• Russia, Israel and North Korea boast efforts of their own.

    ECONOMIST: The threat from the internet

  • These banned nuclear trade, even civilian deals, with countries like India and Pakistan, but also Israel and now North Korea, that resist full international safeguards on all their nuclear industry.

    ECONOMIST: Nuclear proliferation in South Asia

  • Israel and the US view North Korea as an isolated Asian nuisance that has little connection to the war in the Middle East.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Recognizing the Axis of Evil

  • The draft resolution also calls for all states that are not members of the NPT - Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea - to join the NPT as non-nuclear powers.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Netanyahu, Obama's newest prop

  • Israel, Pakistan, North Korea and Iran have developed their nuclear technology unimpeded by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which is a useless hypocrisy.

    ECONOMIST: India's nuclear technology

  • Moreover, North Korea's ability to proliferate nuclear weapons to the likes of Iran, Syria and Venezuela owes in large part to then-secretary of state Condoleezza Rice's insistence that Israel say nothing about North Korea's nuclear ties to Iran and Syria in the wake of Israel's destruction of the North Korean-built and Iranian-financed nuclear reactor in Syria in September 2007.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Rocking Obama's world

  • The US has now joined the ranks of fools who claim that nuclear weapons in the hands of states like the US and Israel are as problematic as nuclear weapons in the hands of states like Iran and North Korea.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Time to plan for war

  • And by containing the likes of Russia, North Korea and Pakistan, they will make it easier for Israel to contain Iran even in the face of US support for the mullahs.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Surviving in a post-American world

  • The market senses that the problems in Europe are still just getting started, the North-South Korea conflict continues, and Israel situation threatens to boil over into something bigger.

    FORBES: Risk Too Great For Smoke-And-Mirrors Rally

  • The Shihab-3 missile, for instance, which forms the backbone of Iran's strategic arm threatening Israel and its Arab neighbors, is simply an Iranian adaptation of North Korea's Nodong missile technology.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel and the Axis of Evil

  • If the president can't enforce his own red line on chemicals, what do you think our adversaries (North Korea and Iran) and friends (Israel and Saudi Arabia) will conclude on the nuclear issue?

    CNN: Obama's no-win options in Syria

  • Syria's expanding relationship with Iran and Iraq, as well as its military relationship with North Korea and its harboring of terrorists that harass both Israel and Turkey, make it an unlikely candidate for a constructive relationship with the U.S. military.


  • And whereas its support for Iran and North Korea potentially endangers China by empowering destabilizing actors, support for Israel would serve China's interest of enhancing regional stability since a strong Israel deters regional aggressors from stirring up trouble.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel's opening to China

  • But Pakistan won't accept a test ban unless India does (both, like Israel, are nuclear-armed but outside the NPT), and without them and belligerent North Korea the treaty cannot take full effect.

    ECONOMIST: Getting to zero

  • When Israel in 2007 destroyed a clandestine and nearly completed reactor that Syria, with the help of North Korea, had been building for years on the Euphrates River, ElBaradei appeared less upset with the Syrians for building and concealing the illicit reactor than with the Israelis for destroying it.

    FORBES: Beware the Brokering of Egypt's ElBaradei

  • North Korea fired off missiles with impunity, Iran bankrolled murderous strikes into Israel--and laughed--and Iraq remains a mess.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • That includes Iran, which signed but refuses to implement the protocol unless the UN Security Council abandons efforts to halt its suspect nuclear programme, North Korea and Syria (where an alleged secret reactor still being built was bombed by Israel in 2007).

    ECONOMIST: But will still counts for more than legal powers or cash

  • Obama's call for a nuclear-free world combined with his aggressive stance towards Israel's purported nuclear arsenal, his bid to disarm the US nuclear arsenal, and his ineffective response to North Korea's nuclear brinksmanship and Iran's nuclear project have served to convince nations from the Persian Gulf to South America to the Pacific Rim that they should begin developing nuclear weapons.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Rocking Obama's world

  • If in defense of the principle of sovereignty China is willing to block sanctions against Iran and North Korea, then surely Beijing should be willing to take the far more benign step of supporting Israel.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel's opening to China

  • Since that time, Amanpour has reported from every major world news event and hotspot, including Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, the Palestinian territories, Iran, Sudan, Israel, Pakistan, Somalia, Rwanda, the Balkans, Egypt, Libya, throughout Europe and the United States.

    CNN: Anchors & Reporters

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