• The Marshals Service has concluded that "one individual was and the other individual was believed to be residing outside of the United States, " according to the summary.

    CNN: U.S. lost track of two with known or suspected terror ties

  • This explains a surprisingly undemocratic habit in daily life of subordinating the needs and rights of the individual to those of companies, special-interest groups and other members of the establishment.

    ECONOMIST: In old California

  • When the council decides by a majority as is increasingly the case the outcome is beyond the control of individual governments and depends on the distribution of preferences among other ministers or prime ministers.

    ECONOMIST: Prosecuting the war

  • Think about how you want to show up to the other individual and plan for this in advance.

    FORBES: Making Every Interaction Count: 5 Tips For Success

  • "We have a situation where pollsters, consultants, and any other individual in the political arena has basically sent a message to their candidates, 'Run against managed care, '" says Karen Ignagni of the American Association of Health Plans.

    CNN: HMOs: The Year's Hot Political Issue

  • Exposure to the outdoor elements, drowning, and other factors put the individual at risk for an injury or death.

    FORBES: Autistic Children Who Wander Have New Code and Medical Resources They Can Access

  • "In moments of danger, be it threats from the State Duma (parliament) or individual politicians or other events and circumstances that make the president extremely nervous, Yeltsin makes radical decisions with enviable regularity, " the paper said.

    BBC: Russian media unimpressed with Primakov

  • By recognising and thus publicising individual sites, UNESCO and other cultural watchdogs risk harming the cause of conservation, which would be better served if visitors to the country were spread around a broader range of places.

    ECONOMIST: UNESCO is better at naming enemies than finding friends

  • Britain is in danger of falling between two stools: on the one hand, rejecting state finance and on the other, discouraging individual donation.

    ECONOMIST: Campaign financing

  • If Mr Friedman is right that the growth of American law can best be explained as a product of the expansion of free markets, prosperity and individual freedom, then other countries are heading in the same direction.

    ECONOMIST: America's legal system

  • Apple apparently wants third party applications on the iPhone and iPod touch just like every other sane individual on the planet.

    ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

  • These rights cover property such as patents, trademarks, copyrights and royalties and other contractual rights, and depending on the individual circumstances, they can be worth thousands, if not millions, of dollars.

    FORBES: What Would Monica Geller Say About Courteney Cox's Divorce Strategy?

  • These two effects of the uninsured arguably compound each other and create inflated prices for the individual.

    FORBES: The Economics of the Mandate Don't Matter: It's Constitutional

  • That lets the Meta 1 track your gestures, individual fingers and walls or other physical surfaces, all of which are processed in the PC with motion tracking tech to give the illusion of virtual objects anchored to the real world.


  • Freedom and the dignity of the individual have been more available and assured here than in any other place on Earth.

    CNN: Inaugural Address

  • And there would have to be some kind of automated funds-sweeping mechanism, such that the proceeds are split between the relevant individual and the Exchequer - because the scheme as devised would allow you, me and the 49, 999, 998 other new bank proprietors to scoop only those profits that may be available after the Treasury has been repaid what it invested in RBS and Lloyds.

    BBC: Bank casino capitalism for all

  • Apart from Prince Arthur Eze, who was the largest individual donor, other wealthy Nigerians who were present during the event and donated generously include Jim Ovia, Oba Otudeko and Tony Elumelu.

    FORBES: Nigerian Tycoon Arthur Eze Donates $12 Million To Anglican Church

  • College, on the other hand, is voluntary and requires payment by the individual.

    FORBES: College Costs Out Of Control

  • Nonetheless, the clash of debt cultures has thrown obstacles in the path of resolving the crisis, with Germany emphasizing individual national responsibilities and others seeking to spread the debts they took on to other, stronger governments.

    WSJ: Lessons for Euro From Two Revolutions

  • For those of us who were reporters in the 1990s, during the health care debates then, we keenly remember the fact that there was a bill put forward by a Republican member of the Senate, endorsed by the Republican leader of the Senate and numerous other Republicans in the Senate that contained within it this individual mandate.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • For Eichengreen has done more than arguably any other individual to create and sustain the false impression that the gold standard caused the Great Depression.

    FORBES: The Claims Against Gold Still Aren't Sticking

  • They extended Mr Clauset's and Mr Maxwell's idea of looking at the sizes of individual incidents within a campaign to other sorts of conflict, and also looked at how those conflicts have changed over time.

    ECONOMIST: Modelling conflict

  • In addition to damages, the plaintiffs sought injunctive relief under this and other statutes to shut down CAIR and to prevent the individual defendants from engaging in public interest legal work in the future.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • But before embracing that option, doctors and politicians should consider other ways to shore up the dignity and self-determination of the individual.

    ECONOMIST: The right to choose to die

  • The individual stocks added to the portfolios mostly come from health care, like Davita and Pfizer, or from other consumer non-cyclical companies like Kroger and Procter and Gamble.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The assault on the individual mandate is really an assault on the public duty to assist other Americans in need, and in particular, an assault on the legal obligation to pay taxes to contribute to the general welfare.

    FORBES: The Responsibility of the Polis

  • The two strategies remain in equilibrium because, if one became rarer compared with the other, its practitioners would enjoy more individual success, passing their genes on preferentially and thus restoring the balance.

    ECONOMIST: Males can take many routes to reproductive success

  • If companies will use or disclose personal data for other purposes, they should provide heightened Transparency and Individual Control by disclosing these other purposes in a manner that is prominent and easily actionable by consumers at the time of data collection.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

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