slams Directors First

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