• After thousands of years, Jews and Arabs are not strangers in a strange land.

    WHITEHOUSE: Share This Post

  • Last year, the group analyzed fertility trends in Israel and Judea and Samaria among Jews and Arabs.


  • Resolution 181 proposed dividing between Jews and Arabs the land then remaining under the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Mideast Peace Under Arabs? Control

  • They also bring together orchestras comprised of Jews and Arabs to get them to practice together, literally requiring them to harmonize.

    FORBES: Sometimes it Starts with Saving 25 Cents Per Week

  • Here locals are carving a unique niche as a place where young Jews and Arabs coexist and collaborate on their progressive ideas.

    BBC: Hip Haifa, Israel��s third city

  • He had ended his historic visit to Muslim Syria with a parting plea for Jews and Arabs to work for a just peace.

    CNN: Pope in Malta after peace plea

  • Similarly, the distinction between Jews and Arabs fails to take account of the variety of Jewish communities in Arab lands at this time.

    NPR: Historian Robert Satloff

  • With their Peace Through Teacher Dialog (PTTD) program, they have taken educational leaders, again Jews and Arabs together, to Germany to study educational models together.

    FORBES: Sometimes it Starts with Saving 25 Cents Per Week

  • If there is anything Jews and Arabs have agreed on during the conflict in Palestine, it is that they do not belong to the same people.

    ECONOMIST: Israel

  • But the cold war, hitherto a fight for influence in Europe and Latin America, had now acquired a Middle Eastern axis, and Jews and Arabs were at its centre.

    ECONOMIST: Israel and the Palestinians

  • The stories I tell both of what happened between Jews and Arabs sixty years ago and how each of them relate to that history today challenge convention within each community.

    NPR: Historian Robert Satloff

  • Liberal and left-wing Israelis were shaken earlier this year by the stridency of a countrywide campaign against an old-established charity, the New Israel Fund, active in liberal causes among both Jews and Arabs.

    ECONOMIST: Israel's democracy

  • Clinton's unique contribution to that great "pro-peace" endeavor this week was her outspoken criticism on Wednesday of the Jerusalem Municipality's decision to enforce the city's building and planning ordinances equally toward both Jews and Arabs.


  • Its financial support for Egypt, designed originally to reward peace and establish some balance between Jews and Arabs, merely associates it with an authoritarian regime without persuading that regime to moderate the anti-western views that pervade even the state-controlled media there.

    ECONOMIST: Fighting terrorism

  • Though he once said Jews and Arabs could live together in the same capital, Husseini had hardened his stance towards Israel during the recent intifada (uprising) and was attending an anti-Israeli conference in Kuwait when he died from a massive heart attack.

    CNN: Husseini's death 'a blow for peace'

  • Such an emphasis on numbers, however, has the effect of ripping these stories from their historical, cultural, and geographic roots and distorting the narrative of the people both Jews and Arabs whose lives were touched by the long reach of the Holocaust.

    NPR: Historian Robert Satloff

  • By the end the authors have constructed a methodical defence not only of the Zionist idea but also of the two-state solution in Palestine, an idea which six decades after the UN's partition resolution of 1947 is losing the support of some intellectuals but is still the most plausible way to reconcile the Jews and Arabs of Palestine.

    ECONOMIST: Israel

  • Guez says the community had to negotiate their identity against two majority groups -- Israeli Jews and Muslim Arabs -- displaying a dual attitude towards both groups to protect their identity.


  • More than 70 years ago, in 1929, a quarrel about control of the Western Wall sparked riots throughout Jerusalem, and then throughout Palestine, in which 133 Jews and 116 Arabs were killed.

    ECONOMIST: Hope in a hate-infected city

  • If with British help -- instead of London's opposition to Jews and appeasement of Arabs -- Israel had been founded 10 years earlier then many of those Jews who perished in the Holocaust would have survived.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Reasonableness and rage

  • Without a valid idea of why the Arabs and the Jews are fighting, U.S. peacemaking efforts, no matter how intense and well-motivated, are unlikely to allay the grievances that underlie the 100-year conflict between Arabs and Jews over Palestine.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Land for Peace IV: the Sorry Sequel

  • Israel Defense Forces says 65 Israeli Jews and 13 Israeli Arabs have been killed in the clashes.

    CNN: soldier

  • More than 400 people -- 343 Palestinians, according to Red Crescent, and 49 Israeli Jews and 13 Israeli Arabs, according to the Israel Defense Forces -- have been killed in the violence since September 28 last year.

    CNN: Killings overshadow Mideast talks

  • Not planning and developing Jerusalem neighborhoods ultimately harms all residents and landowners -- Arabs and Jews alike.


  • It is predictable that more people will be needed if we are serious about monitoring all the flashpoints and reporting on all the violence between Arabs and Jews.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Don��t Go There: U.S. Monitors�� Will Not Promote Mideast Peace

  • Its efforts are aimed at breaking the cultural and civic ties between Israeli Arabs and Israeli Jews.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Exposing the puppet masters

  • The peace they made removed Egypt from the circle of conflict with Israel and marked the first step in ending the generations-long conflict between Arabs and Jews.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • She notes that the attitude of the Jews toward the Arabs in Israel is reminiscent of the attitude of the Germans to the Jews before the holocaust and the feeling of the Arabs toward the Jews is just as hateful.

    FORBES: Sometimes it Starts with Saving 25 Cents Per Week

  • We see it in Middle East, as the conflict between Arabs and Jews seems to harden.

    CNN: Obama: 'Peace requires responsibility'

  • Second is an observation about the role of history in the lives of Arabs and Jews.

    NPR: Historian Robert Satloff

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