• Your sofa (or maybe even your Snuggie) could become a virtual command center, giving you easy control over the dimming of the lights or home music system.

    FORBES: Written by Bryan Nelson

  • The opportunities for sustainable energy strategies are everywhere, beginning with the design of buildings, to construction processes, to insulation, the HVAC system, the lights, the water, the elevators, the power and cooling for technology, the heating and cooling for people.

    FORBES: Every Company Is An Energy Company

  • But by Kristol's lights, America's health care system was the envy of the world and getting better.

    NPR: Much at Stake in Defining Social Security 'Crisis'

  • Their solar panel system is integrated with the lights via the room controller, drawing power from man-made and natural light.

    FORBES: Solar Powered Energy Management for Hotels

  • "We had problems with our lighting system which had caused many lights to fuse and needed the attention of an electrician, " he said.

    BBC: Expenses focus turns on Tory MPs

  • Fundamental advances in LED semiconductor technology, optics, and lighting system design now enable LED lights to break century old cost and performance barriers that have prevented consumers from realizing the savings businesses and municipalities already enjoy.

    FORBES: LEDs: Lighting The Way To Major Energy Savings

  • The theatre at Fort Monmouth was secluded and cheap, but not nearly large enough for the crew to set up the full travelling stage, with all the proper lights, risers, ramps, and sound system.

    NEWYORKER: We Are Alive

  • Now, a team of researches from the University of Oxford and the University of Southampton in the UK has developed what they are calling the "Reflectance Transformation Imaging system, " which uses 76 lights to illuminate different sections of the ancient artifacts, one at a time, while an image is taken.

    ENGADGET: Alt-week 27.10.12: ancient texts, super-Earths and special-ops mice

  • There were fire alarms and flashing lights on each floor, and a public address system instructed us to take the stairs, not the elevators.

    WSJ: Way Too Much God

  • "The activation of the visual system caused by REM is causing the bright lights, " Nelson said.

    CNN: Doctor says near-death experiences are in the mind

  • For example, if the glass break sensor on the kitchen window is tripped, the system can be set to turn on the lights in the room and start recording a video.


  • Some of the streamlining will involve removing content for the entry-level model, the magazine reported, including stripping features out of the current navigation system and using less expensive headlamps than the LED lights that now are standard on the car.

    FORBES: How Low Can Leaf Go? Nissan May See With Budget Version

  • As soon as the driver starts the SUV, the round-shaped controls for the lights, climate control, and the four-wheel-drive system emerge from their flush resting positions.

    ENGADGET: VW unveils CrossBlue plug-in SUV with iPad mini headrests and 85MPGe efficiency (eyes-on)

  • And James Fama, vice president for energy delivery at the Edison Electric Institute, said the system appears to have worked well, given that the lights came back on and the circuitry was not damaged.


  • The TVs are on some kind of preordained computer system, much like sprinklers in Los Angeles or garage security lights everywhere else.

    NEWYORKER: Indianapolis (Highway 74)

  • The town is thought to be the first in the UK to use the system in which cars going over the speed limit will trigger the lights up ahead.

    BBC: Swindon traffic lights to slow speeding drivers

  • The signal preemption idea was born in the early 1970s, when 3M devised a system that let emergency vehicles change traffic signals with pulses of strobe lights (later, infrared light) transmitted to receivers mounted over roadways.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • As anyone who has experienced such a system knows, it does not take long to learn to shut off the lights and to avoid use of some of the more power-hungry appliances.

    FORBES: Paying Attention To Energy Use

  • The control programs have been used to create control systems for a bipedal robot and a visual recognition system for a robot that works even when the machine is distracted by flashing lights and shadows.

    BBC: Robot brains become more human

  • The computer-operated system also allowed street lighting to be increased when needed and reduced when not, and the lights directed their beam downwards cutting light pollution, he added.

    BBC: Surrey County Council replaces 15,000 street lights

  • In an advanced system, transit system operators would be able to notice bus bunching conditions before the buses meet, give green lights to the front bus and alert riders to the presence of emptier buses following the first.

    FORBES: Busting Bus Bunching With Traffic Signals

  • Trip the security system on your average American house, and you'll likely set an alarm whining, cause lights to flip on and possibly trigger a notification to the security company or local police station.

    FORBES: Platinum Protection

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