• This has resulted in low achievement levels for students particularly in literacy and numeracy.


  • The educational prospects for large numbers of U.S. children are put at risk by poverty and other factors associated with low achievement and dropping out.

    UNESCO: II Part Analytic Section

  • The report says UK schools have had 35 years of "piecemeal reforms" and the result has been a "gentle upswing in performance", judged by international benchmarks, but also a "long tail of low achievement".

    BBC: CBI complains of 'exam factory' schools

  • Some Muslims in Bradford say they would prefer their children to go to multi-cultural schools, but that the poor standard of schooling in the city has condemned their children to a cycle of low achievement, unemployment, poverty and crime.

    ECONOMIST: Religion and schools

  • This contrasts with French-style grandstanding that is high on domestic feelgood, but low on achievement.

    ECONOMIST: Tony Blair needs a good row in Washington

  • The problem is global (true), and the "root causes" include low educational achievement (true, just don't mention the teachers unions) and not enough retraining.

    WSJ: Henninger: Generation Lost

  • Low levels of achievement in turn impact both on the education sector and on the long term future economic development of countries.


  • The NIAO report also found a "strong correlation between between low levels of academic achievement and free school meal entitlement (an indicator of social deprivation)".

    BBC: Classroom

  • My journey began in the summer of 2010 when I received a letter informing me of the restructuring of Emerson Elementary School as a result of low performance in student achievement.

    WHITEHOUSE: Fostering a School and Home Connection

  • As a result, school enrolment, retention and achievement rates are particularly low in rural areas and, more specifically, among indigenous people.

    UNESCO: Bilingual Literacy for Life

  • Mr. MIKE CASSERLY (The Council Of Great City School): Before Hurricane Katrina, it was a school system and a city whose student achievement was nationally renowned as being extremely low.

    NPR: New Orleans Hires Veteran to Run City's Schools

  • Both say without No Child Left Behind the achievement of poor and minority kids would still be a low priority.

    NPR: The Future of 'No Child Left Behind'

  • To receive the funds, the states had to prove that they were progressing in specific areas including turning around low-performing schools, adopting college- and career-ready standards, and using data systems to support student achievement.

    CNN: Tennessee, Delaware schools to get Race to the Top funds

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