• Shortly after their arrival, the incoming team spoke via video link with their relatives and officials back in Baikonur.

    NPR: Soyuz Capsule Docks With Space Station

  • When we report on stories such as that one, we take for granted the idea that peoples' bodies can be identified with certainty, not just by their clothing or by their fingerprints, but by their DNA. We can also link criminals to victims or to evidence and we can link people to their biological relatives.

    NPR: Pioneering DNA Forensics

  • The bin Laden link is overblown, he says, given that the relatives involved in the bank had cut off all relations with the al Qaeda leader in the early 1990s.

    CNN: Stumbling down the money trail

  • The campaign, which developed the BRCA II test, recommends it only in cases where a very strong family link exists - perhaps in cases where more than two relatives have developed the disease, or where a very young close relative has fallen ill.

    BBC: genetic testing

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