• He believes that joblessness for men and post-marriage problems for women trigger off a lot of these suicides.

    BBC: Why are young Indians killing themselves?

  • Homosexuality is not acceptable for either Sunni or Shia Muslims, he says, because God intends for sex to occur between men and women only, within marriage, and "any sexual relationship outside marriage is a sin".

    BBC: Gay-friendly 'mosque' opens in Paris

  • "For 5, 000 years, every culture and every religion -- not just Christianity -- has defined marriage as a contract between men and women, " Warren wrote in a newsletter to his congregation.

    CNN: Obama: Choice of Warren reflects diversity of ideas

  • Mr Smith went on to comment on his Facebook page that, "The Bible is quite specific that marriage is for men and women".

    BBC: Man demoted over gay marriage Facebook post sues employer

  • Mr Smith, 54, who stated that he was a THT manager on his Facebook page, wrote that "marriage is for men and women".

    BBC: Man demoted over gay marriage Facebook post sues employer

  • Although most men say they support -- even welcome -- the idea of a dual income household and equality in marriage, evidence shows that men whose wives earn more may actually be suffering on a number of levels.

    CNN: When mom earns more, it's tough on dad

  • Most men and women feel that a two year age difference in favor of men is the marriage ideal.

    FORBES: Zen and Loneliness in Japan

  • It is a day that traditional roles get reversed and women can propose marriage to men.

    FORBES: The Courage to Leap

  • Again, ONS figures would seem to support her belief: one in five men and women divorcing in 2007 had a previous marriage ending in divorce.

    BBC: Opening the doors on divorce

  • The resolution also points to evidence that ongoing political debate about marriage creates stress for gay men and lesbians and perpetuates stigmas and prejudice about their communities.


  • "This indicates, at least for a growing minority of men, that marriage is a greater economic and cultural capstone than fatherhood, " says Susan Brown, the center's co-director.

    WSJ: Are Dads the New Moms?

  • Both men and women are responsible for having children outside of marriage.

    FORBES: Egyptian Virginity Tests, America's Shaming Wand and Trudeau's Satire

  • Men need the approval, and want to be eligible for marriage and fatherhood, so we all have a vested interest in not questioning this socialization for disposability.

    FORBES: The Need to Create a White House Council on Boys to Men

  • Marrying someone who is educated and ambitious can have many positives for most men and women, but of course common sense tells us that it depends on the individual and their committment to marriage.

    FORBES: Readers Say

  • She feels that marriage break-ups are usually initiated by men and are too easy.

    BBC: Bhutanese take divorce in their stride

  • Does that mean that I am not entitled to a happy marriage, that men should steer clear of me and my kind?

    FORBES: Readers Say

  • Nothing short of transforming India's puritanical culture and giving men and women more freedom to forge sexually mature relationships outside of marriage.

    WSJ: India Needs a Sexual Revolution

  • According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the estimated median age at first marriage in 2011 was 28.7 for men and 26.5 for women, compared with 26.8 and 25.1, respectively, in 2000.


  • Americans are getting married later than ever (the average age of first marriage for men is twenty-eight), and bailing on domestic life with alacrity (half of modern unions are expected to end in divorce).

    NEWYORKER: The Disconnect

  • The push to amend state constitutions to ban same-sex marriage gained steam in May, after gay men and lesbians were granted the right to marry in Massachusetts, thanks to the state's Supreme Judicial Court, which ruled that laws restricting marriage to heterosexuals violated the state constitution.

    CNN: Same-sex marriage bans?winning on state ballots

  • And the girls, three of them university students, are so silly: dreaming non-stop of love and marriage, practising astrology, obsessed by the men they never, or hardly ever, are allowed to see but with whom they chirp like crickets throughout the night on their mobile phones.

    ECONOMIST: Saudi fiction

  • Even now, argues Ms Yalom, a professor at the Institute for Women and Gender at Stanford University, men get a better deal from marriage.

    ECONOMIST: I do, I can, I will

  • The average age for marriage for women is now 23, and 27 for men.

    BBC: NEWS | In Depth | Developing world births 'falling'

  • Marriage socialises men: it is associated with lower levels of testosterone and less criminal behaviour.

    ECONOMIST: The decline of Asian marriage

  • Maybe the men are stupdily happy and oblivious as to what is really going on in their marriage.

    FORBES: Readers Say

  • " They should "fight for same-sex marriage and its benefits and then, once granted, redefine the institution of marriage completely, because the most subversive action lesbians and gay men can undertake ... is to transform the notion of 'family' entirely.

    CNN: Gay marriage, then group marriage?

  • Why should there be so many men staying abroad and so few women, given that work, study, travel and marriage in foreign countries attract both sexes more or less equally?

    ECONOMIST: Holes in the census

  • Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland calls for ending discriminatory practices such as child marriage, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu points out the important role of men and boys in achieving gender equality for girls and women.

    FORBES: The Undeniable Value Of Investing In Girls And Women

  • And that dynamic, I think, can be argued to lead ultimately to marriage as a primitive protection racket, which means women cook for men and what men provide for women is protection of the food through a social arrangement.

    NPR: Scientist: Cooking Sets Us Apart From Apes

  • Today the average marriage age in India has risen to 22 for women and 26 for men.

    WSJ: India Needs a Sexual Revolution

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