• In another study, men were given a cell phone so that they could call a woman they had just been introduced to and ask her on a date.

    FORBES: Why Generic Products Can Make You Feel Bad About Yourself

  • Zaccagnini said that after Newsweek reporter Michael Isikoff approached Tripp in March 1997 to ask her what she knew about Willey's allegations that Clinton groped her just outside the Oval Office, Tripp refused to answer his questions and tried to contact Bruce Lindsey, a White House attorney and close Clinton confidant.

    CNN: Investigating the President

  • Just ask Sheryl Sandberg the mom-in-chief Facebook COO who made it her business in 2012 to tell working women everywhere that, no, it may not be easy to achieve work-life balance with a demanding job and kids at home, but if they really wanted it bad enough, it could be theirs.

    FORBES: Where Are The Women In Tech? On The Forbes Most Powerful Women List

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