• Stranger still, rhino horn is increasingly offered as a cocaine-like powder to guests at exclusive VIP parties in China and Vietnam as a superstitious way to ward off morning-after hangover symptoms.

    BBC: The rhino wars of central Kenya

  • Dry water resembles a very fine powder (like icing sugar or flour) that has a slightly more liquid-like appearance when it flows, and if you squeeze some of it in your hand hard enough the powder combines to give you a few drops.

    FORBES: What Is Dry Water?

  • Instead, the team modified a substance known as Powder Suspension, a thick, tar-like material, and found that it produced a clear, high-quality mark on the smooth-surfaced food items such as onions, apples and tomatoes.

    BBC: Fingerprint on food

  • If you were to design a factional powder keg in central Iraq, it would look like Dura, a village within Baghdad with a Sunni majority and a large Shiite minority.

    NPR: Sectarian Killings Divide Integrated Baghdad Suburb

  • You can season as much as you want, as long as it's a no-sodium seasoning like garlic powder or barbecue powder or barbecue rubs.

    CNN: Eating his way to a six-pack with 16 eggs a day

  • Standout pieces include a series of faux pre-Columbian clay sculptures featuring Mickey and Minnie Mouse and other Disney characters by Nadin Ospina and a time-lapse video by Juan Manuel Echavarria documenting the decay of a fine porcelain plate into a pile of white powder that looks suspiciously like cocaine.

    NPR: Museum To Showcase Contemporary Latin American Art

  • Though closer to hostels than hotels, the wood-fired stoves, home-style food, and sociable communal space will seem like a heavenly apparition after seven hours of pushing and poling through powder.

    BBC: Back-country skiing in Canada��s Jasper National Park

  • Here is the recipe he and his team discovered: organic material, like grass clippings or agricultural waste, is mixed with a stabilizing peptide powder and from that protein is extracted from the materials, stabilized.

    FORBES: Grass Clippings Turned Into Solar Cells by MIT Scientist

  • She wanted to run from this nasty room, which was cold like a refrigerator but smelled of something sweet, sickish like talcum powder and sweat but Molina detained her.


  • You know, for somebody who loves the long shower and then put on the lotion and a little powder, and here we are, we're like, okay, I'm lucky if I get two a week.

    NPR: Reporter's Notebook: A Delayed Homecoming

  • But when I noticed what I was doing unfolding credit card receipts, breathing in the scent of her change purse, licking the powder off a half stick of cinnamon gum I felt like a cuckolded husband in an old movie.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Atmospheric Disturbances'

  • Their milk looks and tastes like the real thing, but once its proteins are filtered and purified into a fine white powder, they can be spun into tough thread.

    FORBES: Charlotte's Goat

  • Unfortunately, the bottom feels like it's made of plastic, though Samsung tells us it's made of a powder coated aluminum.

    ENGADGET: Samsung Series 9 (NP900X3A) laptop review

  • In the years ahead, forget about much-discussed artificial groupings like the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and the so-called "Next 11" (N11), a roster of potential powerhouses that includes Turkey and South Korea but also political powder kegs like Pakistan, Nigeria and Iran.

    WSJ: Ian Bremmer on Pivot States

  • It smells like cocoa powder, and bitter chocolate, and tastes of rich roasted malt, chocolate and coffee, with a hint of dark cherries.

    FORBES: Buckbean Brewing Redefines Reno

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