• Further, a majority also expressed the belief that even if this new consciousness did create green jobs, they would occupy a small portion of the economy, including consultants, energy efficiency experts, and green analysts.

    FORBES: Does CSR Require Generic Business Skills Or An MBA In Sustainability?

  • Brands that do so successfully, I predict, will also recognize and respect the new marketing consciousness.

    FORBES: Consumers: Market with Them, Not to Them

  • Mr. Khan is banking on appealing to a rising Pakistani middle class, rapid growth in the youth population and a new public consciousness about the nature of the country's ills thanks to a vigorous, expanding news media rife with political talk shows.

    WSJ: Ex-Cricketer Shakes Up Pakistani Election

  • The sadness came because she occupied a special place in the life and consciousness of New York City.

    WSJ: A Part of the Zeitgeist

  • Status Seekers are buyers who want to impress their friends and neighbors with their adoption of new technology and environmental consciousness.

    FORBES: 2012 CODA Sedan -- Changing Perceptions Of All-Electric

  • It is even possible that the first wave of stem cell backlash resulted in raised consciousness and new money in California and Massachusetts.

    FORBES: Another View On the Stem Cell Decision

  • Mr Venables has returned into public consciousness just as New Labour seems set to lose office, an eerie bookend to its political supremacy.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • More profoundly, they fear that the fence, by its massive presence and permanence, will inexorably dig itself into the national consciousness as the new-old border between Israel and Palestine the border that they have laboured for decades to erase from the public mind.

    ECONOMIST: Israel and the Palestinians

  • Among the settlers and their political hinterland, the fear is that the fence, by its massive presence and permanence, will dig itself into the national consciousness as the new-old border between Israel and Palestine the border that they have laboured for decades to erase from the public mind.

    ECONOMIST: Peace postponed again | The

  • Janier writes and speaks on numerous topics, including high-technology business, the social impact of new technology, the philosophy of consciousness and information and Internet politics.

    FORBES: Lanier: Not Only Are You Not A Gadget, YouTube Won't Make You Rich

  • Because the riots broke out in the late 1960s after the successes of the US anti-Vietnam War movement and the black civil rights movement, the organizations that emerged immediately after Stonewall were cast in a New Left mould, which also meant a militant consciousness.

    BBC: 'Stonewall gave me new gay role models'

  • Using a stereoscopic camera, magnesium flash powder and riveting language, the Danish-born one-time crime reporter seared bleak, iconic images of New York's low-income neighborhoods into the American consciousness.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The trend is driven by real estate prices and is particularly acute in the expensive New York City area, where there is a "real consciousness" about gentrification, Davidson said.

    WSJ: Old guard sees threat in youthful NJ urban influx

  • But the memory of Hurricane Katrina, and the suggestion that the damage it did to New Orleans was callously ignored, is lodged deep in their collective consciousness.

    BBC: Hurricane Sandy - challenge for presidential rivals

  • "I think changing a picture's frame is an ownership thing, a territorial way to put your mark on a painting, " says Eli Wilner, a New York dealer widely credited with raising the American frame market's consciousness (not to mention prices).

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • And they've led and supported valiant rescue workers in New York City and Northern Virginia, whose bravery is seared into our national consciousness.

    CNN: Transcript: Bush praises charity efforts

  • "New spectacular and symbolic actions are needed to wake up the sleepwalkers and shake the anaesthetised consciousness, " he wrote.

    BBC: Man kills himself inside Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris

  • In 1997, just as the original trilogy was fading from the collective consciousness, Lucas brought the three films back to theaters, punched up with new digital effects.

    FORBES: Star Wars' Galactic Dollars

  • Women distributed flyers on consciousness-raising, and displayed copies of texts published by the Redstockings, a New York group that Firestone co-founded.

    NEWYORKER: Death of a Revolutionary

  • As Hollywood's obsession with the opening weekend filters into the general consciousness, cinema-goers may be rushing to the big screen for fear of missing the new release altogether.

    ECONOMIST: Cinema

  • Anyone out of this field, in normal" waking state" consciousness, manipulating nature, "playing the Creator" whether through genetic engineering or developing new technologies, forms of government, health care, agriculture etc. etc. is only a fool and the consequences of his actions have the possibility to have devastating effects for all life on earth with their apparent or hidden destructive capabilities.

    BBC: reith feed

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