• The way I see it only until we decrease the monies sent towards healthcare will we see a significant difference in the quality of ones health.

    FORBES: Why Rising Health Care Spending Can Be A Good Thing

  • Studies of British civil servants find that senior ones enjoy better health than their immediate subordinates, who in turn do better than those further down the ladder.

    ECONOMIST: Social inequality

  • Now that insurance premiums, including the higher ones charged for conventional health plans, are about to be 100% deductible, MSAs have less of a tax edge than when they were created in 1996.

    FORBES: Investment Guide: Self-Employment

  • "Some core Democratic groups -- chiefly women and lower-income Americans -- may be coming back, and since those groups are the ones most affected by health care, it's possible that is a delayed reaction to new law, " CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said.


  • All of us value our health and the health of our loved ones.

    WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Holiday Greetings

  • There is nothing more intimate or more personal to any of us than the health of our loved ones.

    CNN: Commentary: Why it's good to have former senators in charge

  • Caregivers, especially unlicensed ones are not trained to spot health problems.

    FORBES: Frightening Facts About Aging Parents in Assisted Living

  • Projects are moving away from hobbyists playing around with LED lights on their t-shirts to more sophisticated and integrated consumer-wearables such ones that help you manage your health.

    FORBES: The Future of Fashion: Download File and Print

  • Despite the tough climate for printed magazines - especially now that online publications are becoming increasingly popular - she wants to expand and produce different ones specialising in areas such as health and education.

    BBC: Putting the Bang! into business in Tanzania

  • And it might just work, if BP can avoid getting dragged into a morass of tangential health claims like the ones that sank just about every company that manufactured or installed asbestos products as a main line of business.

    FORBES: Asbestos Is A Good Lesson For BP -- To Avoid

  • Yet high-income countries allocate 200 times more resources to mental health than low-income ones.

    BBC: Depression looms as global crisis

  • Sprint currently offers 16 ID Packs , including ones focused on travel, gaming and health and fitness.

    FORBES: Sprint Sees Business Interest In 'ID Packs' As App Store Alternative

  • Instead, call the health workers to be the ones to do it.


  • However, American women have not always had access to the health care they need, or the freedom to make the best health choices for their loved ones.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • There's obviously a huge increase in lawsuits, including frivolous ones that take money out of a health care system that could otherwise be used to care for patients.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In this one particular state, the health insurance companies are the ones being positioned to best ensure that the whole system works as it should, and they will be both fair and efficient.

    FORBES: Will Obamacare Make Health Care Cheaper?

  • We have a responsibility to ensure that service members, veterans, and their loved ones have access to the mental and behavioral health services they deserve.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Health care workers should be the ones to receive it first.

    FORBES: Vaccinate Health Care Workers

  • It's one of the most important things you can do to promote your own health and that of your loved ones, and it's: 'My friend's cousin's relative went to Dr. Smith, and he was terrific.

    WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Leslie Michelson: Doctor to the 1% (and Maybe Someday to You)

  • But more staff, including a psychologist, who will treat people affected by post-traumatic stress disorder after seeing loved ones die, and a water and sanitation health expert, will fly out over the next few days.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | Race against time for Haiti medics

  • On Wednesday, when President Barack Obama submits his fiscal year 2014 budget, the Pentagon blueprint is expected to include requests for two rounds of domestic base closings in 2015 and 2017, a pay raise of only 1 percent for military personnel and a revival of last year's plan to increase health care fees and implement new ones, according to several defense analysts.

    NPR: Federal Budget Cuts Ground Air Force Aircraft

  • Spouses and partners become caregivers to the ones they love even as they navigate their own health challenges.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Imagine how difficult it would be to create new health clubs if the government subsidized existing ones and provided grants to cover memberships.

    FORBES: The Growing Potential Of Free Market Education

  • The federal government has tried to promote the switch from paper medical records to electronic ones in hopes of improving efficiency and bringing down health costs.

    FORBES: Government Mandates Make Health Savings More Elusive

  • As a billion people and a variety of gadgets, from PDAs and MP3 players to fridges and stereos and laptop computers, link to the Net, Chambers envisions old businesses unshackled and new ones created, adding millions of new jobs in health care, education, telecom, leisure and government.

    FORBES: What Makes Cisco Run

  • Ryan recommended ending Medicare, the government health-insurance program for retirees, and replacing it with a system of direct payments to seniors, who could then buy private insurance. (The change would not affect current beneficiaries or the next decade of new ones.) He proposed ending Medicaid, the health-care program for the poor, and replacing it with a lump sum for states to use as they saw fit.

    NEWYORKER: Fussbudget

  • The countries most affected by TB are the so-called high-burden ones, or the 22 countries identified by the World Health Organization that combined contribute 80 percent of the global burden of TB.

    CNN: The story

  • At the ministerial meeting in May it is expected to seek the right to opt out of any clauses that it finds unacceptable, such as the ones imposing an advertising ban and a minimum size for health warnings on cigarette packs.

    ECONOMIST: Quitting is tough

  • Many personnel are thought to quit due to hardships faced by their loved ones, with forces families losing out in terms of health care because they were moved to the bottom of the NHS waiting lists every time they were relocated to a new base.

    BBC: Anger at troops 'inadequate' kit

  • Government employees earn 21% more than private ones and are 24% more likely to have access to health care.

    ECONOMIST: Public-sector unions

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