• Having regained ownership of their traditional lands under federal law 20 years ago, other Northern Territory black communities have done well.

    ECONOMIST: The aboriginal patterns that haunt Australia | The

  • It is hard to see many northern, black or other minority voters backing a candidate given to such remarks, especially when the alternative is Mr Obama.

    ECONOMIST: Haley Barbour's ambitions

  • It is also the last redoubt of wildlife in northern Mexico: black bear and puma, jaguarundi and bobcat, perhaps even reclusive jaguars and ocelots, as well as feral cattle and horses.

    ECONOMIST: Private money comes to the rescue

  • Yet almost at the same time that Russia was making these concessions, a number of media reports have emerged that indicate that Russia is sending a sizable a flotilla of ships drawn from the Baltic, Northern, and Black Sea fleets to Syria.

    FORBES: The Russians Are Sending Ships to Syria (Again)

  • Western military analysts have noted Russia's use of destroyers and landing craft from the Black Sea and Northern Fleets to back up its feeble Baltic-based naval forces.

    ECONOMIST: NATO and Russia

  • In more recent years, northern clubs have hired noticeably more black players.

    ECONOMIST: Unfair play | The

  • Later, Hagel was flown in an Israeli Army UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter over northern Israel to view the Golan Heights, an area along the Syrian border that Israel captured during the 1967 Six-Day War.

    NPR: Hagel: US Committed To Israel's Military Edge

  • The KOSB and Black Watch held ceremonies in Northern Ireland, while The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders marked the event in Canterbury, Kent.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Army regiments merger goes ahead

  • Northern clubs may have stayed away from black players (not vice versa) for the same reason that their supporters stayed away from black neighbours.

    ECONOMIST: Unfair play | The

  • Its popularity in the U.S. pretty much starts and stops there, but in France, as well as Britain and Northern Europe, the dried blue-black berries have a rightful place alongside thyme, rosemary and bay.

    WSJ: Jumping Juniper

  • In Fylingdales, among the black-faced sheep of northern Yorkshire, sits a radar station built by the U.S. If expanded, it could well become an outpost much needed to track missiles on their way to North America and to plot their interception.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Safire makes the case for a missile defense for allies and US

  • Northern teams were among those hiring the fewest black players.

    ECONOMIST: Unfair play | The

  • Another time she took us to Nordland, in northern Norway, where the splintered peaks of austere black mountains were reflected sharply in the unmoving waters.

    NEWYORKER: Naima

  • Isn't it also true that after World War I, the British perceived nationalist feelings in the area (Egypt and Sudan), so drew up a project to split the country by annexing the predominantly Black South to Uganda while keeping the northern "condominium" Arab and Muslim?

    BBC: Sudan - should we do more?

  • For the study, researchers interviewed more than 100 people from the four biggest racial minorities in Northern Ireland: Chinese, Travellers, South Asians and Black Africans.

    BBC: Racist graffiti

  • Johannesburg, South Africa's most mixed city, is divided into the expensive (and mainly white) northern suburbs and separate poor districts which are almost entirely black.

    ECONOMIST: Race in South Africa

  • The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee recruited hundreds of Northern, largely white unpaid volunteers to run Freedom Schools, register black voters, and raise civil-rights awareness in the Deep South.

    NEWYORKER: Small Change

  • Urban centers in the South have been trending more Democratic in recent years, buoyed not just by the black vote but younger voters -- including students and Northern transplants who move South for the improved quality of life.


  • Which brings me to the last reason why a Greek exit looks less terrifying than it did, which is that the prospect of keeping Greece on track is looking a lot worse, especially if you're one of the Northern European politicians who always thought the money was heading down a black hole.

    BBC: Greece: Costing the exit

  • If Russia was genuinely interested in providing some kind of naval assistance to its Syrian ally, or in conducting some sort of an evacuation, using ships from the Northern Fleet makes absolutely no sense: Russia has ships in the Black Sea that are much closer and that could be on station in a matter of days.

    FORBES: The Russians Are Sending Ships to Syria (Again)

  • Black carbon is said to be a significant source of rapid warming in the northern United States, Canada, northern Europe and northern Asia.

    BBC: Climate change: Soot's role underestimated, says study

  • The group also said it was fighting to reclaim "the lost dignity of Muslims of black Africa" and the creation of an Islamic caliphate from Niger to Cameroon and northern Nigeria.

    BBC: Profile: Who are Nigeria's Ansaru Islamists?

  • Then his government attacked a United Nations committee that had criticised the way mandatory sentencing laws in the Northern Territory and the state of Western Australia had led to the jailing of mainly unemployed, black youths.

    ECONOMIST: A bridge to the aborigines | The

  • Across quaking peat bogs and through clouds of black, biting flies, we hiked three miles into the backcountry of Newfoundland's austere northern peninsula.

    FORBES: The World According to Yvon

  • The village of Oia on the northern tip of the island offers excellent, unobstructed sunset viewing and the east side of the island has black-sand beaches at popular resorts such as Kamari and Perissa.

    BBC: Lonely Planet's top European seaside escapes

  • The inhabitants of Taltal, for instance, a small fishing and mining town in northern Chile, on Independence Day last month bedecked the town not with the traditional national standard but with black flags, in mourning for lost jobs.

    ECONOMIST: Chile

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