• They concluded there was a one-in-20 chance that the melting ice would drive up sea levels by more than 84cm, essentially saying there is a 95% chance it would not go above this figure.

    BBC: 'Best estimate' for impact of melting ice on sea level rise

  • Lilliputian's engineering miracle was in designing a tiny solid-oxide fuel cell that instead of melting everything in its vicinity is merely warm to the touch.

    FORBES: Pip-squeak Power Plant

  • It concluded that speedups in melting rates are strictly short-term, transient phenomena, occurring primarily during summer months.

    FORBES: Climate Change As Religion: The Gospel According To Gore

  • In an Op-Ed in the New York Times, Cohen makes the argument that the melting of the ice is leading to more moisture in the atmosphere and more snowfall in Siberia, just north of extremely high mountain ranges such as the Himilayas.

    FORBES: Is Global Warming Making It Snow?

  • The Supreme Court is due to rule soon on whether it is constitutional to establish quotas at Brazil's universities for different ethnic groups, in a decision that pits the melting-pot view of Brazilian history against the quilombola view.

    ECONOMIST: A dispute over land becomes an argument about race

  • Since sea-ice is already in the water, its melting has little effect on sea levels.

    ECONOMIST: Getting warmer

  • Environmentalists point to Inuit communities threatened by melting ice in Greenland, and those living around the fast-shrinking Lake Chad in Africa, as among many already feeling the effects.

    CNN: Drowning islands warn of future perils for 'environmental refugees'

  • His open-mindedness put him at ease in America's melting pot, and at odds with the rhetoric about values that pervades American politics.

    ECONOMIST: The Versace controversy

  • For a number of reasons, computer models with added atmospheric carbon dioxide preferentially warm the mid-and high-latitude land areas of the northern hemisphere that are ice-free, which also enhances summer melting of the relatively shallow ice in the Arctic Ocean.

    FORBES: Is Global Warming A Bipolar Disorder?

  • The World's Newsroom is a melting pot for the best journalism in the world, using five custom-built studios with new sets and fresh creative graphics and cutting-edge cameras with virtual reality and 3D capabilities to create news that's immersive, dynamic, and more engaging than ever.

    BBC: The World's Newsroom: An introduction

  • And it was in that context that I was sworn into office almost four years ago, at a time when the banking system was melting down, at a time when -- the month I was sworn in, we lost 800, 000 jobs, the worst crisis since the Great Depression.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at Campaign Event -- 40/40 Club

  • The Environment Agency says rain and melting snow are expected to lead to rising water levels in rivers in south-west England and has three flood warnings in place.

    BBC: Snow continues to grip parts of UK

  • And while the extra water from the melting glacier may be increasing the fertility of adjacent lowland areas in the short-term, water supplies would become critically low if it disappears.

    UNESCO: 83e

  • In Moscow, the enterprise of scraping the snow off the streets and pavements, forming it into snow hillocks, carting it off in 6, 000-odd snow vehicles for dumping or melting, and finally zapping it with chemicals to speed the thaw is vast and costly (which helps to explain why Yuri Luzhkov, the city's mayor, threatened last year to fine meteorologists who make wrong forecasts).

    ECONOMIST: What the snows of Moscow reveal about modern Russia

  • Such a rise would probably lead to fast-melting ice sheets, rising sea levels, drought, disease and collapsing agriculture in poor countries, and mass migration.

    ECONOMIST: Getting warmer

  • In fact, recent research by Blancon et al published in Nature in 2009, examining the paleoclimate record, shows sea-level rises of 3 metres in 50 years due to the rapid melting of ice sheets 123, 000 years ago in the Eemian, when the energy imbalance in the climate system was less than that to which we are now subjecting the planet.

    FORBES: Breaking News: The Climate Actually Changes!

  • Moreover, the Kilimanjaro glacier is melting in a way that suggests it is probably not caused by the supposedly CO 2-induced higher temperatures but by reduced precipitation.

    FORBES: Fantasy Fears

  • The 68-mile route to the fishing town of Ullapool is a relatively recent addition to a landscape forged in the Ice Age, when melting glaciers gouged its long, deep valleys and seawater-filled lochs and fjords.

    BBC: The perfect trip: The Scottish Highlands

  • In its current state, scratching requires an absurd dexterity and a love for mind-melting sonic distortions.

    NEWYORKER: Scratch

  • That would affront the French republican notion that a melting-pot should produce a single stew, as, by and large, did earlier waves of immigration in the past half-century from Eastern Europe, Portugal and Italy.

    ECONOMIST: France's Muslims

  • That means more melting ice in the Arctic, dumping fresh water into the salty sea and making a mess of the all-important Gulf jet stream, which makes northern U.S. habitable.

    FORBES: Climate Catastrophe Nearer, Al Gore Gives Us About 90 More Years

  • Brigadier Michael Ondoga, of AMISOM, told CNN recently that although Al-Shabaab was "largely defeated" in Mogadishu, there were still issues with its members "melting into the population" and taking advantage of the city's large size to hide.

    CNN: Holidays in Somalia? Mogadishu hopes to be tourist hotspot

  • To be more specific, the article discusses a study published in the journal Science states that higher temperatures over the past two decades have contributed to a nearly half-inch rise in global sea levels since 1992, attributing about 30% of that increase to melting of polar ice sheets.

    FORBES: Man The Lifeboats! Global Warming Has Oceans Rising At Alarming Rate! (Or Maybe not)

  • In 1975, at age 25, he left for Indonesia, where he started a scrap-melting steel plant with a local partner.

    FORBES: Carnegie would be jealous

  • Glaciers in monsoonal climates, unlike high-latitude glaciers, gain mass from precipitation during the same warm season in which they lose mass from melting, which makes their behaviour complex.

    ECONOMIST: Glaciers and the IPCC

  • Joss himself figures only in the minds of these people, except in one rhapsodic trumpet-playing section, where we see him in essence male and female stripped away melting into his music.

    ECONOMIST: Musical crossovers

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