• Ms Bokova also laid wreaths at Shaheed Minar, a national monument commemorating those killed during the Language Movement demonstrations of 1952, and at the National Memorial honouring the martyrs of the Liberation War of 1971.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • In a single weekend in October 2011, protesters inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement held demonstrations in over 900 cities around the world, in an attempt to draw attention to corporate greed and massive cuts in government spending.

    FORBES: Private Equity, Hedge Funds Must be Understood to be Regulated Effectively

  • But Wisconsin has been the focal point of the movement, with noisy demonstrations around its Capitol, legislators fleeing the state in order to cause votes to be canceled and now voters will decide if Republican Walker overreached in stripping unions of a key tool.

    CNN: Wisconsin recall will have wider impact

  • The government has been unnerved of late by a broad-based social-justice movement, which organised large demonstrations during the summer.

    ECONOMIST: Israel and Palestine

  • With language that recalls the civil rights movement, he will back peaceful demonstrations for democracy and contrast them with violent actions for autocracy.

    BBC: Arab Spring headaches for Barack Obama

  • Those freed include veterans of the 1988 student protest movement, monks involved in the 2007 demonstrations and ethnic-minority activists.

    BBC: EU suspends visa bans on leading Burmese politicians

  • Al-Assad on Tuesday accepted the terms of the peace plan brokered by Annan that included an end to all violence by the government and opposition, the delivery of timely humanitarian aid, the release of arbitrarily detained people, freedom of movement for journalists, respect for peaceful demonstrations and freedom of association.


  • They were arrested for their roles in anti-government demonstrations in 2011 as the Arab Spring movement swept across the region.

    CNN: U.N. decries Bahrain's high appeals court decision

  • By May, the demonstrations had turned into a countrywide protest movement calling for fair elections, a civilian government, and the return of real democracy.

    NEWYORKER: Days of Rage

  • The movement will likely change strategies, possibly shifting from demonstrations to general strikes and other organized efforts, said Abbas Milani, the director of Iranian Studies at Stanford University.

    CNN: Opposition movement in Iran not over, experts say

  • Today's so-called Green Movement has been protesting for social justice, freedom and democracy in demonstrations throughout the country since the June polls -- using slogans that are often identical to those heard during the 1979 Islamic revolution.

    CNN: Why Iran unrest is not revolution re-run

  • "Today was important to see who is with us still after the president's speech, and I think we have our answer, " said Basem Kamel, an organizer in opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei's youth movement, which has been a driving force in organizing and sustaining the demonstrations.

    WSJ: Regime Seeks an Exit for Mubarak

  • He became the figurehead of a protest movement in Seattle last November, when he participated alongside thousands of Americans in demonstrations outside a World Trade Organisation (WTO) meeting.

    BBC: France's farm crusader jailed

  • At the University of Chile, Mr Fielbaum acknowledges that the movement has learned from its mistakes during the past two years and is getting better at marshalling its demonstrations.

    BBC: Unmasking Chile's hooded protest movement

  • As elite Muslim and Arab-American groups rush to join international demonstrations this coming weekend against US policy toward Iraq, a prominent leftist writer warns that the movement has bankrupted itself for standing on the side of tyrants like Saddam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic.


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