• It can be provided upon request and in national languages, if necessary, for noncommercial purposes.


  • Part of the LEAP programme, it features police-related issues in the national languages of Dari and Pashto.


  • The programme is also building a literate environment for the national languages.

    UNESCO: Support for the Quality and Equity of Education

  • The two ministries are the Ministry of Basic Education, Literacy and the Promotion of National Languages and the Ministry of Secondary and Higher Education and Scientific Research.


  • The rise of English as a lingua franca will not necessarily do much to diminish arguments over national languages within or between countries, in places like the Balkans or the Baltic states.

    ECONOMIST: It turns out to be English

  • Six times a week, thousands of local boys and girls sometimes together, more often separately gather in scores of village mosques across the district at the break of dawn, sitting through 90 minutes of math and Afghanistan's national languages of Pashtu and Dari.

    WSJ: Emboldened Taliban Try to Sell Softer Image

  • Europe's patent system is also in a mess in another regard: the quilt of national patent offices and languages means that the cost of obtaining a patent for the entire European Union is too high, a burden in particular on smaller firms and individual inventors.

    ECONOMIST: Intellectual property

  • For now, websites can purchase addresses in local languages only from national governments.

    ECONOMIST: Internet governance

  • The pace of development is so fast, however, that national pride cannot put Asian languages in cyberspace as quickly as U.S.-based software companies can upgrade their offerings.


  • The bill becomes the third piece of primary legislature that the assembly has passed, following the Local Government Byelaws (Wales) Bill and the National Assembly for Wales (Official Languages) Act 2012.

    BBC: Debate on the school standards bill

  • The travelling exhibition has been circulated in over 100 countries, translated into over 10 languages and used in several national awareness-raising campaigns including in the Sao Paulo subway in Brazil.

    UNESCO: Indigenous Peoples

  • Malay remains the national language (there are four official languages), but it is not spoken by most Chinese and is largely seen as a relic of Singapore's past union with Malaysia.

    ECONOMIST: Malaysia and Singapore: Aiming to avoid Indonesia’s way | The

  • But while upholding Arabic as the official language, the declaration stated that Libya's other languages "shall be deemed national ones" -- falling short of the level of recognition sought by Berber activists.

    CNN: A rebirth of Berber culture in post-Gadhafi Libya

  • Ong cites Lear, his avant-garde interpretation of Shakespeare's tragedy flavored with elements of Indonesian martial arts, Noh drama and Beijing opera -- and performed in different languages by a multi-national cast, half Singaporean, a good part Japanese, with a sprinkling of other Asians.


  • With an acute shortage of people who can teach in minority languages, illiteracy is much higher than the national average.

    CNN: On-line in Yunnan

  • The NZ National Commission for UNESCO is hosting a forum on Pacific Languages in New Zealand 2: the future of Pacific languages.

    UNESCO: NZ Diversity Forum 2009

  • Still, to the extent that India, with its many languages and cultures, persists as a cohesive national entity, the language of Macaulay plays a large role.

    NEWYORKER: Globish For Beginners

  • "With colonisation came the deliberate subversion of these languages, " said Dr Bill Fogarty from the National Centre for Indigenous Studies at the Australian National University.

    BBC: Lost indigenous language revived in Australia

  • "I think we should wipe the board clean and create a national theatre with bases across the country with people feeding into it in both languages, " said Ms Morgan, who starred in the classic '70s rugby drama Grand Slam and the Magnificent Evans with Ronnie Barker.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | New Welsh theatre vision unveiled

  • Perhaps this is inevitable given the variety of languages and cultures in Asia and given the cost of spreading culture across national borders.

    CNN: Cultural Shock

  • More than half of the graduate students who study less-commonly taught languages (such as Hindi, Indonesian and Farsi) and 78% of those who study the least-common languages such as Pashto and Urdu do so at Title VI-funded National Resource Centers.

    FORBES: Why We Need Fulbrights

  • The Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies (CAWCS) will work in collaboration with Oxford University, King's College London, Bangor University and the National Library of Wales on the "archaeological background of the emergence of the Celtic languages in western Europe".

    BBC: Celtic heritage: Project wins funding to explore origins

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