• Another study reckons that electronic ordering of drugs can reduce medication errors by 86%.

    ECONOMIST: IT in the health-care industry

  • But this radical re-ordering of the map may not have a dramatic impact on electoral outcomes.

    BBC: Boundary changes could impact Cornwall-Devon border

  • In 1996, the incompatibility was blamed for miscommunications in the design and ordering of miles of electrical cables for the A380 superjumbo.

    WSJ: The Unsung Beauty of Bureaucracy

  • It is not clear that the Americans have, as he claimed, a smoking gun linking the ISI to the ordering of strikes in Afghanistan.

    ECONOMIST: The Pakistani army��s complex relationship with jihadists

  • The symbolism of this move could well turn out to be as significant as the pragmatic economics - as another step in the re-ordering of global relationships and partnership.

    BBC: Africa

  • "Investors are concerned that despite the very strong bookings, that because of the industrywide component tightness, there might be some double-ordering of parts from JDS, " said Mark Sue of RBC Capital Markets.

    FORBES: Earnings Season

  • Here was a man who saw personally to everything, whether a petition from a gunner, or the proper painting of antelopes on his flagship, the Trinity Royal, or the ordering of horseshoe nails.

    ECONOMIST: Henry V, English hero

  • For a publisher that still makes 90% of its revenues from print subscriptions and print advertising, using digital inventory to push the print product may seem like the most logical ordering of priorities.

    FORBES: Depressing: News Sites Are Their Own Biggest Advertisers

  • " Shortly thereafter, he further reversed the demographic ordering of these populations by size in his first broadcast interview (with the Saudi-owned al-Arabiya network), calling America a country of "Muslims, Christians and Jews.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Deciphering Obama in Cairo

  • Then King Juan Carlos came on TV and earned the respect of so many Spaniards (and the world) by his refusal to back the coup and ordering of the soldiers back to their barracks.

    BBC: 1981: Coup in the Cortes

  • In a narrow, careful reading of English statutes, Lord Bingham concluded that General Pinochet enjoys criminal immunity for all actions carried out in his role as head of state even the ordering of others to commit large-scale murder, torture and hostage-taking.

    ECONOMIST: Bringing the general to justice

  • On its best days, communist economic history is that of commissars ordering quotas of production and the useless stuff piling up outside, the shops empty of things that matter.

    FORBES: China's Yuan Signal Is A Cry For Help

  • Mr Mubarak is on trial accused of ordering the killing of demonstrators, charges he denies.

    BBC: Egypt presidential election: Decision on date delayed

  • He was accused by a German court of ordering the murder of Iranian dissidents abroad.

    BBC: Iran election: People and policies

  • Brazilian football star Bruno Fernandes has gone on trial, accused of ordering the killing of a former lover whose body has never been found.

    BBC: Eliza Samudio in August 2009

  • The ousted president and his younger son, Gamal, are also accused of ordering the killings of protesters during the 18-day uprising that started on 25 January.

    BBC: Little sympathy in Cairo for Mubarak family

  • The general, a cousin of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, is suspected of ordering the use of chemical weapons against Kurds in northern Iraq in 1988, killing about 5, 000 people.

    CNN: Coalition pounds Iraqi positions in north, south

  • In a separate trial, Mr. Andreotti was accused of ordering the murder of an Italian journalist in 1979 to stop him from publishing material that risked jeopardizing Mr. Andreotti's career.

    WSJ: Italy's Seven-Time Premier Andreotti Dies at 94

  • President Dmitry Medvedev was put in the awkward position of ordering an investigation of the allegations against his own party, a party he will lead as its president starting next year.

    FORBES: Russians Protest Putin Over Alleged Voter Fraud

  • Mubarak. who ruled Egypt for 30 years, was found guilty last June of ordering the killing of protesters and was immediately transferred to Tora prison in southern Cairo to serve his life sentence.


  • Did any of the witnesses accuse then-president, Alberto Fujimori of ordering the killings of fifteen (15) people allegedly mistaken for Shining Path terrorists in Barrios Altos, in the outskirts of Lima on November 3rd 1991?

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: An ideological crusade against Alberto Fujimori

  • He has accused the president of ordering the murder of a Georgian media magnate, Badri Patarkatsishvili, and has cast doubt on the death in 2005 of the then prime minister, Zurab Zhvania, officially in an accident.

    ECONOMIST: A worm in the bud of the rose revolution?

  • But this is believed to be one of the first times that a court in the country has taken the highly unusual step of ordering the installation of CCTV cameras in a house to prevent such disputes.

    BBC: India: Rajasthan orders CCTV cameras to 'protect widow'

  • The files reportedly spent a significant amount of time at the White House security office, and foes of the Clinton Administration accused both the president and the first lady of ordering the acquisition of the documents for political purposes.

    CNN: Independent Counsel: No 'substantial and credible' evidence of Clinton involvement in 'Filegate'

  • It said drug wholesalers were trimming their inventories because of the bad economic climate, and were hence ordering less of its products.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The charge against him relates to an incident in January, when he was accused of illegally ordering the arrest of a judge accused of corruption.

    BBC: Maldives ex-President Mohamed Nasheed defies court

  • Shanghai authorities moved Friday to destroy thousands of birds, ordering the closure of wholesale poultry markets and instructing vendors in smaller markets to immediately cull their chicken populations.

    WSJ: Concerns Grow About New Avian-Flu Strain

  • Indeed, upon his arrival, Napoleon spun into a veritable tornado of activity, ordering a plethora of public works, like boosting agriculture, road-building, marsh draining and a thorough overhaul of the legal and education systems.

    BBC: Following Napoleon��s trail on Elba

  • Its exhibit will show how Saddam Hussein exploited the symbolism of Babylon by ordering the reconstruction of the King's Palace with bricks stamped with his name, just as Nebuchadnezzar stamped the originals.

    ECONOMIST: Babylon

  • Many are hoping that the impending trial of Maurice Papon, accused of ordering the arrest and deportation of 1, 560 Jews, including many children, when he was police supervisor in the Bordeaux area in 1942-44, will turn into a show trial of the whole of the Vichy administration.

    ECONOMIST: France

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