• My parents were Conservatives and I have remained loyal to the party.

    BBC: Pensioners graphic

  • Mr Jones spent much of his energy at the convention putting the boot into Mr Riordan for being insufficiently loyal to the party.

    ECONOMIST: California's Republicans

  • Plaid MP Jonathan Edwards has said the AM must decide whether he wants to remain loyal to the party he led in the 1980s.

    BBC: Leanne Wood silent on Plaid Cymru rebel Elis-Thomas

  • But the substance of his speech made absolutely clear that while Obama and his advisors are concerned that for the first time in 80 years a significant number of American Jews may abandon the Democratic Party, they are unwilling to pay even the slightest substantive price to keep the Jews loyal to their party.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Barreling on, regardless

  • Kazakhstan held parliamentary elections in January 2012, in which the party loyal to the country's president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, won a landslide victory.

    BBC: Germany criticised over Kazakh trade deal

  • But the opposition Justice Party says that parties loyal to the president, in collusion with the authorities, have bribed voters, beaten up opposition activists and stuffed ballot boxes.

    BBC: Observers condemn Armenian poll

  • The Liberal Democrats' Don Foster followed Mr Lilley, telling MPs that he was the first MP from his party to second the loyal address since 1939.

    BBC: Queen's Speech: Peter Lilley launches Commons debate

  • Anibal Carrillo, political secretary for a party loyal to the president, said that ousting the president is the goal of his enemies who didn't like that he tackled corruption or the land issue.

    CNN: Paraguay swears in new leader after impeachment

  • There is just no getting around the reality that Boehner has some 60 Members in his Congressional caucus that are far more loyal to the Club For Growth or the various other Tea Party entities that fund these people than they could ever muster for John Boehner.

    FORBES: Plan B From Outer Space: The Last Act Of The John Boehner Story

  • But many Freedom voters are quite respectable, especially those who are loyal to the more libertarian tradition of the party, which, before Mr Haider took over, governed in coalition with the Socialists in the mid-1980s.

    ECONOMIST: Austria��s rancid choice

  • The party has reformed itself, but many grandees remain loyal to the memory of its founder (and the country's wartime leader), Franjo Tudjman.

    ECONOMIST: The problems caused when two leaders fall out

  • Those still loyal to Kumaratunga have also raised concerns about the party's direction.


  • As recently as May 2008, heavily armed forces loyal to the parliamentary opposition, made up of Hizbullah, the fearsome Shia party-cum-militia, and motley allies backed by Syria and Iran, stormed areas loyal to the parliamentary majority that is dominated by Sunni Muslims, Druze and right-wing Christian parties and backed by Saudi Arabia and the West.

    ECONOMIST: Resilient Lebanon

  • It had faced resistance from soldiers loyal to Prince Norodom Ranariddh, head of the royalist party, after the prince son of the elderly King Sihanouk was deposed last year as joint prime minister.

    ECONOMIST: Cambodia: That��s better | The

  • And Benny Begin, also once a minister under Mr Netanyahu, has proclaimed a new party of the right, loyal to the Likud's now-compromised belief in Greater Israel, with himself as its leader and candidate for prime minister.

    ECONOMIST: Israel

  • Although the party leader retained a few loyal supporters, his position was far weaker than the 90-to-75 vote to dump him implied.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • In South Korea, attempts to remove Roh Moo-hyun have backfired catastrophically: a brand-new party loyal to Mr Roh has seized a majority in the country's parliament (see article).

    ECONOMIST: Democracy in Asia

  • The US is too useful and tempting a foil for papering over internal disagreements in Chavez's party and for rallying loyal supporters for the upcoming presidential election to expect any abrupt change.

    BBC: Viewpoint: New era for US-Venezuela relations?

  • Thus, a Tea Party backed politician who votes for any immigration reform bill will be seen to have sold out the movement in favor of the preservation of the Republican Party an action that would be anathema to many loyal Tea Partiers.

    FORBES: Immigration Reform The End Of The Line For GOP-Tea Party Alliance?

  • As the party prepares for a leadership race, it may be split between those loyal to Mr Kan and others who support Ichiro Ozawa, an old-style, pork-barrel populist who resigned alongside Mr Hatoyama last month and has continued to snipe at Mr Kan from the sidelines.

    ECONOMIST: Japan's upper-house elections

  • It is currently creating a new political party, to appeal to left-leaning and nationalist voters, but which will be as loyal as the slavishly dependable parliamentary majority.

    ECONOMIST: Russian politics

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