• This would be good for society as a whole, ministers have concluded, by helping to create "a more inclusive society where there is more choice and acceptance".

    BBC: Gay marriage: Eight things for better, for worse

  • The government says the plans are part of its efforts to forge a more inclusive society, and says it aims to produce its final plans in the spring after more discussions.

    BBC: Equality agency plans under fire

  • "At the end of the day, government can't do it alone, business and government have to collaborate so that we can reduce the jobless rate, bring unemployment down, start increasing a much more inclusive society, " Kent said.

    CNN: PepsiCo's Nooyi: Obama hits the spot!

  • Often overlooked as well is America's unique advantage as an inclusive multiracial society.

    FORBES: It will take more than a recession to keep the country down.

  • India, as the participants in the LSE study say, should strive to become a more inclusive and efficient society, rebuild its broken institutions and engage with the egregious problem of state corruption.

    BBC: Why India will not become a superpower

  • This is an ambitious book, offering an analysis of the failures of academic economics and a call for a more inclusive, less materialistic society.

    ECONOMIST: The financial crisis and the future of regulation

  • The prime minister said Northern Ireland's best days still lay ahead and described the accord as "the platform to build a new, confident, inclusive and modern" society.

    BBC: Good Friday Agreement: Cameron hails 15th anniversary

  • On the political side, we know that free societies are peaceful societies, so we're helping the Iraqis build a free society with inclusive democratic institutions that will protect the interests of all Iraqis.

    NPR: Bush Reaffirms Iraq Strategy

  • Many believe that they will eventually decide whether India becomes a highly iniquitous and restive society or a more inclusive, stable one.

    BBC: Challenges ahead for India reforms

  • The Obama Administration will continue to work to end bullying, and we are eager to work with anyone who is willing to help make our society more kind, inclusive, and equal.

    WHITEHOUSE: Empowering Young People to Build a Kinder, Braver World

  • We have been all along working with elements of the opposition and identifying elements of the opposition that support a democratic transition in Syria, that support a future in Syria that is inclusive of all elements of Syrian society and a future government of Syria that is responsive to the aspirations of all the Syrian people.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • It is why Obama is urging the opposition to be inclusive and allow all sections of Libyan society to take part in the future.

    BBC: Obama: Libya's future is a vital US interest

  • World Information Society Day, celebrated on 17 May, reaffirms the strong commitment made at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) to build inclusive knowledge societies.


  • Mr Gordham said South Africans needed to understand "how lucky they were, " not to have experienced the sort of public sector cuts hitting the UK, but he focused on the need to make economic growth "more inclusive, " to address the inequalities in society, and to ensure that geopolitical power, as well as investment, moved from the West towards Africa and the developing world.

    BBC: Will Cameron's Africa trade message be heard?

  • When we sat down for our official dialogue in Naypyidaw, we were able to convey the concerns raised in these meetings to our counterparts, while also stressing the importance of their building an inclusive reform dialogue that would seek inputs from Burmese civil society.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • While they considered the participation of media NGOs and civil society organizations alongside governmental institutions as an example of inclusive law-making, they recommended the involvement of the academic sector in further deliberations.


  • The economy is not separate from society, but is part of it and should contribute to building green, inclusive societies.

    UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • But efforts to build civil society, make government ministries responsive to the public, and create a more inclusive political process have just begun.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • Freedom of information is also central in the framework of the World Summit of the Information Society, which has reaffirmed freedom of expression and universal access to information as cornerstones of inclusive knowledge societies.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

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