• This marks the end of Videotape Number 2 in the deposition of Monica S. Lewinsky.

    CNN: Transcripts from video deposition of Lewinsky, Jordan, and Blumenthal

  • They hated the airing of the videotape of Mr Clinton's testimony to the grand jury, the publication of Linda Tripp's and Monica Lewinsky's bizarrely rambling conversations, the lopsided vote in favour of the impeachment inquiry.

    ECONOMIST: Oh lucky man

  • The House Managers' inference that the President encouraged Monica Lewinsky to lie was contradicted by Monica Lewinsky's direct testimony that the President never 'encouraged' her to lie.

    CNN: Sen. Levin's closed-door impeachment statement

  • In fact, that was one of the main purposes of Mr. Jordan's continued communication with Monica Lewinsky's attorney Frank Carter.


  • Martin gained prominence when he represented Marcia Lewis, Monica Lewinsky's mother, during a federal grand jury investigation into Lewinsky's relationship with President Clinton.

    CNN: Condit pledges support in missing intern case

  • Third, when he testified about what happened during the Jones deposition when the president's lawyer, Robert Bennett, made certain representations about Monica Lewinsky's affidavit.


  • His testimony about Monica Lewinsky's false affidavit -- this grows out of the president's conversation with Ms. Lewinsky allegedly on December 17th in which he is said to have corruptly encouraged Ms. Lewinsky to execute a sworn affidavit that he knew to be perjurious, false and misleading.


  • A. I just know that Peter Strauss, my old friend, is Monica Lewinsky's stepfather.

    CNN: Transcripts from video deposition of Lewinsky, Jordan, and Blumenthal

  • Monica Lewinsky's version is corroborated by the cell phone record and the pattern of conduct on the part of Betty Currie.


  • And thus ended the over-eight-month journey that had begun on December 5, 1997, when Monica Lewinsky's name appeared on the witness list.

    CNN: Transcript: Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing

  • When Monica Lewinsky's testimony was released by the committee, it was Mr. Starr himself who wrote the committee on September 25th, 1998.

    CNN: Transcript: Schippers, Lowell briefings before Judiciary panel, part 2

  • Just how important was Monica Lewinsky's false affidavit to the president's deposition?


  • And so, look at the same Exhibit 2, the last item on that chart, where it refers to Monica Lewinsky's grand jury testimony.


  • Monica Lewinsky's time estimate as to when Betty Currie arrived to pick up the gifts was based upon her memory, without the benefit of records.


  • Big question: Should the president return Monica Lewinsky's call?


  • The undisputed grand jury testimony was that the bear carving was brought back by the President from Vancouver, a trip which occurred weeks before Monica Lewinsky's name appeared on any witness list.

    CNN: Sen. Levin's closed-door impeachment statement

  • If the president can simply destroy Monica Lewinsky's credibility in public and before the grand jury, then he will escape the consequences for his false statements under oath and the obstruction in the civil rights case.


  • The source confirmed to CNN it is "certainly a possibility" an interim report to Congress will be released by Starr before litigation over issues like Secret Service testimony, executive privilege and Monica Lewinsky's testimony have been resolved in the courts.

    CNN: Investigating the President

  • The House Managers' inference that 'it was President Clinton who initiated the retrieval of the gifts and the concealment of the evidence on December 28, 1997, ' was contradicted by Monica Lewinsky's direct testimony that she initiated the concealment of gifts.

    CNN: Sen. Levin's closed-door impeachment statement

  • The president returns Monica Lewinsky's call.


  • Fifteen, there is substantial and credible evidence that the president may have given false testimony under oath before the federal grand jury concerning his knowledge of the contents of Monica Lewinsky's affidavit and his knowledge of remarks made in his presence by his counsel.

    CNN: Transcript: Schippers, Lowell briefings before Judiciary panel, part 2

  • Indeed, Ronald Reagan's Iran-Contra scandal and Bill Clinton's impeachment over the Monica Lewinsky affair were far more serious than what we know so far about Obama's involvement in Benghazi, the Internal Revenue Service or subpoenas of records of reporters' calls.

    CNN: Obama can still build 2nd term legacy

  • The New York Times story appeared during a critical point in the Senate impeachment trial of Clinton on the charges that Starr had referred to Congress, stemming from his investigation of the president's relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

    CNN: Starr spokesman resigns in wake of leaks investigation

  • The overall status-quo environment that benefited Republican and Democratic incumbents has shifted a bit with the president's admission that he lied to the American public about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky and Independent Counsel Ken Starr's subsequent referral of the case to Capitol Hill.

    CNN: Senate Overview

  • Juan Miguel is being advised by Gregory Craig, one of Bill Clinton's lawyers in the Monica Lewinsky affair.

    ECONOMIST: Elian Gonzalez

  • Clinton also said he was "bewildered" at press reports that he was angry at Gore, due to the vice president's recent tough criticism of Clinton's behavior concerning the Monica Lewinsky matter.

    CNN: Clinton downplays Bush's record funds, says Gore wins on ideas

  • Although the Clinton White House has been engulfed with Independent Counsel Ken Starr's investigation and the Monica Lewinsky scandal, for much of the election year it appeared that this was not affecting the election.

    CNN: What's at Stake: Overview

  • During Thursday's House debate the harshest criticism of Clinton's sexual relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky and consequent attempts to cover up the affair came from a member of the president's own party.

    CNN: 31 Democrats defect, support impeachment inquiry

  • In recent days, Gore has been more pointed in his criticism of the president's personal conduct in the Monica Lewinsky affair.

    CNN: Clinton calls Gore to wish him well before announcement

  • It would all be so predictable if it weren't for the turmoil surrounding President Bill Clinton's admitted sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky and the resulting House impeachment inquiry chaired by Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Illinois).

    CNN: Both parties firm up strategy for upcoming election

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