• The likes of Jupiter and Threadneedle, two asset managers, have been for sale for ages.

    ECONOMIST: Financial services

  • Dubbed Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, they were designed by NASA to photograph Jupiter and Saturn.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In the early 1970s Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 were sent to fly past Jupiter and Saturn.

    ECONOMIST: Physics

  • Investors still look likely to vote against NatWest as Jupiter and Standard Life, two fund managers, have already declared.

    ECONOMIST: British banking: Scot free? | The

  • Galileo, which has spent the past two years studying Jupiter and its four largest moons, will now concentrate on Europa's icy crust.

    CNN: Galileo moves on to Europa

  • These momentarily warmer periods coincided with times when orbital positions of Jupiter and Saturn were relatively close to the Sun and Earth.

    FORBES: Global Warming? No, Natural, Predictable Climate Change

  • Yet scientists are already speculating that this planet may be of a similar size to Jupiter and have its own ring system.

    UNESCO: Open Access to Scientific Information

  • The laurels for that probably belong to the rescuers of Voyager 2, the second of two probes launched towards Jupiter and Saturn in 1977.

    ECONOMIST: The long arm of the celestial repairman

  • But what we think is that the really big guys, Jupiter and Saturn, had it relatively easy and they didn't suffer so much at this.

    NPR: What Makes Our Solar System Special?

  • They are believed to have broken away from the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and are our nearest neighbours in space after the Moon.

    BBC: At a glance: Asteroid touchdown

  • "First, this icy 'super-Earth' dominates the region around its star that in our Solar System is populated by the gas-giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn, " he said.

    BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Planet hunters find 'super-Earth'

  • And once the planets lined up in their orbits, Earth would "overtake" the others, meaning that Jupiter and Saturn would appear to change direction in the night sky.

    BBC: Star of Bethlehem: The astronomical explanations

  • These upheavals will, supposedly, be the result of a planetary alignment, as the combined gravitational influences of the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn wreak havoc on the earth.

    ECONOMIST: Not the end of the world

  • But computer modelling revealed that most of the asteroids ejected by Jupiter and Saturn quickly dive into the sun, and thus cannot account for the large number of known Earth-crossers.

    ECONOMIST: Celestial mechanics

  • It is running out of fuel for its thrusters, and once that has gone its path will be at the whim of the gravitational fields of Jupiter and its moons.

    ECONOMIST: Galileo and Jupiter

  • And then we started, you know, scientists, astronomers started to wonder, well, why is it that Jupiter and Saturn seem to be pretty much where we expect them to have been born?

    NPR: What Makes Our Solar System Special?

  • Just over 50 extrasolar planetary systems have so far been discovered and analysis of them shows just how unusual our local system is with its giant planets (Jupiter and Saturn) positioned well away from the Sun.

    BBC: Star 'eats' a planet

  • To cap that, having looked at Jupiter and Saturn, Voyager 2's controllers decided to extend the mission by taking pictures of Uranus and Neptune as the craft continued on its journey out of the solar system.

    ECONOMIST: The long arm of the celestial repairman

  • Hughes's best explanation for this series of events is something known as a triple conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn - with the two planets coming close together in the sky three times over a short period.

    BBC: Star of Bethlehem: The astronomical explanations

  • Scafetta believes that a natural 60-year climate cycle associated with astronomical cycles may also explain calendars adopted in traditional Chinese, Tamil and Tibetan civilizations, since all major ancient civilizations knew about 20-year and 60-year Jupiter and Saturn cycles.

    FORBES: Global Warming? No, Natural, Predictable Climate Change

  • Dr. THOMMES: Well, what we think happened in our solar system is that we are an example of a system that was sort of near the boundary between something that actually formed gas giants, formed, well, the Jupiter and Saturn that we see today, and something that if conditions had been a little bit different wouldn't have really formed any gas giants at all.

    NPR: What Makes Our Solar System Special?

  • It seems there are now going to be two kinds of planets: the real thing, like Earth and Mars and Jupiter, and then something called plutons, which are funny things that are kind of planets and kind of not planets.

    NPR: A Down-to-Earth View of the Planet Debate

  • On May 28, 1959 a rhesus monkey named Able and a squirrel monkey named Miss Baker blasted off on an American Jupiter missile and became the first primates to successfully travel into space and return to Earth alive.

    FORBES: Iran's Space Program Isn't Monkeying Around

  • Christianity was not yet the religion of Rome, and many people were reluctant to be wooed away from the old gods, such as Jupiter, and his jolly companions Venus and Bacchus.

    ECONOMIST: Jesus

  • The main source of meteorites, Chinese folklore notwithstanding, is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, a rough-and-tumble region of our solar system in which would-be planets are upset by Jovian gravity.

    FORBES: Hot Rocks

  • Europa, a satellite of Jupiter, and Enceladus, which orbits Saturn, both have large volumes of liquid water buried beneath their icy crusts.

    BBC: Drill reaches Antarctica's under-ice Lake Whillans

  • Most are gas giants like our Jupiter, and many orbit so close to their parent stars that any microbes would have to survive roasting temperatures.

    BBC: Galaxy has 'billions of Earths'

  • An international team of researchers said the so-called protoplanet has a mass that appears to be at least the size of Jupiter, and perhaps two to three times larger.

    WSJ: Possible New Planet Spotted Under Formation

  • An international team of researchers said the so-called protoplanet has a mass that appears to be at least the size of Jupiter, and perhaps two to three times its size.

    WSJ: Possible New Planet Spotted Under Formation

  • Indeed, Scafetta pointed out to me that in the Hindu tradition, the 60-year cycle is known as the cycle of Brihaspati, the name of Jupiter, and that every 60 years special ceremonies are celebrated by some populations, such as the Sigui ceremony among the Dogon people of Africa.

    FORBES: Global Warming? No, Natural, Predictable Climate Change

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