• Her early TV career included guest appearances on series including "Lux Video Theatre, " ''Dr. Kildare" and "The Defenders.

    WSJ: Jean Stapleton, Who Played Edith Bunker, Dies

  • The guest list included Prince Andrew, the Queen's second son, as well as Gazprom founder and former prime minister Viktor Chernomyrdin and TNK-BP board member Viktor Vekselberg.

    FORBES: International

  • His films included Guide, Paying Guest and Jewel Thief.

    BBC: India mourns Bollywood legend Dev Anand

  • There was the year, just after I'd moved into my own Manhattan apartment, when the guest list included restaurateur Elaine Kaufman and the novelist Jim Harrison, and the menu featured Daniel Boulud's perfect pea soup and more lamb from Chez Panisse, this time a rack.

    WSJ: Easter Feast for the Champagne Set

  • The Bush guest list has included country singer Larry Gatlin, pro golfer Ben Crenshaw, Michigan Gov. John Engler and songwriter Kinky Friedman.

    CNN: Bush friends, donors enjoy good night's sleep

  • Be our guest with an included VIP card, granting you access to mini golf, paddle boats, beach bikes, tennis rackets, volleyball courts and fishing poles.

    BBC: Daily deal: A whole new world in Orlando

  • The guest list has included international diplomats and heads of state.

    FORBES: Private Powder

  • Soon, however, the White House admitted the president had himself erred, having approved a White House coffee guest list that included DNC officials, Comptroller of the Currency Eugene Ludwig, and several banking executives.

    CNN: The People

  • Michael Stern settled in as music director of the Kansas City Symphony in 2005, after decades guest-conducting orchestras that included the New York Philharmonic, the Cleveland Orchestra and the London Symphony.

    NPR: Symphony Conductor Reflects on Music in the Middle

  • Other Today guest editors over the festive season have included HSBC chairman Sir John Bond, broadcaster Anna Ford and Steve 'Chandrasonic' Savale, from the band Asian Dub Foundation.

    BBC: John Humphrys and David Blunkett on Celebrity Mastermind

  • The makeover included everything from exterior signage down to the Bud Light branded guest room amenities, allowing their guests to literally live and breath, or rather drink, Bud Light for four consecutive days.

    FORBES: Bud Light Gives You Four Ways To Create A Powerful Brand

  • Other roles included Vernon in Heartbeat and Uncle Keith in teen drama Skins, guest-starring in episodes of Doctor Who, Casualty, Boon and The Upper Hand.

    BBC: Coronation Street actor Geoffrey Hughes dies aged 68

  • It also included a house for Srithap and his family, a central decorative pond and a guest house for the increasing number of visitors enchanted by Vatsaloo's stories of life in Baan Borang.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The guest list drew heavily on Mr. Zuckerberg's technology connections, but also included Condoleezza Rice, who served as secretary of state under former President George W. Bush.

    WSJ: Gov. Chris Christie's Camp Strikes Gold in California

  • Steve Doocy, the host, and Bob Dilenschneider, his guest, conceded that there is a serious problem with hacking: recent victims have included the Pentagon, American Express, Citigroup and Bank of America.

    ECONOMIST: Schumpeter

  • In 2007, John Sweeney, who was then president of AFL-CIO, helped kill a bipartisan immigration reform bill by coming out against guest workers and firing off a letter to Senate Democrats telling them not to support any bill that included that provision.

    CNN: Gay rights, immigration reform on collision course

  • The guest list for the reception to mark the first anniversary of Yip's Institute, for example, included two Democratic Party leaders, a Xinhua director and the Taiwan Information Office's local representative.

    CNN: One Man for All Seasons

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