• During the Falklands War in 1982, the North Sea ferry Norland was involved in landing Royal Marines and other forces in San Carlos Water.

    BBC: Hull signs military charter to help forces veterans

  • Compound or open fractures are typically high-energy type injuries which generally occur when an individual is involved in a high velocity car accident or fall- or when a landing is awkward with twisting or torsional type forces.

    FORBES: Kevin Ware's 'Gruesome' Injury

  • The American Aerospace Medical Association Commercial Spaceflight Working Group published a document in 2009 saying that most individuals with "well controlled medical conditions" could withstand the acceleration forces involved in the launch and landing of a commercial spaceflight.

    BBC: What are the health risks of space travel?

  • Is the idea of American Hercules transports landing in the middle of Syria, while special forces bring trucks full of nerve gas shells to load on board credible?

    BBC: Could US remove Syria chemical weapons?

  • It'd actually--the forces just looked almost right for the second landing, but with an abundance of caution, they decided to wait a day and see if things got better.

    NPR: Shuttle Landing Delayed Due to Poor Weather

  • Earlier this year, Paul transitioned back to civilian life, where he is applying the skills he learned in the Navy into the private sector after landing a job with a company called Sonardyne at a Joining Forces-Orion International hiring event right here in Mayport.

    WHITEHOUSE: Home ? The Administration ? Joining Forces

  • So, one after another, they have agreed that landing rights would, if necessary, be given to the American forces or existing agreements would not be withdrawn.

    ECONOMIST: The days before Iraq’s storm breaks | The

  • Earlier, the U.S. military said coalition forces reported that an OH-58 Kiowa Warrior helicopter made a hard landing about 6:20 p.m. local time after it came into contact with wires.

    CNN: At least 9 killed by suicide car bomb in Iraq

  • Western military analysts have noted Russia's use of destroyers and landing craft from the Black Sea and Northern Fleets to back up its feeble Baltic-based naval forces.

    ECONOMIST: NATO and Russia

  • Azra, the restive district where the helicopter made the forced landing, is close to the Pakistani border and local officials say that while there are some Afghan government forces there, the Taliban and other insurgents have a strong presence.

    BBC: Afghan map

  • When bad weather forces airlines to thin flight schedules, regional airlines get whacked first because carriers would rather used limited landing slots for larger airplanes with more people.

    WSJ: Regional Jets: Are These Model Airplanes?

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