• There was no sign of the bull, although there was dung in the air and Donal saw it now blood on the street.

    NEWYORKER: Bullfighting

  • This could be avoided if a tumour's aggressiveness which seems to depend closely on how many blood vessels it contains could be measured.

    ECONOMIST: The ne plus ultra of medicine | The

  • So you can safely assume that if there is any blood on her ministerial colleagues and they are a thick-skinned lot on the whole Ms Mowlam meant it to be there.

    ECONOMIST: Diss and tell

  • His hated security service seems to be pitted against the more respected army, which could yet step in initially with popular support, if it stems the flow of blood on the streets.

    ECONOMIST: Tunisia and the Arab world

  • One idea he and his colleagues are working on is to fight blood clots which cause strokes and heart attacks by filling bubbles with an anticoagulant, and coating them with antibodies that like to attach themselves to fibrin (the protein that gums up the blood when it clots).

    ECONOMIST: The ne plus ultra of medicine

  • Gandhi's foreignness ignore the fact that, like the U.S., India bases citizenship and all the privileges that come with it on right of soil, not blood.

    WSJ: India's Socialist Godmother

  • The red stain on the cover that looks like blood is blood.

    NPR: Part One

  • Ours is a typical piece of colonial closet-cleaning gone badly wrong a war with limited casualties (for the imperial power), remote operations, and men used as pieces on a chessboard rather than as blood cells in a hemorrhage.

    NEWYORKER: Slaughterhouse

  • Excessive secretion of catecholamines the hormones adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) can lead to persistent high blood pressure or wild fluctuations in your blood pressure, depending on whether the catecholamines are released continuously or in shorter bursts.

    CNN: Pheochromocytoma

  • NORFOLK, Va. (AP) The Navy said Wednesday it will conduct random blood-alcohol tests on its sailors in the United States starting next month, a sign of how concerned the service's leaders have become about the effects alcohol abuse is having on the force.

    NPR: Navy: Random Alcohol Tests For Sailors In US

  • Whether reason or intuition is used may depend simply on the decision-maker's blood-sugar level which is, itself, affected by the process of reasoning.

    ECONOMIST: Do not think on an empty stomach

  • It's part of Medgar Evers' legacy paid for in blood and stamped on the lives of Mississippians, from the state capital in Jackson to the cornfields of Newton County where Medgar Evers grew up.

    NPR: The Legacy of Medgar Evers

  • How can she not be bewildered, when Spyros her own flesh and blood will soon be, on his specific instructions, reduced to ash?

    NEWYORKER: Bringing Up Babies

  • Both groups lived about 16 months, and those on Avastin had more side effects mostly low blood counts, blood clots and high blood pressure.

    NPR: Avastin Fails Studies In New Brain Tumor Patients

  • The other girls Dakota, Chippewa, or mixed-blood like me were less obvious on campus, and mainly very studious, although a couple of women swaggered around, furious in ribbon shirts, with American Indian Movement boyfriends.

    NEWYORKER: The Reptile Garden

  • This firm is accused of pulling the plug on a trial when a drug intended to treat a blood disorder was found to be floundering and then trying to muzzle the scientist who spoke out.

    ECONOMIST: Trial and error

  • Despite the rivers of blood that have been shed, the mayors on both sides of the border, as well as in neighbouring Hungary, know each other and want to talk about practical matters like how to manage rivers of the other kind.

    ECONOMIST: The Danube��s bonny, bloody banks

  • Michael Vick, No. 1 on this list in the past, can thank the new blood and the passage of another year from his canine troubles he moves down to No.7.

    FORBES: America's Most Disliked Athletes

  • Some of the devices sell by prescription or on drugstore shelves, while others like the diabetes monitor and blood pressure cuff have entered a new venue for medicine the Apple store.

    NPR: Physical By Smartphone Becoming Real Possibility

  • But it seemed Tuesday he also has a little bit of Texas Longhorns blood in him or at least Longhorns ink on him.

    FORBES: Does Heisman Winner Johnny Manziel Have a Texas Longhorns Tattoo?

  • Now, an incipient media meme not yet common in Sports Illustrated, at least depicts football fans like ancient Romans, turning our thumbs down on our logo-splattered sacrificial gladiators, unable to keep our blood lust from consuming our compassion and good sense.

    FORBES: Sports Illustrated Clotheslines God, Christians and Football

  • On the other side, older adults with untreated depression are less likely to have their diabetes, high blood pressure and other physical conditions under control and consequently wind up costing a lot more to treat.

    MSN: Boomers will be in need of mental health care, report finds

  • Existing models are based on indirect measures of how infectious an animal is a cow with high levels of the virus in its blood, for instance, is assumed to be able to infect other animals.

    ECONOMIST: Foot-and-mouth disease

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