• Investors will still have gripes, ranging from suspicions about the regulator's independence to the tax burden, which eats up 40% of energy revenues.

    ECONOMIST: Electric power in Brazil

  • Arguably this Franco-German attempt to turn the Basel requirement into an EU maximum is an attack on the UK's fiscal or tax independence: if the FPC were to lack the tools to reduce dangerous risks in financial markets, that would increase the likelihood of British taxpayers' money being used to bail-out reckless banks.

    BBC: EU block on making banks safer

  • The independence rules around provision of tax services to audit clients are a little trickier.

    FORBES: Did Deloitte Compromise Independence in McClellan Insider Trading Scandal?

  • Domestically, Clinton supports universal health care, gun control, repealing Bush-era tax cuts, energy independence and pay-as-you-go budget practices.

    FORBES: '08 Tracker: November

  • Universities are concerned that a graduate tax would mean that the government would control the income from this extra tax, threatening the independence of universities.

    BBC: Pat McFadden

  • The last nizam decamped several decades later, after independence abolished the princely states and tax liens, and family feuds, embezzlement, and general ineptitude evaporated the fortune.

    FORBES: Photograph: Andre Fanthome (RAAS)

  • And the Item Club throws in a warning that the debate over corporation tax powers and an independence referendum is creating uncertainty, which could harm business investment in Scotland.

    BBC: Stands Scotland's economy where it did?

  • The SNP argues that independence will boost tourism by decreasing corporation tax, which could increase business investment.

    BBC: The implications of Scottish independence

  • Scottish Finance Secretary John Swinney said such a system would let an independent Scotland "use the vital tax and other economic powers of independence to create jobs, grow the economy and build a fairer country".

    BBC: Scotland politics

  • As other Europeans talk more about tax harmonisation and complain more about the independence of the new central bank, the British prime minister rediscovers the old dilemma of whether to keep his distance from a project going wrong or plunge in deeper in the hope of making it more congenial to Britain.

    ECONOMIST: Long grass, tough choices

  • First Minister Carwyn Jones has called on the chancellor to give Wales tax-raising powers to help defeat the pro-independence lobby in Scotland.

    BBC: Wales politics

  • This move would ultimately increase tax revenues, and effectively spur private growth and innovation in energy independence.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Energy Independence Now

  • Bush will use his speech in Independence to say his budget plans protect Medicare and Social Security and that his tax cut will boost economic growth.

    CNN: Bush to talk Social Security in Truman's hometown

  • The poll found two-thirds backed handing at least some tax-varying powers to the assembly, but weak support for Welsh independence.

    BBC: Kirsty Williams

  • Mr Salmond also hit out at UK government welfare reforms to further the independence cause, including an attack on housing benefit changes, branded the "bedroom tax" by critics.

    BBC: Scotland politics

  • It is hard to imagine a way of financing councils which gives them much more independence than they now have, while compensating them for the differing sizes of their tax bases.

    ECONOMIST: Local government

  • He is against the gas tax and for increased domestic oil drilling, especially if it leads to energy independence.

    FORBES: Mitt Romney's Environmental Record

  • Mr Jones has written to Mr Osborne warning him that a failure to implement tax and borrowing powers for Wales could make a yes vote in the Scottish independence referendum more likely.

    BBC: Wales politics

  • Ever since the 1960s, Fapesp has been guaranteed, by law, a fixed share of all the tax collected in Sao Paulo (first 0.5%, later 1%) and independence from the political meddling that is endemic in Brazilian public institutions.

    ECONOMIST: Brazilian science

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