• It is also looking to fund ways in which it can mobilize media reform activists in numerous countries in an effort to lobby for new laws and legal actions, most of it targeted at News Corp.

    FORBES: After UK Scandal, Media Activists Gunning For Rupert Murdoch

  • The News of the World phone hacking scandal, which cost the jobs of top level News Corporation (NWS) executives over the last 10 days, has lit a fire under the armchair and desktop activists in the media reform movement.

    FORBES: After UK Scandal, Media Activists Gunning For Rupert Murdoch

  • Conservative leader Andrew RT Davies called for an open discussion in Wales on the media regulation and reform as he challenged the first minister's "attempts to muzzle the press".

    BBC: First minister's questions

  • Chris Bryant, who's been batting for Labour in the media on Lords Reform (even though his shadow ministerial job is immigration), expects the bill to reach a third reading in the end, probably with the addition of a referendum, and the subtraction of the bishops.

    BBC: Lords reform looks set to snarl up the Commons

  • This would close loopholes in advance of long-term reform of media ownership which would come as a result of the Leveson Inquiry, he added.

    BBC: Culture questions and Commons commission questions

  • Outside of Capitol Hill, a large chunk of the conservative media are aligned against immigration reform.

    WSJ: Fred Barnes: Immigration Reform Is Starting to Roll

  • Among the current crop of regulators, Richard Hooper, the chairman of the Radio Authority, wins most praise and has long advocated both the creation of an Ofcom and reform of outmoded media legislation.

    ECONOMIST: Regulating communications

  • Finally, there have been moments when scandals involving the government treatment of political organizations has produced reform, not simply media frenzies.

    CNN: Fix our tax headaches

  • The decision by Hu and Wen to come clean on the deadly disease demonstrated the new leadership was in many ways sincere about not only media but other aspects of political reform.

    CNN: Lessons from China's SARS debacle

  • Intellectual freedom (freedom of expression, of the media, etc.) and political reform (establishment of democratic pluralism) are also needed to sustain economic prosperity.

    CNN: Can Ghana's economy prosper against the odds?

  • One potential reform has to come from the media.

    CNN: Commentary: Palin, Gingrich, Romney and 2012

  • The provincial Liberal and Reform parties, and some in the media, condemn the deal outright.

    ECONOMIST: Canada

  • From the prospect of higher federal taxes and the costs of government initiatives such as health care reform to the negative influences of the media and the potential for increased regulation, business has been cornered into passivity.

    FORBES: Politics Is Hurting Certainty, Which Is Hurting Hiring

  • Even in the official media there have been suggestions that the next stage of reform should focus more on politics (though no one has dared propose a proper multi-party system).

    ECONOMIST: Asia: After the Olympics | The

  • However practical and just the case for reform, it must overcome political cowardice, the tabloid media and parents' understandable fears.

    ECONOMIST: Illiberal politics

  • But as part of a wider reform programme introduced by President Thein Sein, the old media rules have gradually been relaxed.

    ECONOMIST: The press in Myanmar

  • There are calls for greater improvement in areas such as independence of the judiciary, reform of public administration and freedom of expression in the media.

    BBC: Macedonia's EU accession

  • Most experts and media say she left a controversial mixed legacy in terms of economic reform, but praise her for negotiating the smooth handover of former British colony Hong Kong to China and facilitating China's reintegration with the international community.

    BBC: China media: Remembering Margaret Thatcher

  • The stout constable, who is set to retire after 35 years service, kicked off the fight claiming the relationship between officers and the government had been badly damaged by leaks to the media that the police were "a bad lot that needed to reform".

    BBC: Blunkett eats humble pie

  • Lured to marketing for Bing, she devised social media strategies and launched REDU, a Webby-winning campaign site for education reform.

    FORBES: Sometimes All You Need Is A Boost

  • Entitled "Soviet Transformation Watch, " this effort will help Western policy-makers, publics and media recognize the differences between developments in the former USSR that represent genuine structural reform and those of a more cosmetic nature that seem, instead, designed to help preserve institutions and instrumentalities of repressive central control.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The latest media allegations, despite the strenuous Vatican denials, may add to the pressure for reform.

    CNN: February 23, 2013 -- Updated 1735 GMT (0135 HKT)

  • Richard Descoings was known for carrying out a programme of far-reaching reform at Sciences Po, which educates much of the French political, media and administrative elite.

    BBC: French academic Descoings found dead in New York hotel

  • The principal result of Soviet military "reform" efforts to date appears instead to be that Western governments, media and publics have become convinced that the threat posed by the USSR's armed forces is diminished when, in actuality, little has changed in the Soviet ability to threaten the West's strategic interests.


  • On freedom of the press, the Conference urged professional media organisations to continue efforts being pursued with regional governments since the mid-1990s to reform libel laws.

    UNESCO: Education

  • In 2001, pundits worried that Mr Koizumi's popularity would wane once the media spotlight went off, and once voters started to shy away from his calls for reform.

    ECONOMIST: Japan

  • There was no "conspiracy" linking those two events, but the mainstream media quite predictably chose to make them headliners, all but obliterating detailed discussion of health care reform for more than two weeks (and this just when the subject was beginning to resurface after the blanket coverage of Michael Jackson's and Sarah Palin's exits).

    NPR: The Nation: Race, Lies And Health Scares

  • But the bulk of the RNC releases to the mainstream media this week focused on rising unemployment and the higher taxes and fees Democrats suggest to pay for health care reform.

    CNN: King: GOP sees fertile ground in taxes, pocketbook issues

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