• The company has never turned a profit on an annual basis and continues to lose money each quarter on a GAAP basis, while barely poking its head above water on a non-GAAP basis.

    FORBES: Pandora's Founder Argues Company is Great for Artists, Should Pay Them Less

  • LightSquared intends to sell capacity on its network on a wholesale basis to customers that include electronics retailers and gadget makers.

    FORBES: Qualcomm Making Chips For LightSquared?

  • America must obviously be the judge of its national security, so the administration seems to be outlining for itself the right to attack any country on the basis of its own judgment, and presumably on a calculation that it is more likely to win a conflict and avert catastrophe if it strikes earlier (pre-emptively) not later.

    ECONOMIST: The war on terror

  • Not just to get into the fast growing smartphone industry, but to end its reliance on Microsoft Windows as the basis for its hardware gadgets.

    FORBES: Why HP Is Buying Palm And Why It Will Fail

  • What economic theory tells us is to look at the entire projected path of policy, measure its fiscal gap, and decide on the basis of the size of its fiscal gap whether the policy is sustainable.

    FORBES: Krugman's Four Dangerous Fiscal Fables

  • On a price to tangible book value, BAC stacks up well against its competition on a valuation basis, and trades at a bigger discount to tangible book value than all but Citibank.

    FORBES: Bank Of America: Undervalued Or Overvalued?

  • Foveon may find selling its products on the basis of quality, rather than raw pixel count, a marketing challenge.


  • Lululemon is trying to chart a new path by filing and litigating patents secured on the basis of its designs.

    WSJ: Dueling Yoga Pants: Lululemon Takes Calvin Klein to Court

  • After all, it wasn't too long ago that Vioxx was being pushed on the basis of its (apparently) wonderful side-effect profile.

    FORBES: Health

  • America is dissatisfied with that, because that's pretty much where China would get to on the basis of its existing policies.

    ECONOMIST: The Copenhagen Summit

  • Now, thanks to Mr Connerly, the university is about to start selecting its students on the basis of individual merit, regardless of group membership.

    ECONOMIST: Ward Connerly��s trumpet blast

  • Jackson worked with Ellis on Snakes on a Plane, an airborne action thriller that generated a cult following solely on the basis of its title.

    BBC: David R Ellis, director of Snakes on a Plane, dies

  • Media that discriminates against its professionals on the basis of gender, ethnic origin, disability or otherwise, severely compromises the independence and pluralism of information conveyed to local, national and international communities.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • Anyone who judges the Netanyahu government on the basis of its track record will conclude that this government believes that a strong Hamas in Gaza is the optimal scenario for Israel...

    BBC: Gaza attacks divide media

  • Microsoft's refusal to discuss a deal on these terms prompted Motorola to file lawsuits in the US and Europe seeking to block several Microsoft products from sale on the basis that its rights had been infringed.

    BBC: xbox 360

  • Microsoft's refusal to discuss a deal on these terms prompted Motorola to file lawsuits in the US and Europe last year, seeking to block several Microsoft products from sale on the basis that its rights had been infringed.

    BBC: xbox 360

  • "The Official Commemorative Book of the London Olympics 2012" (Wiley) isn't immune from this (I had hoped for more impressive photography), but it can be recommended to sports fanatics on the basis of its chapter on the Games' statistics.

    WSJ: Speaking Volumes

  • The Department of Enterprise's head of business regulation, Mike Bohill, told the enterprise committee on 25 February 2010 that it was not the department's role to assess how well a company was doing on the basis of its end year results.

    BBC: Enterprise Committee

  • Theobald argues that Avangate beats out such competition on the basis of its superior agility and its ability to make it easy for customers to manage potential channel conflict as they try to sell both through a direct sales force and through hundreds of resellers.

    FORBES: Avangate Is Changing How Software is Sold

  • The purpose of Islam is to set up a State on the basis of its own ideology and programme, regardless of which Nation assumes the role of the standard bearer of Islam or the rule of which nation is undermined in the process of the establishment of an ideological Islamic State.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • While the 2012 Audi A7 may not be as uncompromising sporty as a BMW 550i or carry the deeply chiseled exterior of a Mercedes-Benz CLS, it should appeal to a broad spectrum of luxury car buyers on the basis of its overall pleasing performance, tastefully attractive styling and broad array of cutting-edge amenities.

    FORBES: 2012 Audi A7 Review: Elegant Performer

  • But if Unscom is not allowed to resume its work on a regular basis, we will remain vigilant and prepared to use force if we see that Iraq is rebuilding its weapons programmes.

    BBC: Clinton's statement on end of strikes: Full text

  • Sterling has fallen more than 1% on a trade-weighted basis from its late-September highs on fears that the U.K. economy could contract again in the final three months of 2012 after having only pulled out of recession in the previous quarter.

    WSJ: Sterling Braces for a U.K. Credit Downgrade

  • Razer promised it was aiming to iterate its Blade gaming laptop on a yearly basis, and despite the company's recent focus on tablets, it appears to be keeping its word.


  • Some of IBM's first customers for the new style of selling include Levi Strauss, Mobil Travel Guides...and IBM itself, which is loading up on z990s so it can sell computing power from its data centers on a utility basis to smaller customers.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Sunil Garg, a banking analyst at JPMorgan in Hong Kong, said in a note that HSBC would probably be able to fund the acquisition internally, with the purchase representing 3.5% of its asset base, or an 80-basis-point impact on its Tier 1 capital ratio.

    FORBES: HSBC Seeks A Foothold In Africa

  • Third, there were some long-term hosting deals essentially, Autonomy hosting applications for its customers on a subscription basis that were converted to short-term licensing deals.

    FORBES: Links 21 Nov: HP v. Autonomy. Time To Make The Popcorn

  • She added that the price testing was just one of the many small changes Amazon makes to its site on a regular basis to test customer reactions.

    BBC: Amazon's old customers 'pay more'

  • Annaly has elected to be taxed as a real estate investment trust (REIT) and is therefore required to distribute at least 90% of taxable earnings to its shareholders on an annual basis.

    FORBES: Annaly Capital Management Dividend History

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