• Gopal Dabade of All India Drug Action Network, an India-based non-profit group that works for access to essential medicines, said the ruling will allow Indian generic manufacturers to continue to supply Indians and consumers in other developing countries with cheap medicines.

    WSJ: Novartis Loses Glivec Patent Battle in India

  • In an interview with CNN's sister network in India, CNN-IBN, Khan said immigration officials at the airport detained him for questioning after they said his name was flagged.

    CNN: Bollywood actor detained at Newark airport

  • Unilever has long had a strong distribution network in India, but it has expanded its efforts with a division called Shakti, which provides Indian women's self-help groups with business education and the chance to earn a living selling cheap sachets of Unilever products.

    ECONOMIST: Responding to the Asian challenge

  • Khan nuclear network in Pakistan, India's enemy.

    FORBES: Heads Up

  • Namma Diwani Local ICT Network (Budikote, KolarDistrict, Karnataka India) combines a radio studio, an audio cable network that delivers radio to local households, and a telecentre with computers, internet connectivity and other multimedia tools.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • Huawei supplies network equipment to many of India's biggest telcos: Bharti Airtel, Vodafone Essar and Reliance Communications.

    FORBES: Huawei Doubles Down In Bangalore

  • Pol says he found and tested 2, 000 men through a network of labor brokers in India, many of whom advertise American jobs in newspapers.

    FORBES: Labor Unrest

  • The NIF documents ideas, innovations and traditional knowledge practices from all over India in a central network and converts them into value-added technologies.

    BBC: Indian Farmer builds frugal technology

  • This is just one of the 13, 000 inventions discovered by Indian business professor Anil Gupta and his Honeybee Network, which has been scouring India since 1988, looking for ideas that are changing the lives of the rural poor.

    FORBES: More Names You Need To Know in 2011: Crowd-Sourcing Forbes Magazine

  • The latest smartphone will be available exclusively across India through Spice HotSpot retail network and www.saholic.com.

    ENGADGET: 5.3-inch Spice Stellar Pinnacle Mi-530 hits India with a piquant 5MP front-facing camera

  • Chinatrust is rapidly developing a global branch network including offices in South America, India, Europe and around East Asia.


  • Bharti's unit, Network i2i Ltd, owns the submarine communications cable network by the same name that connects India to Singapore.

    WSJ: Bharti, Reliance Jio Sign Data Pact

  • In an interview in India with an American television network, Clinton also put on record that he believed elements in the Islamabad government had assisted in fomenting violence in Kashmir - a remark curtly dismissed by Musharraf the next day.

    CNN: The India Tilt

  • India has virtually no charging network.

    FORBES: Electric Motorbikes In India: Six Questions For The CEO of Hero Electric

  • Answer: If you are the India operation of the STAR TV network, you ask questions like the first three on a show such as Kaun Banega Crorepati.

    CNN: The Hottest TV Show

  • Even if any of the major retailers coming to India want to have a vendor network a quarter of the size of Wal-Mart in China, that alone will involve significant automation.

    FORBES: India Opens Its Retail Sector, Why The IT Guys Should Rejoice

  • So much so that absolutely no one thinks that sub-Saharan Africa, or all of India, will ever have a landline network.

    FORBES: Why Is Microsoft Doing So Badly In China and Apple So Well? Or The Death Of The PC

  • You say that the supermarket chains, Tesco, Walmart and Carrefour, should invest in India in order to set up a network where food stays fresh and less is wasted.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • The widespread outages the second of which affected states with a combined population of 680 million and wreaked havoc on businesses and travelers sparked public outrage and a national debate over what India must do to overhaul its electricity network.

    WSJ: India Blackouts Show Failure to Lure Investors

  • India has developed an elaborate but highly secretive network of sensors along the Pakistani border.

    NPR: U.S. Balances Relationships with Pakistan, India

  • In the meantime, Wal-Mart has announced that it will open its first consumer store in the next 12-18 months and the Future Group, a local retailer in India has declared plans to create a franchise network that will allow hundreds of the small kirana shop owners compete with the big guys.

    FORBES: India Opens Its Retail Sector, Why The IT Guys Should Rejoice

  • Additionally, Ford India has also been expanding its sales and service network across the country.

    FORBES: Ford Figo Sales Catch Fire In India

  • India is a large country with an appalling transport network.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • Even India's once-dull and still state-run network Doordarshan last year took its International Channel to some 40 countries.


  • There are around four million mobile subscribers in India, with between one to two million on the Orange network, which is known as Hutch outside of Mumbai.

    BBC: news via text reaches India

  • He claims that his customers come in at the rate of one a week from all over the world, and he finds them new "engines" in a network of 15 or so transplant hospitals he has cultivated in China, India, the Philippines, South Africa, Singapore, Pakistan and South America.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • As in other developing countries, wireless in India is growing especially rapidly because it is leapfrogging a hapless wired network that is a vestige of socialist economic policies and reaches only 4% of Indians.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Some American officials want to pronounce as terrorist groups the Haqqani network, a fearsome Afghan insurgent outfit, and Jamaat-ud-Dawa, an India-focused Islamic extremist organisation.

    ECONOMIST: Pakistan and America

  • It buys network capacity in bulk from carriers so users can send text messages for free (in India subscribers don't have to pay for receiving texts).

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Given that only 10 nations were included, the study's results shouldn't cast aspersions on India, China and Brazil specifically, warns Cisco's vice president of network security Marie Hattar.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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