• Not only I but all the members of my delegation are looking forward to new breakthroughs in terms of political and economic cooperation.

    BBC: Breakfast with Frost

  • If we want to keep moving forward, we need scientists to keep inventing and innovating, to keep unlocking new solutions and pushing new breakthroughs.

    WHITEHOUSE: What You Need to Know About the Energy Security Trust

  • Yet, barring new breakthroughs, capitalists must view India as it is and contrast its prospects with what is happening in the rest of Asia and the emerging economies.

    FORBES: India Interruptus?

  • International scientific experts, policy makers, business people, media and the general public will have an opportunity to share opinions and debate on new breakthroughs occurring in the continuously evolving world of science.

    UNESCO: Celebrating Science

  • PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, for example, has argued since the most recent stock collapse that only dramatic new breakthroughs in energy and food production technologies will save the economy from an extended period of Malthusian zero-sum behavior.

    FORBES: Creating a "Politics of Abundance" to Match Technology Innovation

  • The American Cancer Society's Lichtenfeld says what looks like a slowing in the number of new breakthroughs could eventually translate into many more lives saved--it just turns out that the daily practice of medicine is not as exciting as the eureka moments.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The Smarter Energy Research Institute represents a new form of collaborative innovation for the energy and utilities industry and is modeled after programs that IBM has successfully implemented with clients in other areas, placing scientists with members from other disciplines and industries, working side-by-side to research and develop new breakthroughs.

    ENGADGET: IBM announces Smarter Energy Research Institute, aims to improve energy grids (video)

  • None of this would be a problem if the drug industry had a wealth of new breakthroughs, but even with new potential big sellers like Pfizer's Lyrica, for neuropathic pain, or Merck's Gardasil, a vaccine for a virus that can lead to cervical cancer, it's not clear that new drugs can make up for the ones that will be lost.

    FORBES: Nagging Doubts For Big Pharma

  • Success is often measured in terms of revenue, profit, new product breakthroughs, cost containment, market share, and many other familiar metrics.

    FORBES: Margaret Thatcher Showed What True Leadership Is

  • According to UN statistics, life expectancy in the U.S. today is about 78 and should continue rising with new medical breakthroughs as we baby boomers age.

    FORBES: Buy Gold And Float Shrink

  • It will end up hurting the elderly and the rest of us by strangling the inventiveness and spirit of innovation that is leading to a fabulous array of new drug breakthroughs from our pharmaceutical companies.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • It was leading the rest of the world into the future with the demonstrative power of democracy and free markets, new technological breakthroughs in automation, computers, communications, energy, medicine, space travel, to name a few.

    FORBES: China Is Winning The Economic War

  • That girl should have been allowed to pass with respect and dignity, instead due to all the new medical breakthroughs that can prolong life she will be put on display for as long as it is financially advantageous to do so.

    FORBES: Why Rising Health Care Spending Can Be A Good Thing

  • But we also know that in this country, that system, our free enterprise system, works when everybody has got a shot, when everybody is participating, when everybody has got a chance to get a good education and learn new skills, when we support research into medical breakthroughs and new technologies that will create new businesses.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • In the absence of new discoveries or breakthroughs in alternative energy, the continent will need to import more and more oil to meet the demand, an expensive and politically treacherous path.


  • Government and private enterprise alike will have to confront this new dilemma before the long-heralded "war on cancer"--a phrase first proffered by President Nixon in 1971--can embark on a new phase of breakthroughs.

    FORBES: Conquering Cancer

  • Just as President Kennedy sparked an explosion of innovation when he set America's sights on the moon, I hope this investment will ignite our imagination once more, spurring new discoveries and breakthroughs that will make our economy stronger, our nation more secure and our planet safer for our children.

    CNN: Obama's remarks on signing the stimulus plan

  • Ever wish, upon hearing that yet another of our soldiers or Marines has been killed or wounded while operating in dangerous areas of Iraq or Afghanistan, that you were seeing more truly new innovations and breakthroughs in tactics to meet the threats our warfighters are facing - to reduce the chances it will happen again?

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Value of Jake as a ready innovation base

  • But government does have the ability to spark innovation, to support the research, the scientific discovery, that has always led to breakthroughs and new products.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the Green Fleet Initiative

  • We believe that when we support research into medical breakthroughs or new technology, then entire new industries will start here and stay here and hire here.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event -- Green Bay, WI

  • We know that our economy grows when we support research into medical breakthroughs and new technologies that lead to the next Internet app or life-saving drug.


  • Predicting new-energy technological breakthroughs tends to be a fool's errand.

    WSJ: The Experts: What Will Be the Next Technological Breakthrough in Energy?

  • "New discoveries and medical breakthroughs are growing our collective knowledge of medicine at an unprecedented pace, and tomorrow's doctors will have to embrace new tools and technology to complement their own knowledge and experience in the field, " said James Stoller, M.

    ENGADGET: Cleveland Clinic and IBM team up to make Watson a Doctor (video)

  • The past week was also packed with scientific breakthroughs and amazing new technologies.

    ENGADGET: Inhabitat's Week in Green: Biobot, Nintendo Power Glove and an inflatable bathroom bubble

  • We have also made the largest investment in basic research funding in American history an investment that will spur not only new discoveries in energy but breakthroughs in medicine, science and technology.

    NPR: Obama's Address To Congress

  • Recent energy production breakthroughs have opened vast new vistas of booming, low cost energy prosperity for America.

    FORBES: As The Economy Recesses, Obama's Global Warming Delusions Are Truly Cruel

  • Companies large and small are trying to coax staff into taking more chances in hopes that they'll generate ideas and breakthroughs that lead to new business.

    WSJ: Memo to Staff: Take More Risks

  • We've also made the largest investment in basic research funding in American history, an investment that will spur not only new discoveries in energy, but breakthroughs in medicine, in science and technology.

    CNN: Obama speech to Congress focuses on economy

  • Will the new leaders announce political and economic policy breakthroughs at the Party Congress, including another big stimulus package?

    FORBES: Barclays Outlines Thoughts On New China Gov't

  • With the government and politics ultimately deciding who gets paid how much for what health care, incentives for investment to develop new medical technology, innovation, and breakthroughs are badly hamstrung.

    FORBES: The Two Alternatives For Health Care Policy

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