• For instance, many completely block access to archive sites like the Wayback Machine which hosts databases made up of old versions of webpages.

    BBC: Net filters fail the children

  • Many obstacles block the way: not just Israel's complicated wants and fears but also, on the Palestinian side, the bitter rift between Fatah and Hamas.

    ECONOMIST: Israel and the Arabs

  • More dramatically, many merchants block all transactions from certain countries.

    ECONOMIST: Computing

  • The block mechanic in particular is very feeble and not many skills that block are worth using.

    FORBES: Connect

  • He has watched Republicans block many of his appointments, and now he says he made it clear to them that he will "consider" making some when the U.S. Senate goes into recess.

    CNN: Time for Obama to go 'gangsta' on GOP

  • The speech immediately drew sharp criticism from her rivals for the Democratic nomination, one of whom accused her of teaming up with Mr. Bloomberg, a close ally, to block many proposals that would help working families.

    WSJ: Quinn Address Aims at Middle Class

  • Like many antimalarials, they block the parasite's synthesis of folic acid, a key nutrient.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Like many antimalarials, they block the synthesis of folic acid, a key nutrient.

    FORBES: A Cure for Neglect

  • But after Brazil opened its economy and joined the Mercosur trade block, many of Rio Grande's firms were struggling to compete.

    ECONOMIST: Brazil

  • It says the situation has been compounded by the "worst access block" many of its members have experienced, with reduced bed numbers and staffing levels.

    BBC: 999 warning as A&E units across Wales under pressure

  • Many of the building block technologies for Super Cruise are already available on the all-new 2013 Cadillac XTS and ATS luxury sedans, as part of the available Driver Assist Package.

    ENGADGET: Cadillac road tests self-driving Super Cruise tech, could hit highways by mid-decade

  • It has the smallest service sector by employment share of any big rich economy, thanks to archaic rules in retailing and many professions, that block the creation of new industries and jobs.

    ECONOMIST: Germany stalls

  • Payment providers, especially mobile payment providers, claim to represent the best in consumer-centric solutions, but if they truly care about consumers, why do they block so many important transaction types that consumers want?

    FORBES: Generic Viagra Industry Is Pro-Choice In Payments

  • Whereas in the 1970s many in the North-East greeted the prospect of a Scottish Parliament with alarm and helped to block it, now many Geordies regard the shift of power to Scotland as something of an inspiration.

    ECONOMIST: The North-East

  • That's enough to block decisions on many issues, not just in the UN climate convention.

    BBC: Durban: Winners and losers

  • Consider why so many governments have tried to block foreign takeovers of big firms, says an EU adviser: in a crisis, governments think they can control domestic employers, making them postpone restructuring and job losses in return for help.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne: Single market bargaining | The

  • With state steel mills, petrol stations and meat-packing factories among the many public enterprises on the auction block, Ataturk's legacy of state-led industrialisation will soon have rusted away.

    ECONOMIST: A survey of Turkey

  • Non-profit Spamhaus maintains what are known as "block lists" which many organisations use to spot sources of spam and other junk mail to stop them clogging mail servers and inboxes with unwanted messages.

    BBC: Dutchman arrested over huge web attack

  • Moreover, these polls were taken before reports from Kosovo spread the impression that the bombing had intensified the very Serbian onslaught on the Kosovars that it was intended to block (just as many, mainly Tory, backbenchers predicted it would).

    ECONOMIST: Boxing for Britain

  • There are going to be so many bumps that you hit in your life, so many people that will try to block your path, and it will be your patience and your tenacity and your focus -- you see your President, how calm he is, how forward-thinking he is?

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event -- Racine, WI

  • "Many European pharma names generate a good block of income from either North America or the United States, " said Stephen Pope, chief global equity strategist at Cantor Fitzgerald in London.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Big Bang helped facilitate privatisation, demystifying the share-buying process that many ordinary people had found a stumbling block, thus allowing people to simply walk into their banks and order a parcel of shares.

    BBC: Margaret Thatcher: How her changes affected your finances

  • That the group for which so many hurdles have been thrown upon to block the vote has for the first time become the group most likely to vote is something like a big deal.

    CNN: Historic milestone for African-American voters in 2012

  • Central America has fallen into a Hobbesian trap: the better-off make private arrangements there are five times as many private security guards as policemen or soldiers in Guatemala, and four times as many in Honduras and therefore block efforts to levy the tax revenues necessary to strengthen the state.

    ECONOMIST: Central America's woes

  • One big challenge, he says, was defeating antihacker software designed to block out computers that send too many queries to a website.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Mr Cameron is under intense pressure from his own backbenchers, and many Tory grandees in the Lords, to block his deputy's plan.

    ECONOMIST: Electing the Lords

  • There are many companies that sell jet membership, or block-time cards.

    FORBES: What Your Own Business Jet Really Costs - The Formula Explained

  • Scientists believe stem-cell research could lead to treatment of diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and diabetes, but many abortion foes have been urging Bush to block federal funding for the embryonic studies, calling them immoral.

    CNN: Lott says he's opposed to federal funding of stem-cell research

  • Massive layoffs are coming to Hewlett-Packard with as many as 30, 000 people facing the chopping block.

    FORBES: America's Pink Slip Capitals

  • The canopy created can block the sun and stunt or kill many of the younger trees, adding to the fire hazard.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

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