• These boards comprise Islamic scholars and practitioners who provide the Islamic financial institutions guidance and supervision.

    FORBES: South Dakota's Ill-Considered Attack On Islamic Financing

  • Islamic scholars have interpreted it as ruling out activities containing a high degree of uncertainty.

    FORBES: A Distant Mirror

  • The government needs Islamic scholars like Hamid to blunt the advance of opposition Islamists.

    CNN: Stirred But Not Shaken

  • Similarly, Chinese inventions have been recast as European and the role of Islamic scholars ignored.

    ECONOMIST: History of science

  • Islamic scholars say it has no justification in the Koran, and several have recently spoken out against the practice.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Police plea on genital mutilation

  • The picturesque city, considered an important destination for Islamic scholars, features a number of ancient and prominent burial sites.

    CNN: Mali Islamists destroy tombs in Timbuktu

  • The picturesque city of Timbuktu is considered an important destination for Islamic scholars, and features ancient and prominent burial sites.


  • Smith was a student of Sir Hamilton Gibb, the doyen of Anglo-Islamic scholars of the first half of last century.


  • The Islamic scholars involved with this group occupy influential positions in universities, Islamic centers, and mosques throughout the United States.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Its provenance has been confirmed by Islamic scholars throughout the centuries, including Hassan bin Sadid-Aldin (Allameh Helli) in the 14th Century.

    UNESCO: Memory of the World

  • Islamic scholars agree money is simply a means of exchange and not an asset, and should therefore not grow over time.

    FORBES: South Dakota's Ill-Considered Attack On Islamic Financing

  • Jailed militants are offered one-on-one discussions with Islamic scholars to try to convince them that they have misinterpreted the rules of jihad.

    ECONOMIST: A survey of al-Qaeda

  • Connolly will be launching a course in capital markets and treasury products, at the American University in Cairo, specifically targeted at Islamic scholars.

    FORBES: The Enforcers

  • It reveres the Islamic scholars, known by the Arabic term ulama or the Javanese term kiai, whose influence remains strong in east Java.

    ECONOMIST: Islam in Indonesia

  • Islamic scholars traveled great distances to study in the city's university, which had 25, 000 students during its zenith, and was comprised of three mosques.

    CNN: Timbuktu: Mali's treasure at risk from armed uprising

  • We want to have the opportunity potentially to have Islamic scholars come to the United States and have dialogue with other faith communities in our country.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Dangerous accommodations

  • Most British Muslims were baffled and irritated by the media attention he attracted, insisting he did not speak for them, while Islamic scholars questioned his religious credentials.

    BBC: End of an era as Abu Hamza to be extradited

  • The picturesque city was once an important destination for Islamic scholars because of its ancient and prominent burial sites, and it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

    CNN: Minister: French pilot killed in Mali helicopter raid

  • These are the top-tier Islamic scholars whose stamp of approval is required before the world's banks can market a new financial product as being consistent with Islamic law.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Islamic banks are required to establish committees consisting of Islamic scholars to ensure that the bank is operating in compliance with shariah principles, including the distribution of zakat funds.


  • Islamic scholars seeking a modest approach should be brought forward on the popular media to calm people's resentment, while less coverage should be given to more hard-line political parties and public figures.


  • To keep a mutual fund sharia-compliant, an advisory board of Islamic scholars monitors its avoidance of companies profiting from alcohol, casinos, movies, music, financial services (other than those provided by Islamic banks), weapons and pigs.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The arrival in Britain this week of Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and one of the world's top Islamic scholars, drew furious denunciations from some members of Parliament and the tabloid press.

    ECONOMIST: The short path from faith to hatred

  • Islamic scholars say the same thing.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Geert Wilders in Berlin

  • There have been several books published recently touting the historical contributions of Islamic scholars to the early history of science (in the Middle Ages), but fewer assessing the relationship between Muslim tradition and the challenges that modern science presents to it today.

    FORBES: Book Notes: Islam's Quantum Question

  • There was a great deal of controversy in the Islamic world on this issue as recently as the 1980s, with some prominent Islamic scholars claiming that there was in fact no complete prohibition of interest, only a prohibition of usury, or excessive, unfair interest.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Shariah-Compliant Finance as a 'safe haven'?

  • Later it was expounded on by various Islamic scholars, such as Ibn Taymiiya in the 13th century, but it did not become institutionalized until the mid-18th century when the theories promulgated by the radical cleric Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab were accepted and imposed as the state religion of his realm by the founder of the House of Saud.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Alexiev testifies on Wahhabi influence in US

  • Islamic students and scholars, fueled by coffee, revived Greek philosophy and laid the groundwork for the scientific method and modern mathematics.

    FORBES: Repent! The End Of Cheap Coffee Is Nigh!

  • And this includes the need for Islamic philosophers and religious scholars to study how the Christian churches in the West have (largely though by no means completely) adapted to the findings of science and its implications for religious beliefs.

    FORBES: Book Notes: Islam's Quantum Question

  • Almost exclusively, zakat payments go to Islamic charities selected by Shariah scholars, like Mufti Taqi Usmani and Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

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