• But the market also seems to have penalised some good firms as well as bad (though since so few new technology companies make money, it is often hard to tell the difference).

    ECONOMIST: Have the markets really punctured the dot.com bubble?

  • However, traditional media companies could protect their turf by joining, not competing, with new technology companies and engaging their audience to share personalized content, like Dunkin Donuts in conjunction with Instagram and SportingNews in conjunction with Burst.

    FORBES: Facebook and Google are Better Positioned than Traditional Media...and How Traditional Media Can Fight Back

  • This has been particularly pronounced in New York, where entrepreneurs, enticed by free-flowing VC money and local successes like Tumblr and OMGPOP, have started 500 new technology companies in five years, creating a 29 percent jump in technology-related jobs.

    FORBES: An Insider's View Of Silicon Alley's Talent Feeding Frenzy

  • Some of the new-technology companies are offshoots of big firms, the usual incubators of new businesses in Japan.

    ECONOMIST: Japanese share offerings

  • Is the effort to treat experiments in genetics just like clinical trials hurting our ability to use the new technology coming from companies like Illumina, Life Technologies, and Complete Genomics?

    FORBES: Your Genome In The Cloud, And Maybe Not Private

  • Another example: Almost everyone today is aware of the phrase of another Austrian-born economist, Joseph Schumpeter: "creative destruction, " which describes the process in a capitalist economy whereby new technology and new companies messily supplant the old.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • The market for new issues heated up in the first few months, with bubble-era leveraged buyout targets like HCA and Kinder Morgan going public alongside the new crop of technology companies including cloud names and the social media vanguard with the likes of LinkedIn.

    FORBES: The IPO Class Of 2012: Facebook And Beyond

  • The organization is called CampInteractive and through their technology and leadership programs, we place high school kids in internships in New York-based technology companies.

    FORBES: The Power of Social Networking: Q&A with Social Media Week Founder Toby Daniels

  • This Administration is committed to active international engagement to address climate change and build new markets for American technology companies.


  • Valve's Joe Ludwig says that the TF2's robust community is ideal for testing out the new technology, and both companies are eager to see how the community reacts.

    ENGADGET: Oculus' Palmer Luckey and Nate Mitchell on the past, present and future of the Rift

  • The bank also participates to support technology innovation in New York City and to attract technology startup companies to the city, he added.

    FORBES: New York's FinTech Innovation Lab Links Startups To Big Banks

  • Those three research complexes together with academic and commercial partners have nurtured an innovation ecosystem in New Mexico like no other in the Nation, populated by technology companies focused on bringing new discoveries to the marketplace.

    WHITEHOUSE: Browse White House visitor logs

  • It is the signature company for a new era, in which technology companies are, quite remarkably, becoming ordinary.

    FORBES: Groupon��an Ordinary Company for a Revolutionary New Era

  • Technology companies said new EU proposals to fight cybercrime and ensure a safe online environment will have a wide-reaching impact across the bloc.

    WSJ: What's News

  • Most civil liberties campaigners do not want the police banned from using new technology and accept that telecoms companies are "not the Gestapo", as Catherine Crump puts it.

    BBC: How much privacy can smartphone owners expect?

  • If MEMS were integrated circuits, this would be 1968: hundreds of small companies chasing new technology, but no dominant player yet no MEMS Intel or Motorola to rise above the pack and give the industry an identity.

    FORBES: MicroMachines: They're Huge

  • Companies will be disintermediated, will see the erosion of their market share as new entrants muscle in, and technology companies will threaten the position of incumbents in more and more industries, threatening profitability.

    FORBES: Six Ways Organizations Can Survive Until 2100

  • It's simple to explain but difficult to execute: Alger tries to identify industries that are undergoing "transformative change, " usually due to new technology, and to buy the companies that can best capitalize on (or are catalyzing) that change.

    FORBES: Investing

  • While Apple has aggressively sought out and incorporated in its products technology from other firms or sources, Japanese companies have traditionally looked in-house for new technology and jealously guarded such development.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Although Asia's big banks may be shunning New York, the continent's technology companies keep coming.

    ECONOMIST: Finding the best place to issue shares is getting harder

  • Genoa acknowledged that some design issues "cut both ways, " and that the first companies to adopt the new technology will incur higher costs.

    CNN: U.S. backs project for small nuclear reactors

  • Now technology, with its myriad new companies, is joining in.

    FORBES: Which Conglomerators Are the Big Winners?

  • The online attack comes on the heels of recent hacks into the computer systems of U.S. media and technology companies, including The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.

    NPR: Twitter Says Hackers Compromise 250K Accounts

  • YouNoodle co-founder Bob Goodson says he ditched the idea of making predictions in 2010, and instead applied his knowledge of large-scale data analysis to launch a new venture that identifies technology trends for large companies and governments.

    WSJ: Learning How Your Start-Up Stacks Up

  • If the competing companies also gets this new technology , it will not only be your company that increase output, but a lot of them, this will probably also lead to even lower prices making the market even bigger.

    FORBES: Renewable Energy and Total Factor Productivity

  • The Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded today to two researchers who discovered a new kind of gene, upending dogma about how biology works and leading to a new technology that has been embraced by drug companies and has led to the formation of two publicly traded biotech firms.

    FORBES: Biotech Breakthrough Wins Nobel Prize

  • As an example of this collaboration, the City of Seattle has proposed implementation of the Great Student Initiative, an effort to form new partnerships with information, communication and technology companies including Microsoft, Comcast, One Economy and lenders to provide low-cost, high-speed Internet access, computer, software and services for low-income students in the Seattle Public Schools.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Because where electronic signatures have been used primarily by larger companies over the past few years, the exposure this technology will receive from Adobe will open up new opportunities amongst small companies like mine.

    FORBES: Thank You Adobe. My Bank Account Will Soon Be Grateful.

  • Burke argues that the price of enterprise-level flash is dropping at a slower pace than consumer flash as companies slowly buy into the new technology.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • This new way of working is particularly relevant for technology companies.

    FORBES: The Nexus of Trust

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