• The average of Trefis member forecasts for Motorola Mobile Phone Market Share indicate a decrease from 3.2% in 2010 to 2.3% by 2016, compared to the baseline Trefis estimate of a decrease from 2.8% in 2010 to 1.7% by the end of the Trefis forecast period.

    FORBES: Motorola Struggles To Regain RAZR Sharpness, Stock Sure Looks Fully Valued

  • Motorola's mobile-phone business has been struggling since its RAZR handsets fell out of fashion in the late 2000s.

    ECONOMIST: Motorola

  • This was a time when Motorola owned the nascent mobile phone business, pagers were mostly one-way, and the only uses I could find for wireless data beyond simple messaging were telemetry (look it up) and logistics management for trucking companies.

    FORBES: Mobile's Data Adolescence Means Marketing Strategy Is Imperative

  • Motorola, an American mobile-phone company, one of the biggest foreign investors in China, has restricted travel to affected areas, while Japan's Honda is evacuating families of its Japanese employees deemed to be at risk.

    ECONOMIST: SARS: A plague on all our businesses | The

  • Motorola, which once dominated the mobile phone market, has fallen behind its competitors, including Apple and Samsung.

    BBC: Motorola phone

  • Apple primarily competes with Research in Motion, Motorola, and Nokia in the mobile phone market.

    FORBES: iPhone Eats Market Share, Pushes Apple Stock Above $470

  • Prior to Zander stepping in, Nokia was on top of the mobile phone market and Motorola was viewed as rudderless as it lost share.

    FORBES: Time Will Tell If Yahoo!'s New CEO Will Turn It or Burn It

  • Hence new product launches and the differentiating factor plays an important role if Motorola wants to stay afloat in the mobile phone market.

    FORBES: Motorola Jumps On CEO Jha's Windows 7 Interest

  • Qualcomm sells mobile chipsets and provides its CDMA mobile phone technology to companies like Motorola, Samsung and LG.

    FORBES: Qualcomm Sails To $60 On Mobile Phone Growth Momentum

  • It is now the world's biggest maker of memory chips, the third largest mobile phone maker after Nokia and Motorola, and it stole a march on Nokia with its "clamshell" phone designs two years ago.

    BBC: Analysis

  • Of the old mobile phone guard Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, LG and Sony (formerly Sony Ericsson) only Samsung has successfully transitioned to the smartphone market despite all the talk of Android and Windows Mobile.

    FORBES: After Earnings, What Can Apple Do Next?

  • This week, Motorola said that, starting next year, its mobile-phone handsets will carry iTunes.

    ECONOMIST: Invited or not, almost everybody wants to play with the iPod

  • The reputation of Turkey's family businesses has been tainted recently by the way in which the Uzan family (a father and two sons) is alleged to have milked Motorola and Nokia, fellow investors in Telsim, a mobile-phone company that the Uzans control, of hundreds of millions of dollars.

    ECONOMIST: Face value

  • This ruling is the latest in a fight between the companies over the Xbox video game console and are related to the larger patent war between Apple, Microsoft and the mobile phone makers who use Google, which includes its subsidiary Motorola Mobility.

    FORBES: Trade Commission Judge Rules Microsoft Did Not Violate Google Patent

  • The sale leaves Motorola with a healthy stockpile of cash that it can invest in its core mobile phone business, where it faces fierce competition from Apple, Nokia and others.

    FORBES: Motorola Needs Nokia's Cash To Remain Relevant In Phones, Could Gain 20%

  • However, it could certainly be the right step in bringing innovation for Motorola Mobility, which is necessary in order to gain market share in this stiff mobile phone market.

    FORBES: Is Atrix 4G Salvation For Motorola Mobility?

  • Next year Adobe is eliminating its fee to phone manufacturers like Nokia, Samsung and Motorola, which will put a mobile version of Flash on a billion phones by 2009.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • For more than a year, Apple and Motorola's plans to release an iTunes-enabled phone have tantalized the music and mobile phone businesses.


  • In the past, Motorola has faced stiff competition from Apple, Research in Motion and Nokia in the mobile phone market, causing its market share to decline from 22% in 2006 to around 4.5% in 2009.

    FORBES: Motorola's Children Look Way Too Fat

  • Although mobile phones account for 40% of the company's revenues, Motorola also makes everything from automotive electronics and home-theatre equipment to emergency radios and mobile-phone base-stations.

    ECONOMIST: Face value

  • Although the mix of smartphones within the mobile phone market is growing, the smartphone landscape is extremely competitive with players like Apple, Motorola, Nokia and Google vying for leadership.

    FORBES: Smartphone Migration Keeps BlackBerry Sales Buoyant, Will Drive RIMM To $72

  • Rohan thinks the pending Motorola Mobility acquisition could distract senior management, while failing to protect Android and leading Google into the intensely competitive mobile phone hardware business, and keeping Google from returning capital to holders.

    FORBES: Connect

  • It might just be a matter of time until advances in miniaturization make wearable cellphones a lot more feasible, but in the interim Motorola is working on splitting up the phone up a handful of different devices (possibly using IXI's Personal Mobile Gateway technology, though the article doesn't specifically say).

    ENGADGET: Motorola's Bluetooth SmartButton

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