• The new soft drink-like packaging helped fast-track bottled water's growth past milk and beer.

    WSJ: America's new love: Water

  • Banks have the misfortune to be confronting the discounters just when marketplace and legal changes are drying up some of their traditional revenue sources, like packaging subprime mortgages and gouging people with overdraft fees.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Those secondary assets might include things like aluminum packaging and panels for cars and aircraft, The Times said.

    FORBES: Blackstone A Desirable Partner For BHP's Expansion

  • One can envision these new players in the industry will assume leadership in specific roles within the value chain: Intel-like semiconductor companies building the LED chips, and equivalents of a PC motherboard manufacturer like ASUS packaging the chips into devices that will be used in a variety of end-use lighting applications.

    FORBES: A New Source of Green Energy: LEDs

  • After reading about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and seeing a photograph of an albatross with its belly full of plastic several years ago, Terry started cataloguing the plastic waste she creates each year, concentrating on disposable plastics (not her laptop or television, but things like food packaging, shipping waste, straws, and so forth).

    FORBES: 5 Easy Ways To Kick The Plastic Habit

  • But when Chouinard counseled Walmart on sustainability, the retail behemoth found it actually saved money through environmental initiatives, like reducing its packaging and water consumption.

    WSJ: Patagonia's Founder is America's Most Unlikely Business Guru

  • Since just about everyone - and most especially President Bush - is keen to combat the spread of diseases like AIDS, packaging a global tax as a way greatly to increase the funds available for this purpose is as seductive as it is cynical.


  • Anti-smoking lobbyists like Anne Jones know that packaging changes alone wont significantly curb smoking, especially among established smokers.

    BBC: Australia smokers given plain packs

  • Opening the packaging was more like tearing open a pack of coffee beans than the fetishist equivalent of de-flowering a new Apple product capsule.

    FORBES: Will The Kindle Fire Burn Apple?

  • What a transformation for a company remembered among investors for its very cyclical profits and among environmentalists for things like their least-favorite packaging material, Styrofoam.

    FORBES: Chemical Transformation

  • What a transformation for a company that's remembered by investors for its very cyclical profits and by environmentalists for things like their least-favorite packaging material, Styrofoam.

    FORBES: Chemical transformation

  • Like the kebab in the window, processors could sell what they like as long as their packaging shows the factories - the snapshots of giant, quivering piles of the contents, without pictures of salads, breadcrumb coatings and barbecues.

    BBC: Cheeseburger

  • It is biodegradable, safe enough to be used as food packaging, can be processed like existing thermoplastics into coloured or transparent material and can be manufactured from renewable resources such as maize and sugarcane.

    ECONOMIST: Synthetic biology

  • This is a company that makes packaging goods, paper packaging, cardboard, and things like that.


  • That does not mean just televising Parliamentary debates - "because watching a Parliamentary debate is like watching paint dry" - but packaging the type of work Parliament does "so that people understand how we arrive at legislation".

    BBC: Diary - My week as an MEP

  • Its other branding touch points, from its extra-large cup and fresh, shiny packaging, to the inventive flavors like pomegranate and pineapple, to its line extensions like Chobani Champions for kids and Chobani Bites, small 100-calorie cups perfect for a quick, delicious snack, are consistent with its promise.

    FORBES: A Rational Prediction: Why Chobani and Panera, Apple, and Amazon are Among Brands That Will Keep Their Edge in 2013

  • If you look at companies like NetGear and 2Wire, they were much more packaging and supply chain management and branding type of companies.

    FORBES: Ruckus CEO Lo on Boosting Wi-Fi, Chasing Cisco and Going Public

  • However, financial industry lobbyists were successful in having Glass-Steagall repealed in 1999, which resulted in banks becoming heavily involved in brokerage, mutual fund, and proprietary trading activities, as well as the packaging and promotion of questionable investment products like sub-prime mortgages.

    FORBES: Great Depression Part Deux Averted But Bubble Machine Still Blows

  • From the first second you open the really cool packaging, there's a lot to like about the HP MediaSmart Connect, but the with a higher price, comes higher expectations.

    ENGADGET: HP MediaSmart Connect Review HD

  • Larsen also points to Weight Watchers for convenience, as the company has increasingly begun working with food manufacturers like Smart Ones to include their Points system information on packaging.

    FORBES: The Best Diet Plans Out There, Whoever You Are

  • The companies involved read like a Who's Who of industrial America: high-value, energy-intensive businesses like steel, aluminum, plastics, glass, vehicles and packaging.

    WSJ: Export U.S. Gas, Yes or No?

  • Known as the Great Chair Grab, it was sponsored by Expanded Polystyrene Packaging Group and floated the notion that furniture, like network television, was something you could give away by selling advertising.

    WSJ: Tom Dixon Makes Things Better

  • Like others on Wall Street, Goldman had an active mortgage department designing, packaging, securitizing, promoting, and selling mortgage-backed securities and related synthetic derivatives.

    FORBES: It's Getting Harder To Defend Goldman Sachs

  • To set it up, you enter a 10-digit activation code included in the packaging, which you can use with as many gadgets as you like.


  • Anti-tobacco legislation like those imposing smoking bans in public areas, compulsory health warnings on the packaging and restrictions on advertising and marketing add to further decline in tobacco sales.

    FORBES: Altria Looks To Be Where It Should At $27

  • The last was a soft, lush and ripe wine made even more memorable by its packaging (a gray ceramic bottle that one friend said "looked like a bomb that you'd light with a fuse and throw" making perhaps the first unoaked Chardonnay Molotov cocktail).

    WSJ: Comeback: Rediscover Chardonnay | On Wine by Lettie Teague

  • Much like the special MW3 Mountain Dew cans, Brisk will feature Star Wars characters on packaging.

    FORBES: Connect

  • To ensure that consumers have a consistent product day to day, month to month and year to year, producers regulate the composition of milk fat, so contents of every like carton are indistinguishable, and of course, remain true to the nutritional information on the packaging.

    FORBES: Why Milk Isn't As "Natural" As You Think

  • But in the process of buying the loans and packaging them up, investment banks retain some risk of loss, including accounting items like loans held for sale, loans held for investment, retained interests in the securitizations themselves, and so-called warehouse loans that keep the origination engines at the small mortgage lenders humming.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "It's no coincidence that Samsung's latest products look a lot like the iPhone and iPad, from the shape of the hardware to the user interface and even the packaging, " she said.

    WSJ: Samsung Gets a Win in Apple War

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