• What I didn't know was that those steps -- leading to the lofty highlight of my Kumano Kodo pilgrimage -- would be on a 70-degree incline.

    CNN: World's best unknown hike: Japan's Kumano Kodo

  • Although it's a net-downhill race from start to finish, it includes the famous Heartbreak Hill, a 650-yard incline at the 21st mile that tests runners' fortitude.

    WSJ: Winning Boston Never Felt So Empty

  • The slopes are craggy, storm-blasted and steep, and food is pretty much limited to potatoes and whatever animals you can chase up a 50-grade incline without falling down the adjacent precipice.

    CNN: Takanakuy: The fighting festival of Peru

  • Almost everyone leaps at the chance to go ashore at our first stop, King George Island, to climb a windswept 1, 000-foot incline whose hard crust of snow cracks on contact, sinking you to your knees every other step.

    FORBES: Go with the Floe

  • Will their post-match dyspepsia incline them to more severe judgements on borderline answers?

    BBC: A game of two halves

  • Brittany Laughlin, 27, is the CEO of a New York-based company called Incline.

    FORBES: Why the Tech World May See An Influx of Troops

  • Continued low interest rates in the West and a probable credit upgrade for Manila will incline a growing number of long-term investors to give the Philippines a serious look.

    WSJ: Business Asia: Investing: It's More Frustrating in the Philippines

  • From a fast-walking trot and incline tests to balance disturbance and reactive walking through rough terrain, the HyQ was able to reach speeds up to 2 meters per second and navigate around debris in its path.

    FORBES: In Italy A Quadruped Robot Takes First Steps

  • But the usual causes of natural variability do not seem to explain the current trend, so scientists incline to the view that it is man-made.

    ECONOMIST: Getting warmer

  • It's important to find a physical activity that you enjoy doing and to vary the exercise routine -- for example, raising the incline on a treadmill to step up the intensity, she said.

    CNN: A 10-pound milestone in a 2009 journey

  • She recognizes it immediately as a nine-millimeter Browning, though the inquiry will incline to the view that she probably learned that fact subsequently.

    CNN: Books - Excerpt: 'Flint'

  • The ergonomically designed counter-weighted stand allows users to adjust the incline and height of the Cintiq for multiple working postures, even allowing the display to extend over the edge of the desk and float just above a user's lap.

    ENGADGET: Wacom Cintiq 24HD hands-on (video) Hands-on

  • During the three-hour climb up rocky switchbacks to the pass, we stomp through several steep spots blanketed in knee-deep snow and ice. (You really feel those 30 pounds shifting around on your back as you try to maintain your balance.) We're forced to detour around one switchback and shimmy up a slick, steep incline of green brush, holding on to plants for leverage--and praying for solid foot positions.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Twenty-two years and several fatal accidents later, this incline was moderated by the Spiral Tunnels, a pair of ingenious corkscrews cut into the mountainside.

    BBC: The wonders of Canada by rail

  • The learning curve is usually thought of as a gradual incline, with the assumption that as you learn, performance improves bit-by-bit over time.

    FORBES: Why to Clean Your Mindset Like Your Closet

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