• The prime ministership was bestowed on Mr Singh by Sonia Gandhi, the party's Italian-born leader.

    ECONOMIST: Democracy in India

  • Despite being on life-support machines since last autumn, he surrendered the prime-ministership only in January.

    ECONOMIST: From the archive

  • After 11 years in power, Mr Howard is facing the worst opinion polls of his prime ministership.

    ECONOMIST: A sheriff tries to turn in his badge

  • Jyoti Basu stayed there for more than two decades - even after he left the chief ministership in 2000.

    BBC: Gandhi building renaming row widens West Bengal rift

  • This brave and principled refusal is the best news Italy's constitution has had during the two-and-a-half years of Mr Berlusconi's prime ministership.

    ECONOMIST: Italy

  • Last week one thing that was gumming up the machine's works a personality clash centred on the would-be prime ministership of Ibrahim al-Jaafari was removed.

    ECONOMIST: Now everything depends on America keeping its nerve

  • Her government's other big ticket item, the roll-out of a state-of-the-art national broadband network, is a hold-over from Mr Rudd's abbreviated prime ministership.

    BBC: Julia Gillard: Still finding her feet

  • Two years ago, when Mr Berlusconi was campaigning for the Italian prime ministership, we explained why we thought he was unfit for that job.

    ECONOMIST: Silvio Berlusconi

  • Tony Blair spent most of his prime ministership running around the issue of nuclear power (at the last minute deciding it was all right).

    ECONOMIST: Britain's energy crisis

  • Certainly, much of Mrs Thatcher's prime ministership, particularly the retaking of the Falklands in 1982, was an essay in exorcising the demons of Suez.

    ECONOMIST: The Suez crisis

  • Although he needs middle-of-the-road support if he is to retain the prime ministership, he cannot afford to lose too much of the far right.

    ECONOMIST: In the wake of Wye

  • It also reflects unhappy memories in parliament of Mr Chernomyrdin's previous prime ministership, and the numerous promises of consultation he made and then broke.

    ECONOMIST: Viktor Chernomyrdin, student of survival | The

  • And though many Turks still consider Welfare less corrupt than other parties, Mr Erbakan's prime ministership did not exactly produce the sparkle of decisive government.

    ECONOMIST: The chill descending on Turkey

  • This is the first time that we've had a chance to meet, but obviously we've been very impressed with the first five months of her prime ministership.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Bilateral Meeting with Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt of Denmark | The White House

  • The annual election for the party's presidency, which decides the prime ministership, would then be brought forward, from September to the party's general meeting on March 13th.

    ECONOMIST: Japan

  • He has had a frustrating time trying to do so, and those who sympathise with his goals which includes The Economist have often found his prime ministership frustrating too.

    ECONOMIST: It deserves, for Japan's sake, to be rewarded

  • In the case of Gordon Brown's prime ministership, it brought precisely the same hostility from Londoners that Scots first found when James VI first took his court there.

    BBC: Is London good or bad for Scotland?

  • Optimists should be suspicious, too, if Mr Putin appoints Mikhail Kasyanov, the current finance minister, to the prime ministership: he is too close to at least one oligarch.

    ECONOMIST: What next, President Putin? | The

  • Perhaps most seriously, there is Mr Chernomyrdin's cosiness with Gazprom, the country's most powerful company, which he used to run and which thrived, lightly taxed, under his prime ministership.

    ECONOMIST: Viktor Chernomyrdin, student of survival | The

  • Britain's Tony Blair may be sending one failed candidate for his country's prime ministership (Neil Kinnock, a member of the departing team) and another rejected member of Parliament (Chris Patten).

    ECONOMIST: The European Commission: New broom sweeps half-clean | The

  • With the first anniversary of her prime prime-ministership approaching, and with her personal popularity slumping in the polls, they clearly saw this interview as a way of helping halt her decline.

    BBC: The first bloke

  • These flashes of vintage Sharon helped corroborate an opinion offered the day before by Mr Sharon's doctor, to the effect that he is quite up to the rigours of the prime ministership.

    ECONOMIST: Israel

  • Romania's reformist president, Emil Constantinescu, was keen to bring about a change in the prime ministership, partly to get policy moving faster in the right direction but also to shore up his own sagging popularity.

    ECONOMIST: Romania

  • When he announced his plans to the nation on Saturday night, he said Israel would be spared the potential risk of holding general elections for both the prime ministership and Knesset at a time of national emergency.

    BBC: Barak 'ambush' galvanises opposition

  • While the prime ministership is largely ceremonial, the pact also requires Kim Dae Jung to move toward the realization of Kim Jong Pil's pet project: a change from the current presidential system to a cabinet-styled parliamentary government.

    CNN: Alliances and Defections

  • Perhaps worst of all, he fluffed a chance, near the end of Ehud Olmert's Israeli prime ministership earlier this year, to grasp Israel's best offer so far, albeit privately mooted when Mr Olmert was on his way out.

    ECONOMIST: The Palestinians look both divided and leaderless

  • Unless it squanders this precious opportunity to seal peace with the Palestinians which under the prime ministership of Binyamin Netanyahu is depressingly possible Israel may at last be close to reaping the reward it has earned from its years of struggle.

    ECONOMIST: Israel at 50 | The

  • Having helped to manoeuvre Necmettin Erbakan, an Islamist, out of the prime ministership Mr Erbakan handed in his resignation to President Suleyman Demirel on June 18th but will hang on to office until a successor is found Mrs Ciller is out to get the job for herself.

    ECONOMIST: Turkey

  • By September 2009 the voters had finally had enough and decided to give the (greatly strengthened) opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) a chance, upon which its mercurial and barely competent leader Hatoyama Yukio assumed the Prime Ministership, only to fail dismally, and to be replaced after less than a year by Kan Naoto.

    FORBES: Does Japan's LDP Have a Winner in Former PM Abe? I am Betting on Noda.

  • On the face of things, Mr Borrell's resignation, barely a year after he won the party's first ever primary to choose a candidate for the prime ministership, was caused by allegations of financial wrongdoing by two officials who worked alongside him when, as a junior finance minister under Mr Gonzalez, he pursued rich and famous tax-evaders.

    ECONOMIST: Spain��s Socialists

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