• Tourism is coming to the previously isolated mountainous regions of Central and South Asia.

    UNESCO: Culture

  • Eide said 3, 000 donkeys were "mobilized" to carry ballots to remote mountainous regions.

    CNN: Violence, graft overshadow Afghan elections

  • He added that some rebel groups had fled Grozny for the southern mountainous regions, where Russian troops have yet to venture.

    BBC: News Online

  • The GD300 uses a quadra-helix antenna for real-time global positioning that defies interference even when the user is positioned in mountainous regions or urban environments.

    ENGADGET: General Dynamics' GD300 is the Pip-Boy that runs Android

  • Of these freshwater resources, about 24 million km3 or 70% is in the form of ice and permanent snow cover in mountainous regions, the Antarctic and Arctic regions.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Split into two sections, "Philippines: An Archipelago of Exchange" explores both the archipelago's diverse Austronesian roots in its mountainous regions and its rich maritime history as a Pacific trading hub.

    WSJ: Review: Island Treasure | 'Philippines: An Archipelago of Exchange' at the Mus��e du Quai Branly in Paris

  • "If you set it for the latter and allow it to route you onto unpaved roads, you're courting disaster, especially in isolated parts of the western U.S. or in mountainous regions, " he said.

    CNN: Why your trusty GPS sometimes fails you

  • The spectacular mountainous regions of Central Asia, the Hindu Kush and the Himalayas, closed for many years to visitors from abroad, now attract growing numbers of foreign tourists attracted by the unique cultures and natural beauty of these hitherto isolated areas.

    UNESCO: Culture

  • In a partnership with the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) based in Berne (Switzerland), the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP), and the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), UNESCO is selecting biosphere reserve sites from each of the major mountainous regions of the world as the focus for this new global climate change monitoring programme.

    UNESCO: 83e

  • Care about civilian casualties is important, but the Predators are the best weapon we have in the mountainous border regions.

    WSJ: A Victory in Pakistan

  • Most of the strikes have been concentrated in South and, especially, North Waziristan, mountainous tribal regions on the Afghan border that shelter militant groups friendly with Pakistan but who are attacking U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan.

    MSN: US drones kill 45 in Pakistan, officials say - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan | NBC News

  • First, its mountainous nature means that various regions have had to be largely independent in electricity generation, so while there are regional power importers and exporters, no region is wholly dependent upon any other.

    FORBES: Japanese Oil Demand Likely To Jump

  • We covered all the Kiwi growing regions, with Grieco especially high on the Central Otago environment in the mountainous South (also a revered Pinot Noir zone).

    FORBES: Riesling Wine Fan Gets a Taste for Kiwi

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