• Muslim Mafia puts us all on notice: The Council on American Islamic Relations - and, for that matter, other organizations that were, like CAIR, identified last year by the government as associated with the Muslim Brotherhood in the course of the successful prosecution of the Brotherhood's Holy Land Foundation on charges of supporting terrorism - are part of the problem we face from Shariah, not part of the solution.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Destroying America from within

  • Now, authorities are planning to soon reduce charges to land and park planes at 80 smaller destinations across the country to give airlines more incentive to fly there, Civil Aviation Minister Ajit Singh said in an interview.

    WSJ: India Moving to Reduce Airport Fees

  • Still 32-year-old Matambanadzo and her fellow trustees face charges that could land them in jail for two years.

    NPR: Zimbabwe Government Goes After Media

  • An independent counsel announced the president and first lady would not face criminal charges for the land deal.

    CNN: In-Depth Specials - 2000 Year in Review

  • Prosecutors have twice decided not to press charges against him over the land purchase.

    ECONOMIST: Japan��s leadership challenge

  • Another court decision Thursday was to cancel the leases of 49 Karnataka mines facing the most serious charges of illegal mining and land degradation.

    WSJ: Court Eases Mining Ban in Karnataka

  • Elsewhere in scandal-land, Sam Waksal pleaded guilty to charges of insider trading in the shares of his firm, ImClone, in return for keeping his daughter out of jail.

    ECONOMIST: Some sympathy for the criminals?

  • Parts of the American Muslim world are still in shock over long sentences handed out in May to five leaders of the Holy Land Foundation, a charity, on charges of helping Hamas.

    ECONOMIST: The United States and Islam

  • From denying the right of Israeli Jews to develop Jewish communities within the 1949 armistice lines on Jewish privately owned land, to protecting Arab traitors from charges of treason, to striking down the government's legal right to determine immigration policies, the Supreme Court has led the charge in ending Israel's right to assert its right to exist as a Jewish state.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Left's Faustian bargain

  • It denies the proposed charges will price people off the land.

    BBC: Fears over Gateshead allotment rent rise plan

  • In the federal government's successful prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation last year on terrorism financing conspiracy charges, the U.S. Attorney's office introduced into evidence an internal Brotherhood strategy memorandum that included an attached list of groups which were identified as "associated or friendly" organizations.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Walford pleaded guilty to two charges of burglary, one of stealing a Land Rover, one of assault causing actual bodily harm, and another of affray.

    BBC: Burglar's five-year home ban

  • He said land owners who allowed their property to be used could face charges of involvement in drug smuggling.

    BBC: Honduras anti-drug chief shot dead by gunmen

  • Lawmakers also leveled charges of lack of security, nepotism and a controversial land purchase.

    CNN: Paraguay swears in new leader after impeachment

  • We should be doing better than filing charges that would be thrown out for vagueness in every courtroom in the land.

    CNN: House Judiciary Committee hearing,

  • That was certainly the practical effect when it blocked prosecutors from bringing charges against Muslim Brotherhood fronts listed as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation money-laundering case.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The charges and subsequent deal stem from legal work Hubbell performed in the 1980s on the Castle Grande land development in Arkansas, a project that has become part of the Whitewater investigation headed by Starr.

    CNN: Hubbell to plead guilty in deal with Starr

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