• The four above-named groups that now comprise 60% of eligible American voters, comprised only 54% of it in 2004 and just 39% in 1980.

    FORBES: What The Republicans Must Do To Rebuild, And Attract Future Voters

  • For the first time, two Iraqi insurgent groups named a spokesman to voice their demands, implying that they might be open to negotiation with the government.

    ECONOMIST: London under attack

  • There is irony in the fact that one of America's leading conservation groups is named after him.

    ECONOMIST: John James Audubon

  • One more example of how congressional Republicans have lost their political moorings--look at their spending record and their inability, so far, to extend or make permanent the prosperity-producing tax cuts of 2003--was the recent vote by the House of Representatives to severely restrict so-called 527 groups (so named for the section of the tax code under which they are incorporated).

    FORBES: What Next? Ban Elections?

  • Worse yet, CAIR, ISNA and NAIT were named, among other American-Muslim groups, as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation's conspiracy to finance a designated terrorist organization: Hamas.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Indeed, legislation designed to force disclosure on those groups, known as 527 committees, named for a section of the federal tax code, recently was approved by the House and Senate.

    CNN: latimes.com: Talking baseball and politics with George W. Bush

  • Under the bipartisan act, interest groups were banned from airing adverts that named a candidate for office in the 60 days before a general election and 30 days before a primary election.

    BBC: NEWS | Americas | Court eases TV ad election curbs

  • Decades before the 1929 stock market crash and Great Depression, a Baptist minister named Russell Conwell began to deliver a lecture to groups of impoverished and dejected individuals around Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and ultimately, the entire country.

    FORBES: Acres Of Diamonds Occupy Wall Street

  • According to InSight Crime, a Colombia- and U.S.-based research and investigation outfit that monitors criminal groups, the Oficina de Envigado, named after a small city in the Medellin metropolitan area, are the inheritors of Escobar's drug trafficking empire.

    CNN: Colombia captures leader of violent drug cartel

  • When the New Hampshire Republican was named to the Commerce post last week, several minority groups, including the Congressional Black Caucus, denounced Obama's selection.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Merck says that, as of October 31st, the company had been named as a defendant in 375 Vioxx lawsuits, involving about 100 groups of plaintiffs.

    ECONOMIST: Big trouble for Merck

  • The Journal's Kim Strassel reported an Idaho businessman named Frank VanderSloot, who'd donated more than a million dollars to groups supporting Mitt Romney.

    WSJ: This Is No Ordinary Scandal

  • Graph Search (which I suspect was named by the engineers and nobody thought to change it) allows clear language search terms to be made to find groups of people.

    FORBES: Graph Search Can Do To Google What Google Did To Alta Vista

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