• In 1958 he got his first major part as Sir Waldo of Ivanhoe in the TV series, Ivanhoe.

    BBC: Onedin Line actor Peter Gilmore dies aged 81

  • Familiar to TV audiences for his roles in Ivanhoe, The Saint and The Persuaders, Roger Moore proved to be a popular replacement for Connery and brought a lighter touch to his seven outings as Bond.

    BBC: James Bond: Cars, catchphrases and kisses

  • He freely admits that he is "a large holder" of stock in Friedland's Ivanhoe Energy and has recommended both Ivanhoe Mines and Ivanhoe Energy in his newsletter. (He has also shilled for Ivanhoe Energy on CBS MarketWatch's weekend network-TV broadcast.) His enthusiasm has been credited by various news wires with moving the stocks higher.

    FORBES: Helping Hands

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