• Most defence analysts think North Korea, with its economy on the brink of collapse and much of its population underfed, is incapable of a sustained attack.

    ECONOMIST: North Korea’s nasty business | The

  • Bond investors have bailed, its banks are on the brink and politicians have passed the grimmest budget in its history, but Facebook still believes in putting more money (and staff) into Ireland.

    FORBES: Facebook Believes In Ireland

  • More ominous, its financial system is on the brink of disaster as its banks, including the large ones, reel from the catastrophically growing volume of nonperforming loans.

    FORBES: Japan: Falling Off The Cliff

  • The meetings occurred as the country was on the brink of its worst financial crisis since the 1930s.

    NPR: Transcripts Show Fed Underestimated Crisis In 2007

  • Like Blockbuster in its heyday, Netflix is on the brink of achieving titanic bargaining power, getting studios to cut fees and availability delays, garnering exclusives and further cementing its place in the market as the largest provider of entertainment content, streaming or otherwise.

    FORBES: Netflix's Higher Prices Are A Power Play

  • France has a weak innovation sector, and its economy is stagnant, teetering on the brink of debt crisis.

    FORBES: Guess What: The Government Built Your Company!

  • Meanwhile, the National Institute of Economic and Social Research said the UK was on the brink of its first full year of recession since 1991.

    BBC: Gloomy forecasts for UK economy

  • Greece could be on the brink of losing its best and brightest.

    BBC: Pity the Greeks

  • Regulators are examining whether MF Global diverted some customer funds to support its own trades as the firm teetered on the brink of collapse.

    FORBES: MF Global : 99 Problems And Auditor PwC Warned About None

  • Thanks to, among other things, the activities of the foreign trade lobby (which in the last year has worked harder than ever to persuade us that China was on the brink of collapse or at least was losing its mojo), China hardly figured in the 2012 presidential campaign.

    FORBES: Three Reasons Why Hillary Will -- Unfortunately -- Never Be President

  • As if that weren't enough, the partisan divide in the U.S. Congress took the country to the brink of default on its debt payments in early August, leaving many investors angry over what was seen as unnecessary turmoil in the markets.

    WSJ: World's Woes Leave Lasting Scars

  • The Church is at the brink of its own transition at the top that could have an enormous impact on its future vitality and direction.

    CNN: To pick a pope, learn lessons from business world

  • Its buildings were fully occupied, yet it was on the brink of insolvency.

    FORBES: God and the devil

  • To muster that public support, the White House, Treasury Secretary, and Fed Chairman Bernanke constantly bombarded the nation with speeches, and testimony before Congress, about how terrible things were, with the economy teetering on the brink of a depression, and the stock market in a serious bear market since its 2007 top.

    FORBES: Calmer Rhetoric In Washington The Biggest Boost For Markets

  • This lessor of container ships was trading at just 0.22 times its book value in early 2010 amid fears that its top customer, France's CMA CGM, was on the brink of bankruptcy.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • With Greece on the brink of default, Germany has changed its position multiple times this week, first stating that it would not help the struggling country and then saying it would support the bailout effort.

    FORBES: U.S. Equities

  • On the brink of offering up Facebook, with its hundreds of millions of users, to stockholders, even Zuckerberg's controlling interest in the company (a 57% share of voting rights, according to reports) could soon need to be checked by the types of lawyers, bean-counters and other business types whose jobs involve looking out for a company's bottom line.

    CNN: Doug Gross,

  • With Lebanon's economy poised precariously on the brink of ruin, Hizbullah may not wish to alienate its countrymen by risking massive Israeli retaliation.

    ECONOMIST: But there is little they can do

  • The next time a firm the size of AIG finds itself on the brink of failure there will be a plan to pay its creditors.

    FORBES: FDIC's Master Plan For "Too Big To Fail" Firms

  • The biggest insurance company in the world totters on the brink, and savings and loan giant Washington Mutual had its credit ratings cut to junk.

    NPR: Wall Street Woes: Who Gets A Bailout?

  • The spawning stock of tuna is only 36% of its level 30 years ago, and ICCAT's scientists warned in September that the Mediterranean bluefin was on the brink of collapse.

    ECONOMIST: High time to save the Mediterranean bluefin

  • Germany is now teetering on the brink of recession some economists think it may already be contracting and its predicament has been likened to Japan.

    ECONOMIST: Striving for co-operation | The

  • But it pulls back from its own brink with infantilizing music, smarmy affection and a sentimentalized climax that puts Chuck and Buck alike on the path of personal growth.

    WSJ: In 'X-Men,' Mutants Have Special Power -- But Plot Does Not

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