• Businesses spend a great deal of time trying to capture knowledge and turn them into assets.

    FORBES: Shifting The Imperative From Knowledge Management To Expertise Management

  • Federally funded university research has contributed critical knowledge that in turn led to the commercialization of the Internet and the development of products such as computerized imaging, global positioning systems, smartphones and tablet computers.

    FORBES: Back to Basics at the National Science Foundation

  • More work experience helps you build more self-knowledge, which in turn helps you refine your career aspirations.

    FORBES: How Did You Figure Out What You Love To Do?

  • We can contribute valuable knowledge and insight into helping turn people around.

    BBC: Prison mentors: 'I've been in trouble almost all the time'

  • The enhanced Quattro Pro 9 spreadsheet offers greater file size, easier manipulation of data, and more powerful tools to "turn numbers into knowledge, " Tomey said.

    CNN: Corel unveils WordPerfect Office 2000

  • Children born to stable, married parents are more likely to graduate from high school and from college, well-equipped to thrive in a knowledge economy and, in turn, more likely to marry and start their own families on a stable footing.

    WSJ: The New Unmarried Moms

  • As industries become more knowledge-based and more firms turn to open and user-led innovation models to keep a step ahead of disruptive innovators, governments will have to think more carefully about what, if anything, they can do to keep their economies competitive.

    ECONOMIST: We are all innovators now

  • They turn to other sources of knowledge, such as consulting firms, instead.

    FORBES: What's Wrong With Today's Business Schools?

  • As these rivers of ice retreat back up the valleys they carved out, so scientists' knowledge of climate change advances, in turn helping us recognize the signs of a warming world.

    CNN: iPhone app helps track climate change

  • The calm and definitive voice tells you to turn right but your knowledge of the area makes you want to veer left.

    FORBES: For the New Year: Learn to Trust Your Gut

  • In turn, a website could leverage this knowledge to customize its content and target advertising based on that query of terms.

    FORBES: Search Marketing: Routing Around Google's Privacy Policy

  • Education has to shift from imparting a static package of knowledge to a dynamic goal of being able to create knowledge and deploy skills to new situations, whatever they turn out to be.

    FORBES: A Nation Still At Risk: How We Can Fix Our Schools

  • Hence education has to shift from imparting a static package of knowledge to a dynamic goal of being able to create knowledge and deploy skills to new situations, whatever they turn out to be.

    FORBES: What's Involved In Reinventing Education?

  • Let them use their experience and knowledge to help new teachers and try to curb the 50% turn-over rates.

    FORBES: Blame a Teacher Day

  • Observable work is a practice to turn what we do in our daily tasks actions, knowledge and insight into recorded information that we can lookup or reuse later if we need to, or in the case of social business be able to share this view of our work with others of our choosing.

    FORBES: Reevaluating Performance Management

  • That's because internal knowledge allows companies to more readily identify the most promising research areas, which in turn allows them to select the most promising research partners.

    WSJ: Finding an Innovation Strategy That Works

  • However, the greater part of knowledge capture and management in businesses these days are spent on trying to capture and turn into assets what we colloquially refer to as best practices.

    FORBES: Shifting The Imperative From Knowledge Management To Expertise Management

  • But relying on this to cement national strength may turn out to be only a holding action technology is making local knowledge easier to replicate, and the price of most services is steadily falling.

    ECONOMIST: Banks better buck up

  • We came a little unstuck on the visual warning element for your wife, however, but that's why we'll turn this question over to our faithful group of commenters to see if their knowledge stretches further than our own.


  • During a nearly two-hour hearing Tuesday, Blum's knowledge of offshore tax evasion captivated members of the Senate Finance Committee, and they in turn grew increasingly annoyed with the Internal Revenue Service's ability to enforce tax compliance in offshore havens.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • It is probably fair to say that deep-sea research today is equally important to both pure and applied research, since the discovery of new species not only nurtures basic knowledge but is also likely to lead to the identification of new chemicals, which in turn tend to lead to new applications and new economic markets.


  • When she left that evening, she went home to meet with the Jones lawyers with whom we know she has been in contact for many months, in order to brief them about her knowledge of the relationship between Ms. Lewinsky and the president, so that they in turn could question the president the next morning.

    CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement

  • He emphasized that his mother had long kept from him the knowledge of his Jewish forbearers in order to protect him from the fate of her father in turn by the Nazis in a concentration camp in North Africa.

    NPR: Discovering and Embracing Your Jewish Roots

  • Now, if I have a question on seasonal analysis, I turn to him, as he has been kind enough to share with me his knowledge of the seasonal trends that he has gleaned in over 30 years of trading.

    FORBES: The Four Key Seasonal Trends for 2012

  • Any European limits on Google could hamper the sweeping ambition that chief executive Larry Page has set for the company to turn itself from a search engine that primarily displays links to other sites into a "knowledge engine" that answers users' questions directly with information plucked from Google's own services.

    CNN: Brussels takes tough stance on Google

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