• Joan Collins, Joanna Lumley, Elaine Paige and Derren Brown were among the other celebrities who attended the show and the first night party at Victoria Embankment Gardens.

    BBC: Spice Girls musical leaves critics cold

  • One day she was Marlene Dietrich in a silver sheath, the next Joan Collins in a deep blue gown, the next Carmen Miranda, in nine-inch platform shoes and with three tons of fruit on her head.

    ECONOMIST: Danny La Rue

  • For a decade and a half Leach traveled the globe with a producer and a cameraman, capturing weekly glimpses of castles in Germany, solid-gold apartments in Hong Kong and the homes of Hugh Hefner, Joan Collins and legions of other celebrities.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Where there are pictures of individuals wearing dresses the Princess of Wales in her Catherine Walker "Elvis" dress, Joan Collins in her David and Elizabeth Emanuel or Daphne Guinness in the Sarah Burton for McQueen feather dress they are too small to see properly.

    WSJ: Tina Gaudoin on Style: All Dressed Up, But Going Nowhere

  • Background is brought to foreground in a wealth of reminiscences, interviews with surviving members, film clips from the distant past and superb concert footage from the recent past, when the reunited Funk Brothers played at Detroit's Royal Oak Music Theater behind such singers as Joan Osborne, Ben Harper, Bootsy Collins, Chaka Khan and Meshell Ndegeocello.

    WSJ: Harry Potter Grows Up

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