• "I sometimes become the inadvertent object of political leaders who choose to make me a symbol of all that they think is wrong and unpatriotic about Muslims in India, " the actor wrote in Outlook Turning Points, published by India's Outlook magazine in association with the New York Times.

    BBC: Shah Rukh Khan

  • The actor wrote in Outlook Turning Points - published by India's Outlook magazine in association with the New York Times - that sometimes he became the "inadvertent object of political leaders who choose to make me a symbol of all that they think is wrong and unpatriotic about Muslims in India".

    BBC: Bollywood's Shah Rukh Khan 'happy and safe' in India

  • Hassan Daya Kadim, a Shiite and former army officer from volatile Diyala province, says he and his classmates want to make the national police force a symbol of hope for his people one that roots out domestic and foreign terrorists alike.

    NPR: Iraqi General Works to Transform National Police

  • Tourists elsewhere in the world, though, are trying to make the sakura (cherry blossom) a symbol of hope.

    BBC: Cherry blossom festivals amid tragedy

  • In other words, and as Mr Wen implied, MG's importance is as a symbol of the kind of investment China wishes to make in the UK, to transform Chinese companies into owners of valuable brands rather than just sub-contractors for western businesses.

    BBC: Chinese Premier backing the euro and the UK

  • In order to make sure that the Olympic symbol is not infringed upon, there is a protected area surrounding the Olympic rings that must be honored.

    FORBES: Olympic Hurdles For Advertisers: The Games' Unique Rules And Restrictions

  • The numbers were so stark that they inspired Clinton whom conservative pundits had long condemned as a symbol of everything hateful to red-state America to make herself over into a shot-and-a-beer gal.

    NEWYORKER: The Hardest Vote

  • He has become a symbol of those differences -- a contemporary face of a decades-old movement to make the ancient religion more relevant.

    CNN: Symbolizing Differences

  • Manufacturing may never be as important to the American economy as it once was, but it is a badge and symbol - a sobering one for countries like the UK that have largely ditched their ability to make stuff.

    BBC: Is 'Made in the USA' coming back?

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