• The government's action must also be a part of a larger initiative to reform our immigration detention system.

    CNN: Locking up thousands of immigrants is wrong

  • The Campaign Reform Initiative would prohibit employers and unions from automatically deducting money from employee paychecks to pay for political activities.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • The referendum on a new constitution, scheduled for 4th August this year, is the most important reform initiative for the Grand Coalition Government.

    WHITEHOUSE: Vice President Biden and Kenyan President Kibaki

  • Ron Wyden of Oregon as co-sponsor of his Medicare reform initiative.

    WSJ: Fred Barnes: How Ryan Recasts the Race

  • Mr. Adachi himself has performed some nip and tucks on his pension reform initiative in order to neutralize the labor attacks on him during his mayoral campaign.

    WSJ: San Francisco's Pension Fog

  • Both residents of the Chicago, Illinois, area, Ayers and Obama first met in 1995 when they served on the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a school reform initiative.

    CNN: 3,000 professors sign to support William Ayers

  • Its supporters back President Obama's health care reform initiative.

    CNN: Dueling bus tours crisscross political landscape

  • In July she gave her party's support to prime minister Singh's much-anticipated reform initiative for the country, which will include building infrastructure, increasing energy potential and managing food, fuel and fertilizer in the crowded nation.

    FORBES: Sonia Gandhi

  • However, labor leaders and interim Mayor Ed Lee -- who was appointed in January, after his predecessor became lieutenant governor, and is now seeking election -- co-opted Mr. Adachi's pension reform initiative and performed thrombotic surgery.

    WSJ: San Francisco's Pension Fog

  • In return for supporting tax increases Mr Maldonado wants support for a ballot initiative that would reform the primary system, making it more hospitable to people like him (ah, to hold the deciding vote at such a time).

    ECONOMIST: California's crisis

  • The last time the question captured the nation's attention, the private sector won hands down: In 1994, a coalition of insurers and employers defeated President Clinton's health care reform initiative by tarring it as a bureaucratic nightmare that would lead to government rationing of medical services.

    CNN: latimes.com: Gore, Bush drug plans -- debate keys on trust

  • Last year San Francisco distinguished itself as the only municipality to reject a pension reform ballot initiative.

    WSJ: San Francisco's Pension Fog

  • And yet, according to the 27 July edition of the New York Times, Gerashchenko maintains that he had as might be expected coordinated the currency "reform" initiative with Khasbulatov.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Transformation Watch #13: Russian Reform Imperiled By Yeltsin Complicity In, Mishandling Of Currency Power Play

  • He can regain the initiative on Social Security reform (the President should put a specific proposal on the table along the lines of the Ryan-Sununu bill so seniors would quickly realize that their benefits would be untouched), and he can make the case for radical tax reform, emphasizing that the current code hurts us economically and corrupts us politically.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • The initiative for the kingdom's nascent reform process has come from Crown Prince Abdullah.

    BBC: NEWS | Middle East | Saudi Arabia: Political overview

  • The Report also highlights the need to improve aid effectiveness and substantially reform the Education Fast Track Initiative if the EFA goals are to be achieved.


  • The much-touted American aid programme meant to promote reform, the Middle East Partnership Initiative, gets less cash in a year than what America spends in Iraq in a day.

    ECONOMIST: Tentative steps down the road to democracy | The

  • These groups express a "my life stinks" view and show almost no innovation, initiative or ownership -- precisely the behaviors necessary to reform our intelligence systems.

    CNN: 'Systemic failure' is no excuse

  • With the Senate preparing to leave Washington for a month-long recess, Bush thanked the senators for passing his tax cut and implored them to pass his education reform bill and faith-based social services initiative.

    CNN: Bush visits Senate GOP caucus

  • Since Mike's report was compiled Tesco, Marks and Spencer and Mothercare have all agreed to work with several other big retailers, NGOs and the Ethical Trading Initiative to back efforts to persuade the Indian government to reform the country's apprenticeship system.

    BBC: The price of cheap clothes?

  • James S. Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House, the President announced that Vice President Joe Biden will lead a new initiative that has been tasked with identifying concrete proposals for real reform by January.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • Perhaps some of the ambiguity comes from the fact that this new initiative is staking a claim to fight on issues beyond just immigration reform.

    FORBES: Zuckerberg: Undocumented Immigrants 'Should Be Part Of Our Future'

  • "By failing to act on President Bush's bipartisan education initiative, the Senate Democrat majority is holding up the most sweeping reform to our nation's educational system in decades, " Lott said.

    CNN: Bush impatient with Congress on education bill

  • Even the coauthor of the voter initiative that birthed Prop. 65 concedes that the law is ready for reform.

    FORBES: Toxic Avengers

  • And I want to compliment her for the initiative she took in laying out a set of very strong elements for reform.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefings

  • Every major initiative voting rights, open housing, environmental law, campaign reform enjoyed bipartisan support.

    NEWYORKER: The Empty Chamber

  • From taxes to entitlement reform the President has been MIA on nearly every major domestic initiative with the exception of his trillion dollar healthcare boondoggle that a majority of Americans now want repealed.

    FORBES: Why Leadership Matters, And Why Jim Lehrer Deserves Our Thanks

  • And the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee (at 10am) takes evidence from the Better Government Initiative, Unlock Democracy and Democratic Audit on the impact of the Wright reforms, which beefed up the legitimacy of Commons select committees.

    BBC: Week ahead

  • Brian Hooks, director of the Global Prosperity Initiative at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, advocates the kind of legal reform and changes in property rights pioneered by Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto--reforms that will eventually enable the world's poor to join formal financial systems.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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