• The core manuscripts of antiquity were preserved by Islamic civilization, and to a lesser extent, by Irish monks.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Most of the discourse on the Islamic civilization has remained superficial and ill-informed.

    FORBES: Book Notes: Islam's Quantum Question

  • Less sure-footed was his handling of a government announcement in June that universities would be introducing a compulsory course on Islamic Civilization.


  • These narrators, most notable among them, for instance, are Ibn Ishaq (d. 761), Bukhari (d.870), Muslim (d. 875) and al-Baladhuri (d. c.892), provided the raw material for those who came later and sought to systematize the historical record and provide commentaries of their own on the earliest developments of Arab-Muslim history and Islamic civilization.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Muslim-on-Muslim Violence

  • On one foot: In the 1920's, an Egyptian Islamic theologian, Hassan al-Banna, challenged Islamic civilization with a most painful religious question: if Islam teaches that Muslims would come to dominate the world, how to explain the collapse of the Ottoman Islamic Empire, the only remaining caliphate (Islamic sovereignty), and how account for the state of Muslims around the world - impoverished, and dominated by the West?

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Will FBI break ties with Boston Islamists?

  • And his whole goal was to insulate the Islamic world from the Western Civilization.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Israel, as the forward outpost of Western civilization in the Islamic world, stands in the way of Islamic expansion.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Defending freedom��s defenders

  • The Brotherhood has the explicit goal of "destroying Western civilization from within" and making America into a Shariah-adherent Islamic nation.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Death sentence? The FDLE Report

  • There is only one credible explanation for the West's willingness to collaborate with Islamic supremacists as they purge the historical record of the Jewish roots of Western civilization.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Age of Dissimulation

  • Then too, when Denmark's Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen reportedly agreed to apologize to the Islamic world for Denmark's independent Jyllands-Postens 2005 publication of cartoons of Muhammad in exchange for Turkish support for his candidacy for NATO secretary-general, he was accepting that it is Western civilization - with its freedom of speech - that is to blame for Islamic aggression and intolerance.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Appeasing child killers

  • He conceived of the concept of Islamic economics and a concept under which Muslims would do business with each other in an Islamic way to insulate themselves from the economic imperialism, as he called it, of the Western Civilization at the time.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Millennia before the current war between the West and Islam the war Obama insists does not exist in the first place the ancient Greeks (forebears of Western civilization) warred with the Persians (forebears of the soon-to-be-nuclear Islamic theocracy, Iran).

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: 'The bow': Obama��s abominable obeisance

  • At that time, Western Civilization, through colonialism, was, at least in Mawdudi's opinion, inflicting itself on the Islamic world.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

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