• It has installed internet servers on the platform, linked to the outside world via satellite links.

    BBC: Web rebels profit from net controls

  • North Korea has accused the U.S. and South Korea of launching attacks against Internet servers in Pyongyang.

    WSJ: Seoul Raises Alert Ahead of Expected Test

  • Sealand, now run by Michael Bates, is used as a base for internet servers and other business ventures.

    BBC: 'Prince of Sealand' Roy Bates dies in Essex

  • North Korea has accused the US and its allies of attacks on its internet servers, amid tension on the peninsula.

    BBC: North Korea says US 'behind hack attack'

  • But occasionally, senior teams also test their mettle against the hordes of young guns on public Internet servers even if it ends badly.

    WSJ: These Videogame Sites Are for 'Mature' Audiences Only

  • Meanwhile, the less affluent are doing more to feed the goddesses of the shopping malls and Internet servers than their wealthier counterpart.

    FORBES: Four Holidays That Out-Glitter Xmas by $36 Billion

  • On 15 March, North Korea's KCNA news agency accused the US and its allies of "intensive and persistent" hacking attacks on its internet servers.

    BBC: China IP address link to South Korea cyber-attack

  • Maloney warned of the danger of spreading Linux "too thin, " instead of focusing on what it does best now: run small to medium-sized Internet servers.

    CNN: Celebrated freeware OS Linux grows up

  • And when the government tried to monitor internet traffic and ban popular websites, people outside Iran set up proxy internet servers so Iranians could continue to access information anonymously.

    BBC: Cameron's data speech in full

  • 's new-media facility, he answered questions from a collection of magazine editors as if by rote, but on his way out he asked to see the Internet servers and spent 45 minutes grilling the claque of awed techies there.

    CNN: In Search Of The Real Bill Gates

  • His reliable time sources include the national radio time signal operated by NPL, which provides the time pips on the radio, and internet time servers.

    BBC: Speaking Clock: Why are people still dialling for the time?

  • The DNSrides on top-level servers around the world, which in turn are guided by the true pillars of the Internet:13 root servers, most of them run by volunteers.

    FORBES: The Next Threat

  • The virtual reconstruction of Implenia's data center pulled information about the layout of servers and storage, the devices' temperatures, power consumption and data processing over the Internet to IBM's servers, where they were built into a 3-D virtual world model.

    FORBES: Breakthroughs

  • Last month, the House committee passed a bill to prohibit Internet firms from locating servers or other equipment containing personal information in countries censoring the Web.

    FORBES: Grilling Yahoo!

  • For example vehicles are rarely hooked up to the internet or to remote servers, and therefore the computer processor already installed by the car manufacturer handles speech recognition.

    BBC: Speak up! Tell your microwave, fridge and TV what to do

  • Instead, Zillow ran the job over the Internet, on 500 computer servers rented from Amazon.com.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Switches--the glue that holds computer networks together, routing communications among PCs, servers and the internet--are a little trickier.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Its modular design also means that it can easily expand from cheap consumer devices to big servers supporting the Internet's backbone.

    ECONOMIST: Strength through Joy | The

  • The "taken as read" prediction is the rise of "cloud computing, " which allows consumers to store data, and run apps from, remote servers on the Internet.

    WSJ: European Corporate Leaders Weigh In on 2012 Technology Trends

  • "Your PC can handle your entire city simulation without any help from the internet or EA's servers, " he wrote in a detailed explanation posted to the Pastie website.

    BBC: Gamer hacks SimCity to run offline

  • As users proliferate, the servers that form the Internet's backbone will also come under more strain.

    CNN: Cash -- or E-Money?

  • Today, Cerf lamented, the Internet does little to authenticate either servers, like those that host Web sites, or users themselves.

    FORBES: Made For Hacking

  • Major League Baseball games, sitcoms from NBC, movie downloads from Starz and more zip across the Internet via 20, 000 superfast servers that Akamai has deployed in 71 countries.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • To add to the menace, the new Java programming language, developed by another Microsoft enemy, Sun Microsystems, had the potential to create applications programmes that could be pulled down from servers linked to the Internet and would run on any operating system.

    ECONOMIST: Play nicely, or not at all | The

  • In the past decade, hackers have taken down nine of the 14 servers that run the Internet in the USA. They have penetrated the Pentagon, the Dept. of Defense, the Dept. of Army and who knows what else and this was 3-4 years ago, in the 2007-2008 time frame.

    FORBES: What Would You Do If Nothing Works?

  • Processing is done in data centres on specialised servers and streamed over the internet.

    BBC: Onlive 'cloud console' to get UK launch

  • Wireless networks that connect people directly to hulking back-end servers could ultimately bypass the Internet and rob portals of both traffic and eyeballs, Bockman says.

    CNN: Portals in the palm of your hand

  • Instead of sprawls of special-purpose computer servers--one for Internet applications, one for e-mail and so on--a virtualized system uses one machine to do all of these functions.

    FORBES: Hardware for Hard Times

  • Behind the scenes The Pirate Bay team is working hard to ensure that the site will remain online in the event that servers, domain names and Internet routes are cut off.

    FORBES: The Pirate Bay Preparing For Police Raid

  • To prove the feasibility of the technique, Kapela and Pilosov, both owners of small networking companies, collaborated with conference organizers to reroute all of Defcon's Los Vegas Internet traffic through Pilosov's company servers in New York.

    FORBES: Return To Sender

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